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Posts posted by observer90210


    6 minutes ago, rasg said:

    Aaah. It's you that's deciding what ages are acceptable or not. I don't think anybody actually considers what anybody thinks when a couple gets together.


    46 minutes ago, Adeeos said:

    What is your definition of educated? A levels? A degree? It's all bs. Education might make a difference when it comes to getting a job. Absolutely zero when meeting a partner. Your post shows how educated you are when you struggle to spell the word achieved... I before E, except after C!


    Some of the brightest people I know have no common sense at all and have trouble crossing a road. Others who are not educated in the traditional sense, with exams etc, are creative, hard working and have many others qualities.


    As far as age is concerned. I know people in their 20s who act like they are in their 70s and people in their 70s who act like they are 25. Age is an attitude of mind.

    hello my friend...sorry but the post you cited, despite having my name on it, is not mine.....my name came up in our friend  Adeeos's post,,,,a bug probably!!

    ...moderators HELP PLEASE!!! .-):laugh:

  2. 13 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

    From what I have read, sick building syndrome is a result of the natural frequency of resonance of the building. Very low frequencies can not be heard but can make you sick, vomit and have excruciating head aches.

    Just for the record very low frequencies have in the past, and possibly still are, being researched as weapons. Long Range Acoustic Devises are already in production and being used.

    not to mention the invisible pollution of overcharged  gsm and wifi networks, bluetooth signals and many many more wonderful concepts that give you a happy daily living!!!!!!

  3. 21 minutes ago, Adeeos said:


    I've seen girls with post's like that,, while I can kinda understand their intentions, and having a dream of a, "perfect" life like that,, I can NEVER wrap my head around exactly WHERE they've gotten the idea that a relationship like that is going to be possible for her... Not in the soaps, no movie I'm aware of, surely not a family member that's acheived it... so WHERE exactly have they gotten the idea in their head that something like that is possible for a fairly "uneducated" girl? The closest thing I can think of is MAYbe, Cinderella?,,,, lololol 

    I think it is just the stupidity amongst a certain amount farangs who just pay their way through for anything, giving these girls the wrongful idea that all farangs are desperate enough to pay her just for looking at her lovely pair of ....eyes!!:omfg::whistling:

  4. very street safe for sure, unless you are drunk at 3 am in Khao San, or in a mafia joint and flash a (probably fake) grade "A" Rolex, purchased from the back room of a meat shop in Bangkok!!


    unsafe drinking water for those who are not immune...but bottled water is cheap and everywhere...:coffee1:


    unsafe roads for if you are not aware that for most, the rule is not to respect the rules!!!...:burp:


    more chances that you unawarely and daily getting ripped off in a tailor store, taxi, restaurant, police road block or pull over, plumber,  painter or by your local real estate developper, rather then in the streets ...:post-4641-1156693976:


    suicidal, if you wish to attend the full moon parties in Koh Tao...:ph34r:

    better bring your condoms from home, as you never know....:post-4641-1156694572:

    better purchase your electronic toys back home and bring them back as usually they cost more in Thailand.....with the exception to Apple goodies....cheaper on the official Thai Apple Store website, then back in Europe...


    chose your willy entertainer/Gf/Wife with caution and common sense, if you do not wish to add to the lists of farang beggers in the streets of Bangkok, left with nothing...:dry:


    if you must use a bike, always wear your helmet, stick to the side, be more then cautious and don't think yourself to be Batman on his 3 wheel batbike, if you don't want to end up in a Thai morgue fridge!..


    always carry a decent supply of 100THB notes with you, and always (try) to check the change and the notes given back....fake bills are not uncommon...and often people pretend not to have change over a 1000 THB note:guitar:


    never let anybody take your credit card behind the store or counter if it's out of your eyes...skimmers love farang credit cards...


    even if you relish back door issues, flee all the ladyboys like the plague as they are trained pickpockets/thieves...(naturaly not all...but are you willing to take the risk to see if yours is or is not one of them?)


    avoid high rise condo hotel balconies in Pattaya if you must have your willy entertained!!....farangs tend to dangerously slip from these places that give good training on high rise jumps, without a parachute!!...


    switch on your :excl: whenever money involves you and the locals (farangs or thais)....just as you would do in any other country of course!!...a farang real estate developper, insurance brooker or whatever, could....could be a far worse and notorious a cheat ,then the most entrepreneurial thai trafic cop hunting for tea money!!!:cheesy:


    develop your paranoia/common sense/awareness.....as it can safe your life and avoid you getting ripped of...:omfg:


    keep in mind that as a farang you have fewer rights in the streets, in the eyes of the locals...don't be arrogant, colonialistic, even though you may be spending  the equivalent of a year's salary of a local, in just one month in just booze or nursing your willy!!:passifier:....


    and last of all....don't leave your brains at the airport upon arrival....never, never  insult local issues,  never talk politics or public tea money in public in the similar fashion as you would write in Thai Visa:cheesy:,  stick and respect  the law like a crab to pubic hair....and all should be fine!!...


  5. How about dating one of those sexy female immigration or  police officers? 


    Those into the "tea money" business would probably making more cash monthly then most of us here!!?!!


    This should solve the issue in paying for the entre family and probably she would also contribute for your own family back home!!!?:cheesy::cheesy:


    And you could also do your monthly 60 or 90 days reports, right at home, when she relaxes you by the pool!!!:cheesy:

  6. a bit of regular maintenance of the sewage pipes would consequently reduce the issue...


    improving the size and the network of drainage pipes would further reduce the problem...


    changing the bad habbits of trash dumping in the drains, klongs would even be better...provided the concerned learn the lessons from their victimization on the issue....


    and by the way, I am no plumber or engineer...


    ©(and for the usual depressed skepticals - yes yes the tooth fairy, Santa Claus are on their way, so let me dream :cheesy::cheesy:

  7. Consequently, this will give more occasions to rise larger quotas of tea money!?....


    under current situations plainly calling to enforce the law will not change anything....it has to start with cleaning up the police force from the street level cops, giving better ethics education in the force and last but not least, improving the monthly pay of street level police officers......


    on the other hand what is the use on having well paid beat cops on the street, if these officers are aware that any promotion/career prospects would be based on the amount of the bribe they can give and absolutely not by the standards of their work??!!


    how would a potentially honest police officer remain honest if he sees his corrupt buddies in the force making millions through bribes, illegal brothels, mafia kick backs, short time guesthouses etc. etc...???


    Until the whole system is cleaned and whitewashed from top to bottom, such safety campaigns will change nothing but only add some harassment to the common honest working class Thai's!..


    But now now....c'mon....corruption is scarce in Thailand..o


    One should not judge an entire force just due to one or maybe two rotten apples?:cheesy:...corruption is just a farang invented legend, similar to Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, bad taxi drivers in Bangkok and Mickey Mouse:cheesy:©....and if farangs don't like, they can leave....(but please leave your money here):wink::bah::clap2::cheesy:


  8. my sole advice would be...do not listen to any acquaintances, friends improvising doctors....only consult and take advice from regular doctors and nobody else!!...similar symptoms can have diametrically different causes from one individual to another, so act with caution. all the best.

  9. 2 minutes ago, thaitero said:

    What you are talking is totally different thing.
    I only said that to have this option attractive one have to change the current retirement system.
    It is quite possible they do not want this option to be popular..

    If so, what is the logic then..? Well this is thailand and no logic is needed or there is a hidden reason we do not know..
    Time will tell..

    yes my friend....

    I was talking..speculating on potential...potential consequences, if the current system (that seems to suit a large majority)  would change

    and solely the conditions  in this new 10 year ripoff scheme were applied!!

    But as you rightfully say, anything is possible, anytime in Thailand, that seems to make it a bit unstable and to invest in too much money at the moment!


  10. 28 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    It  might not be that Prayut has been unable to get government and "networks" to make Thailand the center of ASEAN but rather one of higher priority - how to make instead China the center of Asian enterprise with Thailand as its premier partner. While Prayut resisted applying for membership in the Trans Pacific Partnership despite his own government and Thai private industry recommendations, he went "all in" for China's Silk Road economic scheme. Why bother being the hub of ASEAN when Thailand can be the Master's principal.

    very true....but what worth would be any such trade agreement, if Thailand does not respect and apply the basics??....lower tax duty on retail goods from the states being part of the agreement, starting at the Thai airports!!!

  11. 1 hour ago, Gracas said:

    Right guy in the right place at the right time.

    Very true!!!.....he should serve as a room model hero to his colleagues in the RTP;  mainly those who are very good in getting tea money  but perhaps not so good in general policing!?...oh sorry...was just joking, as tea money with the Thai Police is just another urban farang legend!!:cheesy:...


    Once again, my full respect and gratitude to this police officer. Wish him a long, honest and sucessful career within the force!

  12. 2 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

    Easy to joke about each other but the real truth is every guy pays something,

    just the smarter guy find a girl who cost him less.


    But for sure is fun to lie on thaivisa.

    For me, my gf does not work since i know her and never have a penny to her name


    I dont give anything her family. nothing.

    If she wanna give them something she can use HER money.

    and is she good with your willy?:post-4641-1156694572:

  13. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    My most lauded acquaintance


    Dont get me wrong, I have no illusions regarding taxis.


    However, the majority are just people getting by and doing what they can to earn a living. 

    to earn a living....I agree.....but would that be reason for anybody to be the sucker financing the scam?


    everybody is free to their own opinion that some may consider judgment....but personnally, my friend...no way for me!...commonising the scams of a large/few(?) dishonest taxis, is lacking respect to the many few who are honest!:happy:

  14. why raid MBK stores?


    they should raid dishonest Bangkok Taxi drivers who refuse to put on the taxi meter...

    raid dishonest immigration officials who invent excuses and refuse the work get done,  hinting or hoping for tea money

    raid police road blocks that  only stop farangs on the road for tea money

    raid the dishonest building contractors or other professional bodies that overcharge farangs

    give a 5 star escort to the tooth fairy as one can always dream:cheesy:

  15. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    As are mine, my esteemed colleague...

    well lucky you my respected interlocutor,


    but the more one speaks out and does not minimise such issues, the more it would avoid other innocent and naive farangs like my humble self getting ripped off?...now I assume you would not enjoy seeing the innocent  tourists of thailand getting ripped off right from Swampy taxi services?...that cash would be so much better spent in the cultural attractions of Pattaya!:cheesy:

  16. 7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Only time I have trouble is late at night/early in the a.m.


    I expect it and don't judge other taxi drivers by their late night colleagues very low standards.

    good for you,  in that case my dear fellow....


    and as I stated in my post, my words were based on personnal experiences, so even if I am expecting it, I do not accept being ripped off or fear speaking out and being accused of whatsoever judgement :tongue:

  17. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    There are bad ones out there, but 90%...

    naturaly this figure was a metaphor and not a sum based on referenced statistical numbers!!....kindly forgive me if it lead to any confusion!:sleep:...


    but to make things simple, based on personnal experience only, I am tempted to say 7 out of 10 are dishonest in Bangkok...sorry!...


    maybe my face looks a bit naive that perhaps arouses the cheat deeply rooted with the taxi cowboys!!!:cheesy:

  18. 10 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

    Maybe you can say its  a noble idea that they wanna be looking after family.

    Id say most of Thai woman is like this even if they dont tell you upfront


    My uncle in west married a lady who wanted huge house with swimming pool and tennis court, leather lounges, designer kitchen, huge tv. And at the time when these were hugely expensive.


    Everything for her in other words.


    He got way in debt, then divorce cost him a fortune and she get to keep all the stuff.


    Gifting the family maybe 3-5000baht every now and then wont break me,


     so many farang here are silly enough to pay the broad 10k a month so a big portion of that is going to family anyway





    good propaganda © :cheesy:

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