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John Drake

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Posts posted by John Drake

  1. It's been so long since I shipped a load of books like this that I don't know if the service is still available. But there used to be book bags you could ship books. They were like canvas military duffle bags. Prices were low but it might take 3 months to receive the shipment. I used to ship them from Germany to the US. But this was a long time ago.

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  2. 41 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    How much exposure does RFK jr have in the US? I never heard of him till recently.


    Unfortunately, independent candidates do not fare well in US elections.


    I think Bernie had a good chance till the Dems sabotaged him.


    RFKjr polls quite well, especially with so little campaigning so far. It appears the Biden admin and its lackeys are the ones in a panic about him. They're using lawfare to try and keep him off ballots. And instead of discussing his policies and platform, you're likely to get a laughing emoji on AN. If people looked and read and listened to him, they would see a clear preference. I just don't see how people can justify voting for one of the two octogenarian nitwits.

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  3. On 5/3/2024 at 1:13 PM, Gandtee said:

    Well said Sir. It just amazes us non Americans, that a large part of the US population cannot see what a threat he is to their country. They seem to enjoy the razzamatazz that the USA is noted for that he uses and seem to be blind to what he really is. Would anyone want their daughter to marry someone like him? A man who openly boasts about sexualy abusing women. A very dangerous, narcissistic individual.



    People will vote for Trump, because Biden's policies on the border, the economy (inflation), and foreign affairs are the worst in fifty years. Trump is a horror, too. But people perceive him as the only option to a brain-dead Biden. There is an option, however, and that is RFKjr. People need to look at him. If you can't stand the two old puddin' brains, Biden and Trump, RFKjr is an easy choice.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

    notwithstanding all the other factors that go into the evaluation, i wonder how the brightest minds in thailand attending this uni dont manage to make it shine more. maybe it has to do with the overall quality of the failed education here?


    The single biggest factor is faculty publishing in high impact journal. That means a Q1 journal where the article gets a lot of cites. Most of these journals are published in English, and outside of medical and some science journals, Thais aren't going to be able to publish very much. As is, most of their publications come from medical faculty.

  5. On 3/21/2024 at 1:02 PM, John Drake said:

    It might be time to start looking for an entry point, just to have a little, just in case.


    I started buying this week, gulp! Been buying a couple of ETFs. Everytime Bitcoin drops $1000, I hit the buy button for a thousand shares. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

    Note! In Thailand there is no freedom of speech!


    There are topics in Thailand people are much freer to say and write about than back in the US, where they might generate doxxing, loss of employment, lawsuits. OTOH there certainly is one topic you cannot discuss in Thailand and, as the subject of this topic might find out soon, there are defamation laws that obviously limit your public statements.

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  7. 2 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    People aren't being honest with themselves. Just admit it if you had infinite money you would have a nice house back home and you would be spending less time in Thailand complaining about things on internet forums. Maybe you wouldn't even be in Thailand at all.


    I would go back to the US if I could live in Hawaii, with a lot of money, and private helicopter to avoid the crowded roads. Otherwise, I would opt for Central or South America before the mainland US. And I most definitely prefer Thailand over all but the Hawaii option. I really don't want to face surly American doctors, lawyers, or other "professionals." Of course, I haven't been back in 13 years, so it's probably changed. But I'll bet it's for the worse.

  8. 1 hour ago, John Drake said:

    Here is a good source that gives university rankings overall, regionally, and by country. And note that in the top left part of the menu, you can choose alternative ranking systems.



    And to add, it's not that Thai universities are not making large investments in securing better rankings. They are. The comparative problem for them is that other universities are doing the same. And additional universities are entering the "competition." That is why their rankings have remained relatively static. China especially competes heavily in the chase for rankings. And Thailand will never be able to match them.

  9. On 5/1/2024 at 11:32 AM, Hanaguma said:

    Chances are that half the smooth brained idiots at these protests couldn't find Gaza on a map, nevermind articulate any sensible position on the subject.  There are more than 100 conflicts currently going on in the world, yet somehow this one particular conflict gains their attention. Wonder why...


    Somebody should do a study of just whom these protests consist. From the videos I've seen, there appears to be a disproportionate number of chunky white girls in the leadership and the ranks.

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  10. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    As long as we continue popping out humans like there is no tomorrow, the more likely there will be no tomorrow for the human race, IMO.

    IMO the spiral to oblivion started when the human population passed 3 billion.


    And there it is, the real reason environmental devastation is taking place. Too many people. Some nations and their people have voted in the most fundamental way to decrease their population and thus reduce carbon emissions. But then their governments and world bodies step in to tell them they cannot, that they must bring in immigrants to keep those numbers up and even expand them. Japan is the greatest example. They've spent decades in developing robots and digital alternatives to requiring a person to man every booth, dig every ditch, and operate in elder care. Now, however, you have people like Biden calling them "xenophobic" because they don't want their "culture" turned into an "economy."

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  11. 16 minutes ago, sambum said:


    You can't criticise poor hotel service/standards or you get charged with defamation, now you can't criticise the because it may damage the country's "reputation"? 


    What next? Getting banged up for criticising Thaksin? Oh, stop, no, I never said that, sorry, I was drunk/stoned on marijuana,  and I'll never do it again!



    Speaking hypothetically, criticism is one thing. It's another when, say, people make public admissions of bribery and sexual exploitation. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, LadyJ1 said:
    That maybe, but he thinks he is the big I am in Thailand, an expat on a tourist visa!
    A few have tried to give him decent advice (me included) but he thinks he knows best, he doesn't! And still doesn't with his current videos.


    Good first post. There seem to be a lot of people who come into Thailand new and, having heard stories about corruption and bribery, think they'll just fit themselves right in. Little do they realize they are stepping on other people's turf and making enemies. It's also a problem, I think, when someone posts narcissistic youtube videos bragging about sexual predation. Anyone like that is going to step in it.

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