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Posts posted by 0815

  1. 4 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

    Countless posts of regurgitated crappe which are not in the least newsworthy. On a similar note I bought a lottery ticket this week and may win, I also may not but it can depend on many things. I have conducted a survey within my family but alas, with a 1 in 140 million chance they are not very positive about my chances. Whatever happened to the good old days when we had videos of motorcyclists driving into railway crossing barriers, real events that didn't originate from travel companies in Germany with a following of 150? Come on ThaiVisa please try a little harder, surely you can do better than these constant maybes, possibles and other contless rubbish......please....

    I could also do with some advice on what action to take when you seem to have a non-functioning amulet....

    Headlines and advertising make money ...

  2. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I actually think this is a sensible idea, if (repeat 'IF') it is open to all nationalities, and perhaps tweaked a little bit to make it more reasonable. And yes, all the residents who have been locked out would use it to return. So what? That is a good thing in my book.


    Samui has a huge number of 'Snowbirds' that return every year, and it makes sense to figure out a way for them to return; it would likely make the difference between a total collapse of a tourist industry and one that hangs on by the skin of its fingertips until things return to (somewhat) normal. I am not sure of numbers, but over the years I have heard that there are around 10,000 people who 'winter' on the island (anyone have a number?) and given the number of cheap-ish rental houses, I believe that; in Mae Nam alone there are many, many houses that get rented out for 3-6 months a year, every year. Finally, many of those 'Snowbirds' are friends of mine, and I have already received 15+ inquiries from them, asking about the situation on the ground, if people are coming, and if I thought they could/should come; there IS a demand. 


    If done properly and not too stupidly, this could work and could provide enough assistance to the island that it doesn't collapse economically. Yes, a big "IF', but...


    Full speed ahead, I say.


    PS If the national tourism people had a brain, they'd be chasing down all the Snowbirds/Long-Stayers they could find from any/all countries and creating a way for them to return all over the country; mass tourism isn't a good idea this year and won't happen, but getting the Long-Stayers back would provide enough life support to tide the industry over until such a time that the "10 Day Millionaires" can return and blow their wads.


    What's a snowbird please ?

  3. 22 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Not to be a smart a$$, but where are they expected to go? An exodus to Cambodia?   Sierra Leone? Congo?  The flights to the EU are prohibitively expensive for many of them and too many have nowhere to go home to. I have a  feeling we could see  a few thousand people in dire straits.

    Wasn't there enough time to find a solution since April ?

    • Like 1
  4. On 7/20/2020 at 11:14 AM, darksidedog said:

    More racism. Bangkok and Phuket had way more than Chonburi and the overwhelming majority were not foreigners. Even in Chonburi, the amount of foreigners was a handful, yet here it is made out as if we alone were totally responsible. I remember that when many were calling for the borders to be closed, it was the government that kept them open long enough for the virus to get in.

    It is also the same government continuing to make things so difficult for businesses to operate, that so many of these people are still out of work, with no help coming from those in power.

    Calm down! Chinese are foreigners as well, but ...

  5. 7 hours ago, ezzra said:

    this is sound like a PR stunt and for public consumption to show that the are still relevant and justify their positions and big salaries where many airlines are not predicting things to go back to normal anytime soon but that will not those talking heads from dreaming big...

    ... while most of their fired employees and tour guides did not even receive the 5000b.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Curious to know more...are you retired or working and/or raising a family or just doing business. For me, a retired person, my interaction with the Thai state bureaucracy is deminimus and consists of two trips to immigration per year for a total of 30 minutes to renew my a "retirement" visa and prove my bank funds after 90 days (90 day reports are done online) and a trip to the Land Transportation Office every 5 years to renew my drivers license. The annual car registrations are done by a service just down from my house for 100 baht. I don't think living as an expatriate gets much easier than this.

    It's only the addiction of many retirees to complain about something day by day.
    What burocracy do they have to fight with? 90 day reports doing online shouldn't be a problem as they seem to be used to type on a smartphone or computer. ???? 
    If not smart enough go to the IO...

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    I remember a good friend of mine went to immigration to renew his work permit. They kindly informed him that he didn't do his TM30 (this is when the whole issue was brought in) and he had to pay a fine. Not only did he have to pay a fine, he also had to wait for hours to hand over the money. He's been here over 10 years, married with a kid and working and paying taxes. He was furious and decided to travel to places like Vietnam, etc, a few times instead of weekends at the beaches here. 


    I also remember the meeting with immigration at the FCCT forum. They simply didn't have any good answers for why they were trying to enforce this ridiculous law. I remember one officer smugly replied, "don't travel, then" when asked how people could find time to do the TM30 on a Monday after a weekend away to Pattaya, etc, when they have jobs and responsibilities. It felt like a complete abuse of their authority and just one abhorrent cash grab.


    Now, I'm not the sort of person who isn't going to travel because I wanna vote with my money. If I wanna go on holiday or have a weekend away, I will. But asking me to travel to help them? No chance. I'd have quite happily done it had they just left me alone. I wasn't looking for any favours or special privileges. I just wanted some basic decency to be shown and not be treated as a criminal. 


    I have sympathy for people who work in the tourist industry. I have absolutely zero for Thailand's tourism chiefs. Som nam na. 





    Since when would immigration renew a work permit ?

    • Confused 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Airalee said:

    Sample hotel price now vs high season in November.


    when I see this kind of <deleted>...I stay home.


    Spend every dollar like it’s a vote.


    High Season This November 



    Current “low season” price


    Great offer. Let's GO! ???? 
    Luckily they are not all same.
    I use to go often to a little resort in Pai.
    A superior room in high season was 1100THB. 
    They contacted me a few days ago: Low Season extended to December - Superior Room 700THB.

    • Like 1
  9. 22 hours ago, keith101 said:

    We might well be interested if Immigration didn't make life so hard for us expats . I would like to travel around the country but they insist on knowing where we are all the time and with all the reports they want from us i just go to the supermarket .

    How does Immigration make your life hard when travelling in the country ?
    The hotel makes the report for you when you check in.
    TM30 is not necessary to make anymore after you returned from another province.
    So what is "making life so hard" when you travel ?

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