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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. No point in all the gay bashing as the fault of the frustrated cop was naturally to fire his gun. Gay or not, the fellow is a dangerous scumbag and needs not only to be fired but also put in a mental home for proper or unproper treatment. On a different look, I love gay men. Because the more the men are gay in my favorite club, the more space I have to sneak from behind and pick up all the girlies just fer meself ????
  2. In other words, since there is no extra service booths (immigration, security, baggage) to absorb the extra simultaneous flow in the halls, the queue will go from 1hour to double ?
  3. On O visa 90d. with first stay in a hotel in Bangkok for a week. Then move to another hotel in Phuket for a few wks and after move into a private house in Phuket. So my question was mainly for Phuket, must I or the house owner, file a TM30 when moving into the private place after the hotel ? Because in Phuket will be asking for a certificate of residence for different formalities. Thank you.
  4. does one have to do a TM30 on changing address within Thailand ? Say you arrive for a few weeks in a big hotel (who obviously will inform immigration online) then move to another province in a private house ? does one need to re inform immigration ? Thank you, .
  5. The scammer handyman must have lived abroad or have family living abroad, where just to open an look at whats wrong is immediately charged.
  6. Somebody in golden wings, did not get the chunky brown enveloppe ?
  7. Another way to put things aroung, is what do we as foreigners in a foreign country think of other foreigners, left alone the locals ? I always find it very intriguing to hear foreigners-falangs whatever....foreigners in a foreign country, giving out against other foreigners.
  8. I may be a bit more concerned on the quality of the bullion !!
  9. Obvisouly and even not just in Thailand, fully agree. But if I may, the topic here was on the bar girl so obviously the initial comment was related to that. Thank you, Have a nice evening.
  10. One may want to have in mind the possible risk in such a situtation if the fine long term hired lady has a secret Thai boyfriend, lover or even a husband back up in the North (or South!) The union can end up tragically for the falang ca$h cow, as per the stories one regularly reads. Hope I am wrong however ...
  11. Hello again. Any good experiences on where to get the Bach Flower remedies and dillutions in Bangkok ?
  12. Was just going to suggest this one !!!... and the views on the top are also great at night. Good choice.
  13. Not to forget the cholesterol LDL and HDL levels that are always good to know and adapt diet if necessary.
  14. Very often people mistake ukrainians for russians. Not trying to oppose one clan towards another but personnaly I am embarassed to admit that I cannot make out the difference between an Ukrainian and a Russian, either in their language or physical appearance. No hard feelings but just being honest.
  15. thank you, I was looking for a debit card that enables to withdraw cash from ATM's.
  16. Sounds as another left wing zealot wanting to teach others.
  17. Good ole' 2008 when one could get a long term BJ for 10 quid ?
  18. Always take a witness or wear a discreet bodycam with sound if you want to have proof. ????
  19. Such thefts occur as much in so called beach town "gated developpments" so imagine in the big city. Always lock it all. Even in a house that is left unoccupied in a develippment, where obviously the managers keep a key and acces the property for maintenance etc.... it's a good idea to have at least 1 or 2 of the kitchen cabinets also locked to avoid thefts of cutlery or kitchen appliances and same with any garden shed with tools or other appliances. CCTV sometimes mysteriously goes down.
  20. Nothing really good to expect with the sex tourists or sex mongrels in Pattaya at dark hours, should they be arab, chinese, indians, europeans, brits, yankees or from where ever. Obviously these chaps are not in the area to visit a Wat in the area ? Or am I mistaken again ? ????
  21. Many digital security specialists recommend to avoid if possible...if possible, using free public wifi networks, as in hotels, airports, planes or restaurants etc.... As I am not a IT specialist to contradict, I abide to that rule and avoid using wifi in public places. But it can be inconvenient and costly to use the phone network when in a hotel room.
  22. Any feedback on how the wise debit card can be used in Thailand appreciated. can it be used like any other credit/debit card everywhere ? can one draw THB from ATM's of any bank ? if yes is there a fee on the withdrawl with the Wise debit card (that is green card I think ? ) Thanks
  23. Such details should be given by the Thai embassy. But considering how rude some can be in the visa offices abroad, or even the fact that often they don't even answer the phone for visa issues, one has to find the answers and pray it won't be rejected by the chap handling the paperwork at the embassy. The ones in Europe seem the slowest and most inefficient to help the visitors calling for help - the only answer they give is "check on website". Not to mention that the process is real slow and lasts weeks to a month if not more.
  24. Nothing really new in with the trigger-happy-gun n'velcro tooting, law enforcement in America.
  25. What about the Never Ending Story of the Redbull heir saga ?
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