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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. I use Google Translate on the smartphone and it thus avoids unnecessary arguments ????
  2. Fatboy seemes to have vanished as no answers to messages via his FB page. Out of sheer curiosity, is it not possible and make things more simple to get a renewed US driving licence via the Embassy or other means ?
  3. I would be more concerned with the rash reaction of the third party. That is if one is say dating a married woman, how would the husband/boyfriend react, if he get's to know assume after his long evening of Lao Khao on the (yaba) rocks ?
  4. May sound silly to some but never mind. Feel like a GoFundMe page should be made for the deceased man's and the injured's families. Not sure if they will get any due compensation or coverage of medical costs ?
  5. Very true for the 3 digit CVV number. Will follow your advice and mask it with apiece of electrical scotch tape that is tough to remove. All this to say it is why I remain a bit old school and continue to prefer ca$h over credit/debit card with obvious issues that you cite or skimming etc.
  6. Non lethal (as we do love all animals) chemical repellants like for cats ? Ultrasound unit, giving out a annoying signal that only can be heard by dogs ?
  7. Read elsewhere here, that they do not handle the steps for residence certificates..just to avoid a trip for nothing if that is the purpose.
  8. The Philippines are known to be very hardworking, honest and kind people...and also docile should it be said with no negative intent. It's not a coincidence that a majority of crews in cargo or passenger cruise vessels, are mostly Philippinos. They are also very much present in hotels at all levels. Unfortunately some have a tendency to mix up the quest for a reliable and nice partner, with having a full time maid on call.
  9. Kindly don't mind me asking, but why not do research first on a reliable installer in your area and get him to also supply the unit ? Could cost a bit more but it avoids all the mail order hassles, "lost" parcels, warranties etc...?
  10. Thanks to all for the comments at this point. I once forgot my code in a hotel room safe in Spain and of course in a few minutes the room cleaning supervisor came up. she checked my id and opened it with a master keycode badge in a few secs. I always belive to remain obviously low key in travel and have some reserve in handing out a bulky enveloppe to the reception staff for storage in the main hotel's safe at reception. The hide-in-the-luggage is a good idea, provided nobody has managed to get hands on those TSA master keys......
  11. Which of the choices would the distinguished forum members give preference ? Use the in-room safe or the general safe of the Hotel at the reception ? (assuming that either or both are available)
  12. Always book through reputable and well known websites. Avoid facebook or other donky-tonk websites like the plague.
  13. Great. Will they reduce the private cars in metros like Bangkok to lower the pollution ? Doubit it. Will they strongly enforce open air garbage dumps and the burning of dangerous waste in open fields all over ? Doubt. it.
  14. In my 30ies to 40ies, I used to work hard like all professionnals, but also drink and party hard till the wee hours of the morning, What ultimately made me moderate my party habbits, quit smoking were the annual full scale blood tests that showed the slow, silent but harmful reactions and suffering that was put into the body. When you hear a your friendly neighbourhood doctor reminding you all the harm and deterioration that slowly occurs on diffrent levels following the blood or urine tests, belive me, it motivates to reduce the booze, watch the diet and quit definately smoking, For the OP and others, it is never, never too late to watch your health. Once the habits change, all the alarming levels of cholesterol LDL, iron, vitamines etc etc etc in the body re adapt to normal values. One can always enjoy have fun, but in moderation. The mind feels suddenly much more relaxed. You don't get upset with the trolls in forums for instance ???? Excess or regular boozing deteriorates the intellect. Everybody knows that ? One does not get angry or upset as before. The sense of smell and taste comes back. Food is even more a relish, with now and then a good glass of wine (1 or 2 maximum) and maybe once a month, 1 or 2 whiskies in the party. Doing a moderate sports jog or 30 minutes swimming is easier and makes you sleep like a baby. This is absolutely no rocket science. Just common sense that most tend to forget.
  15. For 500 THB the taxi bike chaps will gladly be witness or perhaps some of the lovely bar female therapists ?
  16. Good luck for the activists who would like to ban cars in Sukhumvit area.... ....at most it will lead to socially unfair societies like London and elsewhere, where only the rich who can afford the exorbitant tools will continue to pollute on daily basis.
  17. Can you not ask them to come over and check ? In some areas they do so.
  18. On a different note, always safer to have a pool within foot reach and the head out of the water. Obviously other factors like height, kids around,.. etc come into account.
  19. Better to drop the charges and nominate him. It will avoid further eventual social unrest that will discourage many tourists and foreigners to come and spend money-monnie in Thailand.
  20. If you are lucky and end up in a flight not fully booked, they rarely make a fuss if you use a an unoccupied row of 4 seats to lay down and sleep. Qatar crew often can make a fuss and ask to pay a supplement if you use a row of 4 empty seats to sleep during the flight. Of course this is mainly for the flights until the hub. Once in DXB or DOH, the ongoing flights are usually packed in ECY but remain often half empty in the Biz Class sleepers.
  21. It is regretfully becoming a worldwide plague in teens beating upe each other, settling thus their scores with filming and shaming. On a contradictory note, thank god however it was filmed and led to social uproar. But what about all similar issues that go undetected by society and the law ? Hopefully the arms of the law will catch up with due severity against the culprit, before the victim's relatives do.
  22. Please do share more in detail your valuable suggestions, for us the joe-soapies ????
  23. The employer will hand out 1000 baht as compensation ?
  24. Let's just pray that the current turmoil and clashes do not lead to further social unrests or street violence... In the negative, such will definiately chase away the rich foreigners who come to spend and do not wish to end up in riots or unstable political climates.
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