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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Oh really, they do not understand BTC, huh ???? Im sure BTC occupies a special place in some humans mind, but not as many as gold. Im not sure I understand your question right, but I choose to believe you are ironic, right, when you state gold have no real value? The Most Useful Metal Of all the minerals mined from the Earth, none is more useful than gold. Its usefulness is derived from a diversity of special properties. Gold conducts electricity, does not tarnish, is very easy to work, can be drawn into wire, can be hammered into thin sheets, alloys with many other metals, can be melted and cast into highly detailed shapes, has a wonderful color and a brilliant luster. Gold is a memorable metal that occupies a special place in the human mind. https://geology.com/minerals/gold/uses-of-gold.shtml
  2. Dont forget the enviroment where you plan to do your work, and do find a good solution to avoid unnecessary noise pick up by the mic. Carpets, curtains etc can do magic together with filters.
  3. Parasurfing ? kite surfing? Parasailing is dangerous, stay away those guys.
  4. You are the one who carry the wallet, just common sense ???? But to be true, my experience to, they really do not like to walk far. Solved the problem with driving school and licence to my gf and her father. Never seen anyone care so much for a normal pick up ever.
  5. Worse, is those who making ganja a wonder drug that cures everything. There is no limits conserned both ends of it.
  6. There is one further south I would put my trust in to if they allow 14 years to join a tandem skydive. They fly tandem paragliders at Koh Larn, as good as A tandem skydive if not even better scenery and flight time.
  7. As former skydiver, I can tell that place have a reputation,
  8. Not much going on there except for locals maybe. I got a massage there after a long day at my motorbike, and the girl started to rub my thing, but I was not up for it, and akward situation since she did not speak english. If you search for massage you might find it downtown not far from marked. You might have better luck with dating apps or dating sites there. What in deleted are you doing up in Phetchabun looking for ladies? Nobody goes outback isan without a lady in hand?
  9. This is worth a daytrip and make sure you have time to look at his car impressive car collecrion as well. https://www.nongnoochtropicalgarden.com/home/
  10. Modt do not shopping and do not know what food cost, but they might know the beer prices if you ask them ???? Have beer prices gone up as much as food?
  11. Everything have been said before in this tread about my experience, and really do not understand why this have to be a repeating throwback discussion. I have no interest in advocating their clinic, except giving my best answers from my best knownledge after 6 years of trt, and read pretty much everything I could come by of valid information backed by available clinical researches. They give you a proper blood test package to a reasonable price, and do give sober advises, that is not in conflict with the dr advises from Bangkok Hospital. My experience on general dr’s is that they know nothing about trt.
  12. Thank you, almost to much ???? Good luck to you and your future investments, and I just found out Im actually owner of BTC. https://cointelegraph.com/news/worlds-largest-sovereign-wealth-fund-indirectly-holds-almost-600-bitcoin
  13. And wine farmers are heavily subsided in EU, For decades, the European wine industry has received generous subsidies over EU's agricultural policy, which constitutes nearly 40% of the Union's total budget. The aim of this policy has been to support farmers' livelihood and sustainable rural development https://www.eurocare.org/cares.php?sp=trade-policies&ssp=europe-s-billion-euro-wine-spillage#:~:text=For decades%2C the European wine,livelihood and sustainable rural development.
  14. I belive in my experience most complain about the exchange rate and then the prices of things that affects them in the daily life. I remember when exchange rates was almost double compare to now, and still I do not feel it is expensive here In Thailand, except I drink quality wine, eat quality grapes and cheese, beef, lamb, caviar drive BMW then it is expensive. I feel more sorry for most locals with families
  15. Right now there is complaints about rising prices all over the world.
  16. I looked at the investment visa when my intention was to buy an appartment in Hua Hin for more than 10 million baht, but I hesitated when baht became stronger and stronger and waited for better exchange rates, and also learned more about the real estate marked. Thank God I waited. Anyway, I also found out it's a trap going for any of these options they serve us. No benefits at all in my opinion. Even better to spend the money travelling for holiday once and awhile, if not working abroad same as I did. Good luck Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Thailand Investment Visa Learn about the various guidelines you should be aware of when applying for an investment visa in Thailand https://thethaiger.com/visa/business/guides/step-by-step-guide-to-getting-a-thailand-investment-visa/
  17. All I can say, we won the generation lottery, you and me, and everyone in our age gap! So we already won, now its up to us to preserve it, and I believe we disagree the method to do so! Im happy to know I can survive on little money and still be happy as long I manage to keep a decent health, which is partly up to me. Happiness and quality life is all we seeking I guess, and it takes some solidity, a safe haven or two, a healthy and positive view on life, and network, and thats pretty much it. Bitcoin seems to have become a new emotional addiction for people. We see it all the time in different forms popping up. At least weed is something physical you can hold in your hand, but eventually also will go up in smoke literally.
  18. Jesus was a Jew! He might had some Hindu, Krishna and buddhism inspiration that formed his view, but his speeches and belief, ideology and thinking was not new for the time being, even some historians and christians claims different.
  19. I live now, and we live there, same as you I invested in something I believe in, a small farm with food, animals and a future life. If we brake up it will be an expensive rent after 6 years, 10 years cheap rent. A man need a place to live, and especially during COVID we lived outside village with enough room around us. Actually a feel good investment without any regrets or worries. I trust her 100% and my judgement until she proves me wrong.
  20. Nature's breath, humanity comes and goes with catastrophe's and spoiled societies. Nature at its best! A wealthy society built on other tragedies can not really be called human societies, or what?
  21. Unecessery comment just to provoke. When sitting in any bar I expect being respected to not be taken video or photo of. Even on beaches if people sit close, or by any chance is in frame close up, I ask if it's okay I take pictures. Latest on the pig beach on Koh Phangan, and still I would not post them anywhere even I got their permission. It takes just a little bit Common sense, but still so hard for a few to understand. Not hard to make innocent situations look bad even it is just a beer or two in a beer bar in Thailand. I don't expect you to understand but maybe somebody is willing to!
  22. Asking for common sense is not difficult, but
  23. Coming back to europe and no mask, I constantly Feel I forgot something when walking out the door, or going in to a shopping mall, or other crowded places. But liberating yes, and really did not feel to much hassle with the mask while living in Thailand. Only mask when going somewhere outside village, or to enter hotels or restaurants and shopping malls.
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