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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 4 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Not really.

    I live in a rather quiet nice place, but I do not count on this to last.

    If shit happens, it happens.

    That is the price we pay for living the dream - at such a low cost that is unimaginable back home.

    Back home I would not even dream of having my own swimming pool...

    well all I wish you in that case,  is may the shit stay away from you!!....and enjoy that nice pool!

  2. 58 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:


    They did this kind of thing in the US in the 50s to try to stomp out the evils of Elvis, black R&B, and rock and roll. TV cameras refused to show Elvis from the waist down, and preachers would host parties where they would break and burn Beatles records. So Thailand is only 70 years behind the western world. 

    They still do this in Saudia, Iran and probably in some areas of the USA!!

  3. sorry for being naive, but why not purchase a juice extractor, a good supply of oranges and teach the maid/Mrs/GF  how to make the milk?

  4. 2 minutes ago, SovietChild said:

    Have you seen what street food people do after they finish their day shift? Instead of using sinks to clean their dishes, they clean it outside on the streets. 


    I like the street food don't get me wrong, but I like Bangkok too. And, if Bangkok does succeed to become like a western city then good for them. 

    I fully get the point not to worry sir!!...

  5. Education?!!...Degrees?...are you crazy?!!!....who will do the laundry, build high tech condos or luxury pool villas, maintain the rice farms, the sick buffalos, cook the paneng's and entertain "short time", "long time" or soapy "happy ends" for a fraction of the price,  if modest people start to get educated, claim decent jobs, improve their standards of living and even worse start thinking "differently". and independantly!!?!!:shock1:.......in fact I would recommend  to plainly shut down universities ...shocking!!...really!!!

  6. On 11.06.2017 at 7:36 AM, mfd101 said:

    Noone can tell exactly - all currencies rise and fall on a daily basis as various relevant & irrelevant bits of news break and as profiteers move in and out of the market.


    So it's the longterm trend (if any) that counts. And, at this stage, that looks entirely grim for the pound.


    How could it not be? The UK economy is already looking a bit sick, moving - as reported over the last few days - from highish (by European standards) growth to bottom of the European barrel over the last quarter. A weak government and the inability of the UK to get its act together on negotiations and sufficient experienced negotiators as it undoes the last 50 years of literally thousands of international agreements & then tries to redo them individually with 150 or so other countries ... the British self-inflicted nightmare is only just beginning and it will get worse and worse for at least the next 10 years. After that, noone knows.

    but aren't the big buck businesses who export,  popping out champagne as they exports should explode due to the cheapness of the £ ?????

  7. well what to say...McDonald's or Burger King would save you from the naughty rice invaders!!!??!!  I recall seeing people doing home delivery of this lovely stuff ...in Bangkok!!

  8. 2 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    Wow what a wish list, get ready to wait several Birthdays, Dec 25, and Thanksgiving even if you dont celebrate it, and last but not least the Tooth Fairy will have to come and look under your pillow at least a couple of times

    ,,I agree...but let's dream a bit!! ...and let's hope in the meantime that the tooth fairy does not get hit over by a speeding humvee during one of it's visits!!

  9. Speeding, supercharged bikes, careless people crossing and not looking and you have a deadly and explosive cocktail of death!!

    How many more people would need to die before putting dissuasive road bumps, clearer U Turn directions, more pedestrian crossing with red lights to force cars to stop, clearer trafic lanes...it seems obvious?...maintain them....etc..etc..

    Drive slow in the meantime.

    RIP both of you.

  10. A very good tip!!....soundy very deliciously tempting....but I am always a bit on the reserve regarding fresh (obviously uncooked) juices, the ice cubes and certain street food stalls!!!...but the other dishes on the menus sound great!


    Anybody aware if the mini bus to Bangkok City or Suvarna costs the same as the regular bus from the big bus station off the HH Airstrip, Northbound?

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