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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. The insurance requirement will still keep people out. (BTW not talking about myself.) And the fact that you are still dependent on their dodgy technology apps likely means that if anything goes wrong you can expect the "solution" to be something not in your favor.
  2. Thailand Pass still in place. Because they want to keep insurance and vaccine "proof." So the hoops are still there.
  3. The one big weapon the US has in its arsenal is an economic one--and I don't mean sanctions. It has huge trade deficits with almost every ASEAN country. China, OTOH, hand has trade surpluses whose amount almost equals the US's surpluses. All the US really needs to do to regain some ground is apply matching tariffs to ASEAN exports to the US. Too, like China does, the US could suddenly discover reasons for safety inspections and more regulatory requirements for ASEAN exporters. But it won't.
  4. I guess the good thing is that this American company's jeans won't need to travel far to get here.
  5. China gets results because it makes threats and then carries through with them. The US hems and haws and then brags about its weakness and indecisiveness ("We will not force you to choose sides"). Guess what, China is forcing every country in the region to choose sides, while the US virtue signals. Then, the US is surprised everybody has joined up with the PRC. Don't blame China for protecting its own self interest. That's what a real country should do. Don't blame China for becoming powerful. Nobody put a gun to America's head (or Europe's) and demanded they hand over their industrial and technology secrets and sell off their factories to China. Americans were happy to do so ("Look at my cheap washing machine and my 401K is doing great!").
  6. Year over year, my electricity bill (which comes through on the 15th of every month) has gone from right at 1100 baht to just over 1500. And that is with the cooler days at the end of March and beginning of April. As far as I can tell, you're right.
  7. Lots of people still out of work. Energy prices shooting upwards. Food prices growing almost as fast. Government still protecting the "strong" baht. Recipe for disaster.
  8. I'm not sure what a topic dealing with British pensions has to do with Thai news, but one thing is clear from all the complaints in this thread. The British are doing far worse economically in Thailand than are the Russians.
  9. If Thailand wants to know what quality tourism looks like, try looking at Vietnam. "A group of 130 American tourists arrived in HCMC Friday, the largest group of foreign visitors to the city since Vietnam reopened to tourism three weeks ago. The group, comprising mostly entrepreneurs and first-time visitors to the city, was ceremonially welcomed at the Vietnam History Museum in District 1. They will stay in five-star hotels, take boat tours along the Saigon River, visit Ben Thanh Market . . . . The visitors will also tour the Mekong Delta, the world-renowned Ha Long Bay, Hanoi, and Da Nang. Nancy Lesage, one of the tourists, said: "I feel safe and do not worry about Covid-19 when I'm here. Everything is full of life." She plans to recommend Vietnam to her family and friends once she returns home." https://e.vnexpress.net/news/places/large-american-tourist-group-visits-hcmc-4449484.html
  10. Is this guy Rooster's replacement? Not an improvement.
  11. Is the point of comparison on AN always Yoorup? And even when talking about Yoorup, the default point of view is cold, wet, cloudy, and dreary. Sounds a lot like England but not Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. If this Michael Bridge fellow is Rooster's replacement, things don't appear to have improved.
  12. Put India in the UN Security Council as a permanent member and it will just be one more roadblock. Imagine them playing the "abstain" game as a permanent member all the time.
  13. The US should tell India it will no longer support India's attempt to become a permanent member of the Security Council. But it won't. It will just reserve some more H1B visas for Indians to take American jobs.
  14. Russia and China would have punished Thailand had it voted "yes." The US will not do anything except put out some weak statement about how happy it is that at least Thailand didn't spit in its face again.
  15. Why not? The US and Europe will not do anything except issue proclamations about how good friends they are with Thailand, whereas Russia and China would have made them pay had they voted against Russia.
  16. I have an inner ear disorder. People with a similar problem have reported extensive problems, especially with Moderna. But Pfizer, too. I've put this link from vestibular. org up before. But it contains over 1000 pages of posts from people having ongoing difficulties after taking Covid shots. https://vestibular.org/forum/dizziness/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/paged/1013/
  17. I have had three shots. The third, AZ, caused some bad effects for a month, although nothing I couldn't handle with some rest. But I don't want a fourth shot. Were I forced to have one, for visa extension or other reason, I would reluctantly go with AZ again. But no mRNA.
  18. A democracy? Sort of. But well on the way to becoming an authoritarian government that rules through force and the manipulation of the machinery of democracy. One of the things the US can do to force India's hand is remove American support for India becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which India absolutely craves.
  19. Either that, or Western nations should just erect tariffs and adjust "import regulations" that match Thailand's. Maybe the US should insist on a trade surplus just like the one China has with Thailand, and unilaterally restrict Thai products until the surplus is achieved. Just like China and Russia do.
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