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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. I'm aware of that, but I was referring to if I had two choices, cleaning or give pleasure to somone in need, but I like to believe I would always manage to have other options than doing dirty work.
  2. I know, but I can't wrap my head around it even I possible could done quite good as lover boy for mature women in my younger age, as I preferred older women than younger
  3. You forget the 7 generation rule! I'm more alike my grandfather than my father as an example without any proof of course.
  4. I'm here, like an live recover for now, what's after we will not know, even if our soul travel to next life, we will start at zero again, and do the same all over again without any knowledge of what have been before? It is a nice trait thow for some I guess, and as said before, I do not know, and I'm also fine with your belief, and mostly others as well, as long it doesn't harm anyone in one way or the other way. Still the more I think about it, it makes sense when you read older scrips about eternal life, that it can mean life continue through your heritage memory. Your heritage original sin follows you for generations, the better human you are in this life you transfer to your offspring, and more
  5. I more in to heritage and transferred memory from my ancestors than having a personal soul that travels trough space and time, even I believe dna highly possible travel or most likely travel space from galaxy to galaxy, planet to planet. Maybe only wishful thinking, but Soul? Nope, seen and met to many soulless individuals in my life, it cant be true. I have met many with great energy and a present beautiful soul, and also animals that I have connected with, but unfortunate a forever soul, I can not wrap my mind around.
  6. I guess the mamasan for these bars who still have mamasan, is important to make the girls feel taken cared off and safe as well. I never understood the mindset of the girls, mamasan or the bar owners who is able to live and run business like that, but I guess the girls find some kind of freedom in thecwork if they are able to have free choices to choose their own customers. Be in control, but also have the safety a bar can give.
  7. How you sleep and what you are dreaming is a product of your life. If there is a channel to another dimension, well, you create that by reading, absorbing, believing, and who knows if its your illusion or a truth, but we know, dreams is a reflection of your day, a debrief, and also a time for creativity for many who is obsessed with a thing, work, invention, relationships or whatever keeps your mind busy. Also therefor important to reset your self before sleep if you struggling with things in life, and give your self a break a couple of hours before you intend to sleep, and think about positive things even you do not feel for it, it is necessary to program yourself before sleep, so you are positive loaded when sleeping. I believe in self manumission of myself and use my brain capacity to solve my struggles with changing my thinking and cultivate positivity instead of negativity. If believing in another sleep dimension opening up you to your consensus state, that should work to.
  8. He is social smart, and treats his staff fear, and also a bit psychological as well and listen to them when they need a word or two. He speaks thai as well enough to communicate with his staff. Another friend of mine had problems to keep his staff, and did not understand why, until someone had the nerve to tell him, his wife was the problem with her hi so attitude and treated the staff like her personal servants. If you run a business In Thailand you need to be able to pick up the small things on whats going on, and that involves speaking Thai. Im not talking about running a bar where your job most likely is to keep your customers happy, listening to them and socialize with them to create the bond that make them come back, who again happy to spend money in your bar to keep the girls happy. Most foreigner run bars is successful because of the owners effort, unless you have a good concept in a busy district and the owner do not need to expose him self to attract customers in the same way. I believe Thais and especially Isan people is not used to work full time, they are used to work seasons, and work little bit here and little bit there, like stray workers ???? A cultural thing
  9. it's all about Manchester City and E Braut Haaland. Been fan of Manchester United since 6 years old, but no more after Kicking Sunny Solskjær out!
  10. https://lucidcam.com/gopro-vs-sony/ https://www.gt-rider.com/se-asia-motorcycling/threads/sony-fdr-x-3000-r-action-camera-best-helmet-cam.14483/
  11. If you thinking of top mount or side mount on a helmet, I would choose a bit more aerodynamic camera alike Sonys action cameras. Gopro is not especially a good camera exposed either on top or side due to wind resistance.
  12. I was out at a night club in Patong with my neighbours, and one looked at a western girl and said “Stupid falang, <deleted> for free” When I did my oil field classes in Uk, we had free ladies every night we wanted without limits. Some said Scandinavian girls and women was loose, but nothing compared to slutty local ladies over there.
  13. I have great experiences with meditations to, also passed out twice freediving. First time I entered another dimension and second time from everything just fine, no need to breathe and instant black, gone. Both times waking up at the surface with a great feeling of high and joy in the arms of my safety buddy. Black outs is a normal phenomenon when you passed your limits, and you get a gas change in your blood on your way up from the depth with higher pressure. Our body is amazing with all its functions, chemistry and also limits. If I had been diving alone,, I would for real passed to the other side. This is quite interesting read The Brain Waves of a Dying Person Have Been Recorded in Detail For The First Time https://www.sciencealert.com/for-the-first-time-scientists-have-recorded-the-brain-waves-of-a-dying-person
  14. Have not deared to try lsd yet, because I obviously have a sensitive brain for stimulants
  15. Haha, bet you did. I only needed a joint before I took a walk in the space while Jimmy hendrix played guitar and I was shot at with lazers. Another time I had to hold on to the table to not leave my body, so Yes I can understand why some believe in other realities. Actually we indeed played Pink Floyd at that one, but Jimmy Hendrix and me was in space together only
  16. Standard working pressure for 1” pipe is if I remember right 300 psi, burst pressure should be 3x. When that is said, it is the 1” pipe only, and the connections, valves, glue etc will put other limitations on the whole line, but to have an operating pressure at 3,5 bar should be ok even with the peak pressure for start and stop. 300 psi should be 20 bar. However, when it comes to thailand standard I have no glue, but as said, I would not worry much about the pipe, but make sure all fittings to toilets, showers, sink, valves and the work is properly done.
  17. On planet earth we have time that is easy to measure, however what physicists are divided on is the cause of time. It is not a mystery that any physician deny time and space. If we look at the universe with multiple universes perhaps and unknown galaxies with life alike earth, then we can start debating time, and what time really is. If consensus is universal ( if consensus is real) among these universes and without boundaries, then yes, what is time and space. So many different thoughts and theories without any sensible proof. Interesting what some scientists can se traces of, and others do not find the same answers, but again, even science might be a result of belief as well even they find proof in one research it is not possible to recreate the same answers. Quite interesting
  18. I'm talking about our whole existence throughout our whole evolving until today. As we are now, we have only existed the last 10 000 years, not more, even our brain haven't changed much in 35 000 years more or less. I believe your thoughts is a spinoff of reality seeking an answer.
  19. I think most of humans goal was to survive and populate, only a tiny little fraction of our time have been to have joy, and exploit and abuse our reward center in our brain for pure joy only. Those chemicals given as a reward whos only purpose was to keep us alive by giving us the treat to hunt and collect food as well populate.
  20. Well free will got a different meaning now! I believe I wanted to be good in sport because I wanted attention from my father! Was it free will or a tool to get what I wanted? Later it gave me not only attention from my father, but from girls, and other in the class, the school, media wanted me, and teachers treated me different because I was good in sport and had excuses to not do my homework in time and also other benefits like approved leave early on Fridays or even Thursdays. I'm just saying, we have choices, but do we really have choices? Birds kick their siblings out just make sure they get food so they can survive
  21. Everybody being equal is an ethical goal, especially under the law, but even in the most democratic system and in fairness it is still not true.
  22. I agree with Mike, on the surface it is hard to spot equality among people who live and come from in families, tribes, societies with borders and limitations. If we talk about other dimensions or consensus we still find differences in equality because of the nature of hierarchy it involves.
  23. How much did the agent charge? And is there’s less documentation need from your side by using an agent? Be aware of the warnings the embassy give concerned using agency’s for visa?
  24. If you riding a motorbike, it is about to make yourself big by your position in the traffic, bee seen and never be trapped in dead spots of the view of other riders. As a big biker we do not squeeze in to tight spots as often as smaller bikes, and we see quite often smaller bikes ending up under big trucks out of different reasons. Of course big bike do not protect you from ignorant idiots who believe the road was made for them.
  25. Very precise said, I have more problem with Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh symbolism to every religion, how important it is for everyone to give what you can to be acknowledged and accepted, or give for luck and hope, as well all the sacrifice and offering that have been following different culture’s and belief systems and abused. Amazing how simple life could have been, but our nature forbid us from using our complete creativity because we get tied up in so many complicated unnecessary things during our way to be truly a free spirit. I have tried to leave complicated things behind me, and cultivate simplicity, and it works for me. It doesnt mean I have given up, laid back, it just means Im satisfied with my experiences and do not take it personal anymore, and I do not need to try to change anything, and thats a relief. Maybe social media made convinced me when I saw how this new wonder opened for everyone to put their meanings and feelings out there, and that was a truly amazing discovery, and proved what I thought before It happened. Sadly we see exactly the opposite happening now, how this new wonder manipulating, expose everyone, storing and using behavior data, and take control over peoples life, and it is not that different from what have repeated itself with other belief systems started as a liberating movement, and ended up as something totally controlling people and government’s.
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