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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. Have one running loud and clear for say 8 years I would say, with heavy use of the CPU for music editing and producing. The Mac Mini is a fine machine and I would take the most powerful one in the market currently in order to have something up to date for a longer period if you use it for editing any support (music, video etc). But if it's only to go on the internet with basic use, the standard MacMini should do the job.
  2. The orders came over from the totalitarianists in Langley, VA. and Washington, sent to the eurpean aids in Bruxelles and then dispatched all over the world to the UE servants in post ?
  3. I just wish to welcome you ...to ma ignore liste....????
  4. All the more reason to make food at home during the long O-stay-winter-break in Thailand ????Even though it can cost more to do so, depending on where one is based and if one purchases in foreign supermarket retail chains in Hua Hin or Bangkok
  5. Will the cops be distributing condoms and vouchers to get STD tests, in local clinics ? ???? With the Russians and Ukrainians all over, it might be the same situation as in Europe; some very fine young east european ladies will take over the "pleasure entertainers" market...and cra$h prices ?
  6. What kind of people travel abroad with no proper health/accident , rent bikes in a country that has the worst death toll on roads....and then complain ? Full sympathy for the poor girl, no misunderstandings please. But at one point something should be done as nothing is for free and misfortune does not only hit others. Wish all the best to the girl and her family.
  7. What could be considered as the most reliable company in Thailand ? Based on experiences on how efficiently the claims are handed ? Of course depends also in which city.
  8. Pattaya is definately the place to be for cheap sex and obviously to contract some weird STD !! Even if you don't, when there, you will !! ????
  9. The primary factor to develop in HH is a proper efficient and cheap bus service that covers HH town, beach and mainly larger areas say up to Hin Lek Fai and Black Moutain. And also to have enough buses running say till 00:00 midnight
  10. What about those in gated communities where the electricity and water is charged higher, above the official rate and paid directly to the community admins ?
  11. Much better to rent at 100 THB and thus more to split between the authorities and local mobsters ? ???? After the Phuket jet ski scandals are we going to get the Hua Hin beach chair scandals ?
  12. I remember some years ago abord a plane of a world class airline....I saw a hostess prior to landing, stuffing 3 meal dishes in their aluminium packing, into what seemed to be her handbag. I also recall that beforehand, just after lunch I asked for a 2nd helping of the curry dish (that is usually always given) but she claimed that none was left.... There are always extra meals on a huge A380 craft and all that remains apparently is taken away by the cabin crew and thus saves them to buy for their own meals on the stop. Not sure on Thai if it is common practice....
  13. Many witty and almost funny comments.....almost because somebody has died here, let's not forget....
  14. They all look must nicer then the Hua Hin beach and it's hor<deleted> all over and rocky coastline, makine it a challenge to swim.
  15. Overdeveloppment can also have the opposite effect and chase away visitors if the whole area gets congested. The typical tourist visitor to Thailand does not have and does not want the NYC resilience such as having to queue up for anything from going to a restaurant or to a "health therapy hottie happy-end massage" parlour. Another element that can backfire on economy is greed. If operators get greedy and hike the rates, prices etc...tourists are not stupid anymore...Vietnam is the new eldorado just around the corner.
  16. At such a hefty price it won't last. Not to mention the noise for the high rise condos and swanky hotels around. A flop from A to Z.
  17. They should rather be doing more to chase and attract the quality retirees from well off European Countries, in place of chasing the harmless immigrant workers who sell cheap food to all including the friendly efficient honest decent local police station ????
  18. I would also not forget the deadly snakes that can crawl under the bed linen !!
  19. Never to omit that the biggest consumers of illegal porn or illegal sex practices, are usually the locals. But it does look better to put all the blame on those awful farangs & Co.
  20. Public uproar is soaring all over Europe as the politicians are feeding Ukraine with billions in Cash and weapons with absolutely no control on where and how the the money and arms are used. Retirement pensions and retirement criteria in France are under tension and other countries like Spain who had to abide to the ordres from Bruxelles and not increase the meager spanish retirement pension, People are getting fed up with all the money spend and all being done for Ukraine, whereas the pensions of retirees are not being adjusted to inflation all over Europe. One definiately has to help people in trouble, no arguing about that and no misunderstanding to help all the victims of wars should it be Ukraine, Palestine or Russia. Humanitarian aid is in the European DNA and it is cultural to be generous to all. But first one need to look after one's own... and that if far from the case in Europe. American domination and sanctions are stongly annoying the people in Europe despite the smiles and hand shakes from their politicians. People are angry in seeing the USA selling their gas and oil of schist at 3 times the rate to Europe. More absurd is that Russian gas arrives in Europe via China who transforms it in liquid and resels to Europe at a profit. The sanctions against the cheap russian oil imposed by the USA are utterly useless towards hitting Russia. They plainly hurt the European consumer who has to pay the hefty price due to current speculation on the markets,
  21. These steps against the deadly soi dogs could and should be carried out nationwide as the threat is all over. We all love dogs no arguing. But is that a reason to get bitten by a rabies infested animal ?
  22. Funny...the US has been spying the world for decades, same as Russia and China obviously. What's the big fuss and fight ? Biden has made enough of a mess with other global issues.... Maybe it's more a context of public humiliation to the USA as the ballon was openly drifting with no shame !! ????. When it comes to the "Dirty tricks department", .I would n o t trust either the US, the UK, China, Russia or the UE...all the same bunch of crooks acting for their own interests. No big deal. Enjoy the lovely sunny day, never discuss politics in public when in Thailand and above all at the pub with some other friendly posing farang, bring over some nice ladies back at the pool villa or condo...... and thank mother nature that you are in enough of a good health to still "get it up" ... ????
  23. Always be worth more when alive, then dead.... Don't buy....hire !!
  24. A cheap charlie can be found in the USA just as in any EU country. A rich indian can spend in one night in Bangkok, what a US Joe Soap spends in year and a half. A rich European would more likely be in Monaco, Dubaï, St-Tropez, St-Barth or some other French island in the Carreebean. A rich US would have more chances to end up in Miami, Caymans or Puerto Rico... Thailand has the magic to cater a very large pannel of great spenders, that go far beyond the classical US-Europe cliché. The main thing for any US; European, Indian, Korean or whatever.......leave your egos back home and come with a smile.....and your ca$h......nothing more
  25. What about the Malls and large furniture stores ? (Market Village, Bluport etc) Are they well stocked in goods, furniture, appliances considering that the Chinese confinement has ended ? Prices reasonable ? Thanks for any info
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