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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Believe what you want, my name is in her blue book. I even have a translation of it we used to prove we are living together when we now applying for Schengen family reunion.
  2. After all it is Thailand. I needed papas blue book, two witnesses and papa himself the show up + my passport and a translation of my name to Thai. And 2000 baht because we where not married. The choice was to disagree and wait a month, or pay up, and get it in 30 min. Get signed in to my gf blue book later I did not even need to show up since it was same Ampur and same guy. No extra was required this time.
  3. No it is not! Where did you get that information from? https://perfecthomes.co.th/yellow-book-tabien-baan-thailand/
  4. What you most likely have witnessed is a bad attempt from sponsors to out sending money to a business that is nothing else than an empty facade. Back in the days, internet shop was one of those shops often started by an bg who used to business to meet new customers paid by either bf or a sponsor. There is clever girls who are good at what they do no matter how you turn it around they will land on their feet. Many other girls not so gifted, but all is not just black and white
  5. When it comes to monkey pox, some groups is more exposed than others, that was my point! We just have to live and adopt to how nature give us challenges as we always have done.
  6. Time to live in a safe relationship or celibacy. No more prostitutes now!
  7. My gf just did, and with Thai driving license it is easy
  8. Fresh grinded coffee beans smell and taste better. Use espresso maker or aeropress.
  9. Some of the best moments have been unexpected and just by random luck around next corner. It is hard to, or hard for me to plan my trips in details and have a fixed plan with fixed times and bookings, because I might take a left turn instead of a right turn whenever I feel for it. This is just during covid since I started to save my data in Google. Before I got my own wheels, I prefered to stay one or two places instead of travelling around, mostly because I had an activity I enjoyed connected to those places, now my hobby is motorbikes, so more convenient and easy to move around, instead of bussand train or absolutely worst min van busses.
  10. Now this site complains about haters who hate, that’s absolutely amazing ???? Im sure there is people who have reasons to become an grumphy old man complaining about everything or alot in life based on mistakes, life itself, mental and physical health, but really cultivate negative feelings and complaining rest of your life do not help you much the last mile you have left. Check your hormones if that is the reason you have got stuck in a bad mood. Change your diet, start exercising look at the life in brighter colour and fake it to you die. It can change your life
  11. Yellow book is good enough and what I got at father in law house, now I'm in my gf blue book.
  12. Sign in to your wife's house book or her home address. I was signed in to father in law before we got our own place.
  13. Reminds me of my workers who I made clear to them, do not paint the outside walls in the sun! Off course they did not, they arrived before sunrise, and painted to walls facing east of course. Great work and so happy they listened to my concern about new paint in the sun!
  14. I praise my home country and out vulnerable democracy because they gave me the opportunity to become what I wanted to be, and do exactly what I wanted in my life with very few restrictions. I do not talk much bad about Thailand, because of their situation and economic, they give me a nice opportunity to live my life in my semi retirement exactly how I want it to be, with my resources I have gained. So a lot to be grateful for ????
  15. To be true, Koh Phangan is definitely the best place I have been post covid, and more relaxed than before. Then Kanchanaburi? Non of the Isan part is really interesting if you do not have any relations to it, not even for scenery. The most intersting roads in Isan is in Loei, and if take the train, stop in Kanchanaburi. The places in my opinion is worth visiting if you drive yourselves or have transport with a driver who take you where you want. Chiang Rai is a big nice district with nice smaller places worth to check out and also Pai I believe you mentioned before.
  16. Nan is a blast on motorbike
  17. Just have a loose plan, and a few destinations and no time span. If a place is good, stay longer, if not move on to next one. We all have our favs out of different reasons, so might not be you feel the same. I'm used to travel with motorbike, and useally have time to do what I want and go where I want. I would recommend you to try out Koh Phangan a week. Start there, and then see if you want to head north or stay longer.
  18. Loei city have nothing much except nice roads and Nature driving through. Chiang Khan is nice thow. Not sure how this is going to fit your train and bus schedule?
  19. Sukhothai is absolutely worth it if you are in to history and old ruins and temples. Some nice resorts there with free bicycles available.
  20. The most crazy girls I met, was either from Australia, or New Zealand. 10 out of 10 in craziness in a good way. Also the most verbal out of them to. Good luck
  21. You know Maslow's hierarchy of needs? If not read, it is basic simple knownledge that can explain human needs and behavior. If you manage to create trust between you and a prostitute, it can work out different, but I believe trust between a customer and a prostitute is hard to establish in many cases. Every women have the need to find a man that can support and take care of her. That is programmed in to every woman or most women, and at once she believe that is not going to happen, she will be looking for another one, if she believe she is able to do better. Remember we are truly animals with animals needs, until we reach a curtain level where we have everything. Sometimes Some parts of Pattaya looks like a zoo!? What do you think? https://www.thoughtco.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4582571 And again to be true to the topic, a lonely man need to calculate in some social events on his budget, be it for whatever they need, it cost money in Thailand. Not easy to find someone who do not want something back from you.
  22. Exactly, be a gentleman and respect other people. If they do something that doesn't deserve your respect, stop being around them. I have very few negative feelings against other people, but if I realize this person is not any good, then you have a choice. Negativity against others I believe comes with experience, and experiences comes with bad choices made in the past.
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