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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 6 hours ago, Bonefish said:

    The price they quote you when you order an Uber car is only an estimate. The price that they charge you, after your trip is finished, is a combination of actual distance and time, plus a fixed fee. The little scam by the driver consists in passing your actual location without picking you up (feigning not to see you), then driving somewhere in a big circle and coming back to your location, picking you up and charging you for the whole trip (distance, time and fee) since first passing your location. You can see it later on the map that comes with your bill. The big circle the driver drove, without you in the car,  is part of the price they charge you.


    As I said, this happened to me twice in a short time, with different drivers, different pick-up locations and different destinations. The first time they overcharged me for a little over 30 baht and reimbursed me when I protested, the second time the overcharge was 25 or 30 baht, but I was tired of sending them a protest email for such a small amount. I simply decided not to use Uber anymore


    I also have a personal, ethical issue with a giant US corporation (which is not even a profitable business, Uber makes enormous losses) disrupting local transportation industries worldwide, with a total disdain for local and national laws and regulations. I observe the same situation in France and in other European countries, where taxi drivers become more and more agressive in their resistance against the illegal encroachments by Uber.


    Uber, imo, is just another typical example of American arrogance and blatant disregard for the laws, regulations and business structures of other countries. Uber will go down the drain financially, the losses which they are accumulating will not be accepted by their shareholders forever,  and the resistance movements organized by local taxis and other transportation businesses will only become more virulent over time, not only in Thailand, but everywhere else as well. 


    These little scams used by the local Uber drivers are also an indication that their "business model" is falling apart. They simply do not pay their drivers enough money, and they basically force them to use such scams to make ends meet. There are only victims in this whole Uber enterprise - the local taxis, the Uber drivers and the Uber shareholders. The only ones who made money out of this giant scam are the  "genius" who "invented" it,  and his accomplices.

    what to do in that case against the regular thai taxi drivers who cheat and refuse to turn the meter on?...


    one could obviously try another and yet another official taxi until you get one that accepts the meter, but that would be quite exhausting and not be a guarantee that the driver won't try to cheat in taking longer routes if the trafic enables of course....

  2. 1 minute ago, parallaxtech said:

    When I first arrived in Thailand in 2004, I was really bewildered by all the prostitutes and other assorted con artists and hustlers.  Having lived and worked all over the world, I had seen my share, but not to the extent that I witnessed here.  I was really ready to settle down, and so decided to ask others for advice on finding a good mate. The best tips came from an old Thai man and a young Swede:


    Thai man:  Have you ever wondered how some Thai men, cheat on their partner, beat her sometimes, and she still loves him to death and gives him her money?  Whereas, farangs throw all their money at Thai girls and the girls never love them or appreciate it.  If you want to find out if a Thai girl loves you then don't give her any money, and if she leaves, good riddance!


    Swedish man:  Upon meeting a potential gf, if she mentions anything about money then cancel her.  She should be asking about why you came to Thailand and what things you like to do.  You will rule out maybe 95%, but remember that you are only looking for one.


    Based on this information, I began meeting women who had proper jobs (at least 15KB/mos) as I was not looking for a housewife to support and didn't want children.  If we seemed to get along then I told them that I would never provide an allowance nor would I ever financially support any family member.  I also added that I had two rich friends who were looking to take care of a woman financially (true).  I have been with my mate now for ten years, am 23 years older, and she has never asked for a satang.  In fact she hands me 5KB/mos to invest for her (she makes 22KB/mos). 


    This would not apply to someone looking for a housewife, or to bear their children, or to travel around the world with them, as that would definitely require financial support.  If you have a decent place to live, a  basic amount of money, then that should be enough to offer her.  If she stays with you for a number of years then you might consider putting her in your will, but I would keep that information private.  Remember, even the basic things you are providing are far more than what most Thais could offer.

    a sensible, friendly and refreshing post....at last!!!

  3. 1 minute ago, JohnJay said:

    If they can afford it, who cares! They both benefit something from the relationship. 


    I'm looking at the replies saying Thai women prefer old men... OK. I know a 19-year-old Thai girl with a 75-year-old American husband. Do you think she's attracted to a man older than her father? She's attracted to his bank balance. We can all enjoy our lives but don't kid yourselves guys.

    absolutely...both can enjoy despite the 75 vs 19 factor....the main issue would be as you said don't get kidded but mainly, don't get stripped naked of your bahts!!!

  4. 8 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    Yeah - and NOW London's Mayor is incensed & calling it a terrorist act......


    Not the ho hum - get use to it like he said after the recent jihadist attacks....


    Upside down world....

    could it have been called a terrorist attack had it been from an individual of a different ethnicity or perhaps if this white male had attacked bypassers on a bridge?

  5. 1 minute ago, Trumpish said:


    Why would he? Because that's your logical deduction? 

    deduction?, if you say so...

    a question? definitely...

    you are perhaps confused with your own hasty deductions and other post's questions?...a sentence ending with a question mark ....this sort of thing ---> ?....... is a question above all, sir! ..

  6. 2 hours ago, WhizBang said:

    Personally, I cannot recommend anyone come to Thailand now.  15 years ago, it was relatively safe, but not now.  The tide has turned with more frequent assaults on foreigners and many of them vicious.  Stay away, far away, is my advice now.

    in that case, you plan to pack up, sell the pool villa by the beach and leave, sir?

  7. 17 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Try sticking to one point at a time. Not for the aged, but for tourists in the vein of things the government is doing to in fact strangle the hen that provides their golden eggs.


    All of that in sum makes Thailand a relatively less attractive place for folks on vacation who want to come, blow their wad, go out, have fun, drink, carouse, etc... Like they used to do here... But increasingly more difficult in the current environment.


    The point I was addressing to Trumpish was a separate one for a separate population, apparently those like you and me. I wasn't talking about tourist issues there. I was talking about the fact that most retirees here live here on 1-year at time permissions to stay, which the government could easily change if they ever wanted to. Retirees here don't figure into the government's idea of golden eggs the same way tourist visitors do.


    And obviously, if they're willing to enact policies that clearly hit at the heart of the kinds of things typical tourists are interested then, then why would anyone think they'd have any greater hesitation to go after the retired folks here. We may support Thai families, but we apparently don't figure much into benefiting Thailand from the government's perspective.



    ok this makes things a bit clearer as your previous posts were a bit confusing to my humble mixed up mind!

  8. 8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You mean, they wouldn't strangle the hen that lays their golden eggs by doing things like:


    -- cracking down and enforcing early closing hours on BKK nightlife places.


    --trying to convert Pattaya into some kind of family beach resort sans sex.


    --silly bans on alcohol sales between 2 and 5 pm every day that could be enforced just against Thais or Thai young people, but instead are enforced against everyone including tourists for totally no reason.


    --utterly failing to provide safe and honest public transport services like vans, taxis, trains etc.


    And the list could go on and on. If you think about it, actually, there's a whole lot of strangling going on.


    But the point I was addressing to Trumpish was a different one, the issue of permission to stay, which for most retired folks here is limited to one-year-at a time permissions to stay. The government could very easily, with just the PM or someone somewhere deciding so, abolish extensions of stay and require those wishing to remain here to buy either the new O-X visa or the Thailand Elite visas, the costs and rules of which would automatically knock out all kinds of current farang residents.


    I'm not saying they will, but they certainly could. And I wouldn't put it past the current crowd. The government doesn't make its money off the settled down folks here. They make their money off the come and go tourists. And frankly, I think the current lot in charge could care less if they took actions that broke up a lot of mixed-families living here. That's not where their bread is buttered.




    you have some points out there....with your kind permission, allow me to reply with a paste of a post I made on a previous thread...


    I would be tempted to say enjoy the climate during the freezing european winters,


    enjoy the great food, enjoy the water in the pool villas, the genuine or faked smiles all around:crazy:


    enjoy the fun in buying toys for the house at Home Pro, enjoy pushing the cart at Big C or Tesco,


    have a fun chat with the laundry lady,


    educate your young house maids not to put harsh chemicals in the loo that has a sceptic tank


    and for those into deeper human relations, enjoy the meeow  and the booze:cheesy: and don't expect any better!...


    and above all, keep yer mouths shut in public places  as big brother's golden angel wings are monitoring thou ole sayings!....guess that would resume a bit to get on smoothly by the current climate????

    Edited 25 minutes ago by observer90210
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