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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. If you drive it to Europe, it would have made sense, but shipping it will not make any sense if you do not have any special attachment to it. Im planning to retire my 500x after a ride back home, and I doubt I will ship it back, and maybe if the ride was as good, exiting and fun as some claim it to be, I might consider to continue on a new route back with it. Time will show, but for now because of Iran conflict before covid I have postponed the project to 2024.
  2. Of course being raised in an international environment with solid economic compare to those who have toxic parents and environment where there is few role models and few chances to succeed after years indoctrinated in the village schools and temples. Some still manage to climb the ladder, most is status q. There is unfortunate not much creative thinking after had been indoctrinated in the thai society especially country side of Isaan. NB edit not: Still brother in law managed to become high in Goverment position as engineer with great help from family. Dirt poor when growing up, now boss of one of the road developing departments.
  3. Then its good to live in a village where the family lives and everybody knows each other, and most have family with land. Makes it easier to stand together in critical times. Of course everything have its limit, and having one leg in Europe and one leg in Thailand, is at least a good start, where family in both countries have farmland. Worst scenarios I would not even think of, but difficult times good to be prepared for.
  4. I hope you keep us posted, it would be very interesting to follow the progress. I looked in to it 3 years ago, but for us not possible.
  5. I have seen they use pvc pipe 40 cm in the dirt of the back of it, and surface drip system on top when growing avacado in steep hills. And my best guess it was 30 degrees but still steep.
  6. 40 degrees is very steep, or what you think? Watering could be a challenge and costly.
  7. When you join Maximum, it not only the nebido shot you get, it is also after following up controll you get. There is not much different between Maximum and Bangkok hospital when it comes to nebido. I would take their bloodwork package, and discuss with them what would be the best solution for you. And after awhile you can be self admistrated if you understand the væbasics, and also do your bloodwork regulary. In beginning every 3 months, after a year or two, every 6 months depending of how you feel and how your bloodwork have been previously.
  8. Nebido is a official approved medication for Testosterone replacement treatment, and I have experience with Nebido. Myself have better experience with andriol testocaps, the original gel caps by organon (not thai copy), androgel 50mg from Besins, and also micro dosing Enenthate from bayer, or Rotexmedica. First of all go to a proper anti age hormon dr, and do your bloodwork and make a sober plan with someone who can help and guide you in the beginning. When you first start, it will most likely be a treatment for life. I can not from my experience advise you to start with Nebido, because it is a very high dose with a high peak in T, and a slow descaling for months. In my opinion better to keep levels stable as possible to normal high for your age.
  9. I have one word for both since we have decided minimum 181 days in Norway the rest Thailand and world. Contrasts
  10. Isn't that cheap, and also would taken her even with that estimate 3 years or more.
  11. You haven't been in army I suppose? When the most built guy starting to get attention measured up and down and wondering how he taste ???? When you are starving, I promise you, you will eat their offspring. If not, you have never been hungry in your life for longer than a day or two
  12. Everything except alien invasion is a possibility, which I belive is not possible, since life as we know it, is self destructive, and will never reach intergalactic travel before we managed to wipe out life our self, or any other happening you described. However I still believe humans can survive an impact er a few decades with cold winters due to vulcanism, earthquakes and even a nuclear war that in best case do not burn up our atmosphere. But again, I'm not motivated to survive any scenario, and to old to defence my self against mobs and outlaw gangs that will appear ???????? We will se if there is any Bruce Willis left in me when that time comes ????
  13. Doesnt take many coincidences with wars going on, drought, less forests to manage groundwater, insects, local temperature, birds, more chemicals used, less endangered bees ????, and so much more to create future radical problems. If its going to strike, yes one day, but we do not know when. We know catastrophe’s happens from time to time, so a good thing is, some few at least worries, and the rest can stay or continue being ignorant. I just like to create and grow things, so no worries. If its getting more difficult I can add a few pigs, buffalo and chickens, and we will be ok for most of the year when prices escalates.
  14. We have solar power el fence unit, and solar powered lights, and if you need power for phones bring powerpack with you. https://www.gallagher.eu/en_gb/s20-incl-battery-and-mount-solar-post
  15. A couple of years with drought and heat can change that, and mekong dries up. We have 4 rais, plenty of water supply and storage, with fish, snails, sheeps, vegetables and fruit, and family have rice for own consumption. Plan to go off grid of electricity in a few years to. Not really intentionally for doom day, more knowing where some of our food coming from, and a great hobby for both of us as well. The lower Mekong River is entering its fourth year of drought with poor rainfall, climate change, and hydropower dams producing the worst conditions along Southeast Asia’s largest waterway in more than 60 years, threatening the livelihoods of up to 70 million people. https://thediplomat.com/2022/02/a-perfect-dry-the-mekong-river-enters-its-fourth-year-of-drought/
  16. If not plan to live on the field, or close by, have no family relatins close, theft is a problem of new planted trees and also fruits. What is your plan with 25 rai? Make money?
  17. I still believe from my experience who I hanged out with and travelled with, and also had relationship with when staying with them, was better than most general characteristics given here. However, I wouldn’t leave any of them behind, because I believe if my gf had to leave me in Pattaya or any place for 3 months or more, and I had nothing to do, I would basically fail to. Especially given I was broke and my only safety line was a wage connection with an older lady somewhere in the world. most girls is good girls, but either they are broken down before they enter the business, they are for sure broken down after depending on each girl psychological health, and of course especially if they start drinking and use other substances. I just cant help it, I do sympathies with the girls more than ony punter who claim they where deleted over by one. I really do not know why, but my experiences have been different from many of these generally terms or descriptions of how bad the girls really is. I have seen, heard and experienced some of the same stories as most here, but I didnt fall for them, or got sucked in to them I guess. If you follow simple rules and just leave before its to late, because we know when something is bad, and we know when we can expect trouble down the line, but still most continue to disaster. Why they willingly continue on a bad path when they obviously know whats going to hit them in the end? Thats the good question And the result you read here. If a bar manage to give them proper salary, a proper place to work, with proper decent customers and inspire them to do a good job, then you would see another type of girls working. Tell me about the bars and what you see? Empty bars with no decent paying customers, and how do you think that impact the girls inspiration to do a good job? To many <deleted> bars and bad working conditions and you see the result of it. Of course the best girls and the smartest girls will always have better options, either working in better bars, or getting out of the bars quicker with sponsors and the full package, or marry a decent punter who take good care of them and they take good care of them in return. Of course between the lines, there is so many variations. Britman do not separate between bg or ordinary girls, any girl or woman is the same for him
  18. The majority of the girls are different from what is highlighted here is my experience.
  19. Use two copper earth rods and water them when needed, that makes them effective
  20. For me it's more about contrasts in life, and do things I understand is good for me/us, and not necessary things I like to do, but things that make my life complete. Live simple, make life a journey with contrasts! No consequences no guilt
  21. Sounds like you having a blast with gossip and a exiting life keeping track of everyone. Of course yours is different?
  22. I paid 8000 for the Gallagher s20
  23. Oh, please, there can not be to many of those wandering around in red light district and make youtube stuff
  24. Im very happy with the gallagher s20, and the fences I kept making bigger and now cover all my available land for the sheeps, instead of moving around. When it comes to poles, they come in many variations, I bought the ones to 145 baht iron coated with plastic, and two rolls of 500m line.
  25. Im sure you are right, even still some claim it can be retrieved.
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