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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. There needs to be an hysteria emoticon for Aseannow.
  2. Most of them are Russians; they're in first place. Think they fall into the category in the last paragraph.
  3. People are really going to work themselves into a tizzy now.
  4. It isn't the case, now. But it used to be that a lot of the appeal of coming to Thailand was indeed just hopping on a plane and arriving without much of a plan. That is what attracted so many younger tourists from the West. Thai tourism will not recover until those freewheeling days return.
  5. I agreeatize with your somnambulations and offer my most appropriatist exsanguinations. You pedestalize the extenuative of the superlative encounteristics.
  6. You said people can't be liable because "the company" is at fault and is publicly owned. Enron was publicly owned. People went to jail. BTW so did people in their accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, which itself was convicted and shut down. I'm glad you don't do accounts for me. Sorry for your customers.
  7. Boiler rooms for all sorts of financial fraud, selling financial products that don't exist. Those people go to jail all the time. Middlemen have no excuses. If they're selling something fraudulent, then they deserve the consequences. If the money isn't there for the payout to the people who bought insurance policies, then that is fraud.
  8. Names. Names. There are names on contracts. The person who sold it to you, in person or online. They are culpable. Why do you have so many problems with so many people on this forum? Might want to ask yourself that question.
  9. It must be difficult in a world where you are the only person who understands the system. Pity all the poor poltroons who infest your day and inhibit your emissions of wisdom and bravery.
  10. Specific? The ones responsible are those with their names on the contracts they sold.
  11. Well, Mr. Education, if you go back and read what I wrote, it includes the phrase "and issued these policies," with the antecedent being "the people." Owners and issuers. I don't know why some people continually come on this forum so often and preen and try to strut their virtue and imagined educations.
  12. To spread the pain evenly, put the people who owned these companies and issued these policies in jail and fine them so much that when they get out, they're living in a thatch hut.
  13. If you test positive, you go into quarantine. You lose days at work and pay. You have losses. That is what people insured against, and they deserve their payout whether the insurance salesmen on this forum like it or not.
  14. Do you have those "other types of insurances" that you seem to intimate are morally superior and more deserving of payout?
  15. What do you mean no costs? People testing positive in this country are put into hospitals and quarantined, meaning real loss of income from being off work and lost salary. You just want them stiffed to protect your own interests.
  16. So, then, the people who took out this Covid insurance should be cut off? Just because somebody like you wants to make sure you get paid for your policies? Is the money you paid for your policies somehow more worthy than those who took out Covid insurance? Many of us on this forum have said for years that mandatory insurance policies in Thailand are scams. But the insurance enthusiasts have always sneered and talked about "sufficient cover" and other scamchatter. Well, here it is. Insurance is a scam in this country. Now, just wait for the insurance babblers to start blubbering about all their previous payouts and how their policies are from "good companies" that would never do something like this. Yea, sure.
  17. There were upwards of 20,000 Thais fighting in Laos during Vietnam War. They provided defense for mountain top fly ins operated by Air America. Here is one of the more famous examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lima_Site_85 What is also true is that Air America's operations in Thailand gave a leg up to Thailand's aviation industry. Many Thais trained as pilots, kickers, and maintenance technicians. They never received that quality of training again in this country.
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