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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. The danger with vasectomy is that after, one feels free and safe. A bit too safe. Yes, safe from getting trapped with an unwanted pregnancy, for sure. But not safe enough to start going all around having unprotected intercourse.
  2. I'm no specialist but I would go for something that has extra BTU rather the opposite. An undersized unit with regard to the space may constantly be on max power to attain the required temperature and by what other more knowledgealbe then myself have said here, it's not a good choice to have a under rated BTU unit. The site below has a chart that references the surface area, with the required BTU and explains. https://www.omnicalculator.com/construction/air-conditioner-room-size To make it short, the calculation should be as follows (cf. Google) : Measure the square footage or area in square meters of the room. For that, multiply its length by its width. If using meters, multiply the result by 0.092903. Multiply this by 25 BTU to get your air conditioner size.
  3. What one could call a "daily interaction violence" (just made it up), seems to be a global hit. All started with mental issues getting enhanced during the Covid for many. Just when the COVID mess was supposed to be over, came up that horrible war in eastern europe, that is having collateral effects globally, due to the absurd sanctions, no matter what the ranters may argue. When spending power is subdued, future perspectives put to doubt etc...not matter where, Europe or Asia, it affects people, creates a domino effect that ends up in violent reactions. Obviously such tragedies or anger existed long before COVID or the war. But these situations increased the issues and made it all worse by breaking a fragile global balance that kept people more or less afloat.
  4. or a quickie at the soapy if the booze urge hits again ?
  5. 7/11 visit in my main attraction of the day, mainly to get a sneek peep n'chat up that hottie behind the counter, who just loves to flirt.????
  6. I managed to loose 5 kgs in 3 months, mainly the belly and sides, despite having stopped smoking for a few years, How ? 1. reduced drastically the portions of food. No specific change in diet but just put half of the portions of what was usually in the plate. 2. stopped all forms of processed precooked food, pizzas and drastically reduced the visit to the local McDo, BKing and KFC to say only once... every 1,5 months ! 3, stopped putting Coca-Cola or sugar sodas as a mixer in me Jack in the club. Soda water only, Real boring I agree, but after the 3rd glass, I could qualify to be drunk as I rarely drink. No beers either. Only a glass or 2 of wine at the restaurant that is limited to once a week. 4. stopped those 3mm large, ham slabs in me chunky ham sandwiches 5. no more white rice,. Only wholegrain rice or pasta in reduced quantities obviously 6. stopped the late nite chocolate or any other sugar like in the ketchup or jam etc 7,. added salmon fish to the diet... grilled, with lots of different veggies etc. 8. Meat n beef only during 2 or 3 consecutive days and then no more mean say for 1,5 weeks 9. As much as possible, cook at home or have it cooked and avoid eating daily outside.. Now I fit in again in those great tailor made shirts, made in Sukhumvit arount 8 years ago and feel a lot better with me gorgeous figure???? As you can see, absolutely no exagerated fitness or jogging program. Tried that but it just did not work. Diet is the main ingredient, if you want to loose weight and fast and I agree,.....it does sound boring. Have a nice night ! !
  7. why would they want a US base ? Simple, like many other backword east european countries....for the money it brings.
  8. Let them put their base in Pattaya. The soldiers will be happy to have a large choice of LB and the hefty US military police presence on Walking street when the boys are out in town, will perhaps be nore efficient to calm down the rowdy crowd in Patts ?
  9. Yes easier to remove them infront of any zealous immigration chap then having to do it the other way.
  10. Regarding the OP's initial topic I too would give this simple advise that other distinguished posters have also suggested....r u n !! man...run !!! before some other jealous boyfriend or husband shows up under Yaba and before you start shelling out cash and ending up broke. I may also suggest to get tested for any Hiv or STD...one can never know and hope you did all the bunga bunga with appropriate protection.
  11. I felt that this website gives good details on the issue. https://visafoto.com/thailand/visa-photo
  12. With all the vows and waïs, things are obviously going to improve ????
  13. Will the global Ai craze and mainly ChapGPT, fo what do you use it (if you do so) and any bugs or cybersafety issues ?
  14. Why not try to serve stale spring rolls to the pest ? Or do things the opposite way. Start to pester him and drop in at his place at odd times that would cause a nuisance to his family ?
  15. It's not the average tourist on a visa waiver, stayaing for say à 15 day holiday who will spend much besides girlies or booze that often is maybe not declared. There is high spending power amongst the retirees but many are discouraged to stay long term due to all the visa hassles and paperwork. Their money gets utlimately spent elsewhere during their winter breaks.
  16. I would write a stern letter of protest to the Decathlon world management, in France. Decathlon , 4 boulevard de Mons, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
  17. With all the drug samples in the human waste water going loose in the gutters, those rats must be very high !
  18. They should use their influence to lobby policy makers to implement visa waiver for 90 days (instead of the actual 30 days) towards the current selected nationalities, with no red tape or bureaucracy. Also to make life easier for the expats and retirees and stop all the immigration hassles that certain officers love to invent on a bad day.
  19. Great plan and thanks for the tips. But during the extensions of the 30day exempt at the immigration office, do they ask for any specific bank statements etc ?
  20. Is that not only for businesses or companies who can do it online ?
  21. What are the best hospitals in Bangkok and at reasonable rates ?
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