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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Well, Cuba, still a Russian and increasingly a Chinese ally, is still there. If Putin takes the Ukraine, is the US free to move in on Cuba? Probably half of southern Florida would volunteer for the invasion force.
  2. Apparently not from the US they don't. When is the last time they targeted the US in a travel ad campaign? Plus there are no direct flights between the US and Thailand, as there are between Russia, China, India, and Thailand.
  3. Some people are getting carried away and losing their cool in this. Lots of fake images and captions being put online. https://twitter.com/ReutersFacts/status/1496871979701321729
  4. Asean statement on Ukraine: FWIW, the Taliban issued a stronger response than this:
  5. There are important reasons to maintain online connectivity, no doubt. But don't get carried away. At one point Ukrainian officials were asking people not to post photos or video online, because it might reveal their operations and movements to Russia.
  6. Well, that's important. The most bloodthirsty and aggressive warriors are on Twitter.
  7. Well, there is a worldwide coalition building against Putin, and they are mighty in numbers. The problem is they are all on Twitter.
  8. Plenty of people work for KKFN. But most all those on the floor making nets are Burmese.
  9. Never heard of her. She hasn't descended to my social circles, yet.
  10. The Indian government currently is consulting with Russia for a work around SWIFT if there are SWIFT sanctions. They want to keep money funneling through to Moscow. It is surprising that so many people have been lulled into thinking that India was a possible alliance partner. Sure, they want help against China. But their primary and main backer has always been the Soviet Union/Russia. The price for that showed up a couple of years ago when a Pakistani F16 shot down two Indian Migs.
  11. Thanks for pointing that out. I did read it but "meet all travel requirements" sounds vague to the point of meaning different requirements for those in the bubble than those outside of it. Also note the use of the word "could" in "facing health control measures," which, again, is vague and subject to interpretation.
  12. Questions. 1) Does the "travel bubble" mean Indian visitors will be exempt from Covid testing? 2) Will they be required to stay in semi-quarantine until receiving test results? 3) Will they be put into quarantine upon testing positive? Will they be required to buy the $20,000 insurance? Or does a "bubble" mean they get in without restrictions?
  13. Essentially, Thailand has through its silence sided with Russia.
  14. Thai generals don't want the exercise. They're more interested in the deployments they do with China. The US needs some strong pushback, here. It needs to stop begging and caving in to Thailand in the hope that they'll return to being a reliable US ally. They aren't and they'll never be again.
  15. US uses prison labor extensively. Inmates even do call center jobs.
  16. In the case of India, it is because Russia is their primary ally, the source of nearly all their military hardware. So, no surprise they sided with Russia. What is surprising is the US continues to allow India to colonize the United States and monopolize the H1B visa program.
  17. Hope this doesn't become a straw purchase. At this stage, I'd be reluctant to sell anything military to Thailand that may end up in Myanmar or even China.
  18. Who are you exactly? There is no name I see attached to this first person essay.
  19. Everywhere you look, China and Russia, and their allies, are already winning: 1. Myanmar 2. Syria 3. Iran/Iraq 4. South China Sea 5. China/India border 6. China/Nepal border 7. Cambodia 8. Laos 9. Kazakhstan 10. Libya 11. Ukraine 12. And don't forget Thailand and Afghanistan. In each case China/Russia has advanced its interests at the expense of the West. And there has been no pushback. Could probably put more countries on that list if looking close, such as Italy, Greece, and even places like the Solomons being bought out economically by China/Russia. Just about everywhere the West is in retreat.
  20. Nato is toothless. It unilaterally disarmed, while Russia was investing in expensive new military technologies, all funded by Nato countries sending money hand over fist to Putin for "cheap" energy. Meanwhile, Germany and France even used the past decade to try and position themselves to profit, Germany economically, and France diplomatically. They're doing the same thing right now with China. It doesn't get any softer or weaker than that.
  21. No way the US can stop any of this going further. The US armed forces are soft and weakened, if not degenerate. And who knows how many foreign agents and saboteurs have come across the southern US border in the past year. The country is utterly vulnerable, not hardened physically, psychologically, fiscally, or intellectually. Could collapse like a popped balloon.
  22. Of course, as a sort of tit for tat, the US could take over Russia's two assets in the Americas, Cuba and Venezuela.
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