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Eloquent pilgrim

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About Eloquent pilgrim

  • Birthday 12/30/1953

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  1. More completely unsubstantiated, antisemitic, propaganda, delivered by a Hamas mouthpiece; still no acknowledgment of how this started. There was peace on 6th October 2023, until the most inhumane, barbaric, and cowardly act of terrorism in modern history. All you seem capable of is regurgitating false information supplied by Hamas or their affiliate, UNRWA; either that or posting troll posts that the mods have to keep deleting; over thirty thousand comments and you still don’t understand the forum rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Good grief man, difficult to believe that you have actually asked why Israel restricts many reporters from entering an active war zone; it’s a staggeringly absurd question, but hardly surprising to find you blaming Israel for protecting the welfare of International reporters; something that compromises their own operations, and the safety of their own soldiers ….
  3. All you said; maybe you need to reflect on the reporting of, Jon Donnison, Lyse Doucet, and Jeremy Bowen; they are all fully qualified BBC antisemites, so I’m sure you are very well aware of them, but unfortunately for you, mentioning them totally disqualifies your statement.
  4. This is classic antisemitism; you said this in reply to a comment about the atrocities committed on 7th October 2023; you made no acknowledgement whatsoever of the most cruel, inhumane, and barbaric act of terrorism in modern history. Instead, you launched a diatribe against Israel for vague and unsubstantiated incidents dating back to 1948; this, to somehow justify the vile and appalling acts of Palestinian citizens, alongside Hamas terrorists, by claiming they were fighting back and within their right to do so. Your antisemitism is plain for all to see, although like a few others on here, you think you can get away with it by making puerile claims that you simply support Palestinians. Who do you think carried out the 7th October atrocities if it wasn’t Palestinians ? I see you for exactly what you are, your veneer of not being antisemitic is embarrassingly transparent.
  5. Indeed James; while China, the US, India, and Russia, who between them account for more than 50% of the CO2 emissions from the World’s 195 countries, are laughing at our woke clowns.
  6. Woke socialist virtue signalling with other people’s money is easy; pursuing a risible nett zero emissions policy, while China was responsible for 32.88% of World CO2 emissions in 2024 and the UK for circa 1%
  8. So the most recent example of Socialism being successful that you can cite, is the Cheyenne and Arapaho sharing a buffalo carcass equally more than 150 years ago …. cosmic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Truly wonderful news. I would be distraught if someone like you agreed with me. That notwithstanding, just to take the first point I made, which you obviously disagree with; please tell me somewhere, anywhere, where Socialism has been a great success.
  10. Socialism has failed miserably everywhere it has been tried. It promises prosperity, security, and equality, but instead delivers poverty and a tyranny of misery. The only way in which it achieves equality is by dragging everyone down to the lowest possible level, thus making everyone equally poor and miserable. Socialism is a repressive, retrogressive system, and its only function in the modern world is to allow the left-wing nut-jobs that promote it to feel more virtuous, sanctimonious, and morally superior to everyone else; so no surprise to see you promoting it as the holy grail.
  11. A socialist; someone that doesn't have anything and wants to share it with everyone else
  12. Two years in a holiday camp for stabbing someone to death; you have all the prerequisite credentials to be a judge in the UK
  13. I do indeed say so, and although it may have escaped your myopic vision, I am not the only one that has said so. You must be really proud of yourself, wearing your racism from the comfort of anonymity, like it was some perverse badge of honour.

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