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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. The CP was done at the registry office in New Zealand  and I agree it should be NZ responsible for the dissolution of same BUT NZ requires at least one of the partners to be resident there !!!   So. I couldn't go to NZ or any other commonwealth country that recognises Civil Unions to get another one with my Thai partner as the current one is on file and I would be committing a crime if I tried to make a new CP without first dissolving the existing one .    Maybe I shall just have an unrecognised marriage here in Thailand and have already made provision for my Thai partner in a Will .  

  2. On ‎06‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 2:45 PM, Oxx said:

    People writing about "making a new will" clearly don't understand the actual situation.  A will will not allow the partner to visit the individual in hospital, attend any funeral or have any say in the arrangements, &c.. In such matters a relative will have control.  It will also not allow the partner to receive any pension benefits.


    Of course, this varies by country, and is a very complex situation.  Clearly annulment of the CP is by far the best solution for the OP, however that may be achieved.


    OP, what I don't understand is why this is anything to do with the NZ authorities.  The CP is under UK law, so it's up to the UK to dissolve it.  (I'm presuming the CP was done at the British Embassy in NZ.)  And if it wasn't done in the Embassy, then it's a CP under NZ law, and it's up to NZ to dissolve it - nothing to do with the UK.


  3. I am a British National now living in Thailand with a 1yr retirement visa and my Thai partner lives with me .   Some years ago whilst living in UK , I made a Civil Partnership with a Filipino partner and the UK government both publicised and promoted the fact that UK national could marry/obtain Civil Partnerships in certain commonwealth countries .  At that time it was not my intention to continue living in UK so as NZ was closest to Philippines we chose there and were approved and subsequently made our Civil Partnership there .  The document was also "deposited" with the UK Registry .  That Civil Partnership fell apart and I retired to Thailand but before I did I was resident in France for a while and tried to get the Civil Partnership dissolved in the UK .   The Lawyer I approached (specialised in such) advised me that the UK had no jurisdiction in this as I was not resident in UK .

    I let this be for a while as I was busy moving to and settling in Thailand - and subsequently a new relationship with my present Thai partner .

    When I approached the New Zealand authorities , they stated that one of us had to be resident in New Zealand for them to do anything .  I contacted the British Embassy in Bangkok and explained the situation PLUS I contacted the UK foreign office and both seemed to "pass the buck" advising that I contact either the NZ authorities .

    Now, I am considering making a new Civil Partnership with my new partner as I wish her to be both recognised and protected legally , in the case of my death .  However, I am obliged to get the existing Civil Partnership dissolved  first but it seems impossible to do so !!!    I would warn any others contemplating marriage/civil partnerships abroad to be wary of ending up with the same predicament !!!     

  4. These "theme park" like developments are going to be the downfall of the Pattaya property market !!    Absolutely no-way would I even contemplate buying in such a development especially if one intends to "live" there !!   The are millions of 1 bed condos ( new and resale) on the market all for about 1 million baht !!!    Well , you get what you pay for !!    I think the property bubble is going to burst here and some construction companies go out / go bankrupt - they can't see it coming !!

    Pattaya will once again be left with unfinished , ugly , cheap structures littering the landscape !    Pity the planning authorities don't do more to encourage low rise quality Condo's and refuse planning to the concrete monstrosities !     Also what about "green" areas and parks ????  Must we have every last bit of land built on ????         

  5. Anybody know of a good/high quality small engineering workshop in Jomtien or Pattaya that can fabricate small parts from drawings  and also possibly 316 stainless marine fittings and polishing ??? 

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