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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. On 1/28/2020 at 1:59 AM, NCC1701A said:



    this is the new girlfriend i met because i was awake really late during the POTY debacle. she texted me in the middle of the night and came over and has not left since. we just got back from a week in Koh Chang.


    so i might be settling down. we are a really good match. 




    have you tried to get a B*J by a lady wearing a facemask ? should be quite an experience :crazy:

  2. A humble relay from some eminent professors in Europe who declare that a facemask mainly prevents one from spreding the disease if a carrier.  Just a face mask, with no glasses, gloves, appropriate clothing is not fool proof agains this virus.


    Furthermore, the virus is the most infectious when one is in the incubation stage i.e. with no apparent symptoms yet.


    Maybe some of the eminent nobel price professors in the forum would contradict, but am plainly reporting what many EU media have reported, with absolutely no interest to hide the truth from the public. The ideal protection is the outfit shown below...


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  3. On 1/26/2020 at 8:33 AM, Max69xl said:

    There are no UBER anymore in Thailand because Grab bought it. The prices in Pattaya went up 50% overnight, and the prices has gone up since then. If I flag down an empty baht bus and tell them to go the Northern Bus Terminal from where I'm staying, it will cost me ~200 baht. Grab wants ~340 baht. A Grab driver gave me his phone number and said he'd drive me to the bus terminal or anywhere in Pattaya for 200 baht. 

    And in Phuket a run for which the official taxi was asking 300 THB, GRAB displays the same run for 150,- .... so what to say my dear chap ?...ok Phuket maybe not the best exemple with all the official taxi cheats, I agree...

  4. 1) Greta .... please no more...she is getting on everybodys nerves and the awareness to climate change will dwindle plainly out of irritation to this freak


    2) Stop hassling Mr and Mrs Commoner on climate change control with special C02 taxes all over, trying to enforce guilt..... Start tackling the majors in the Ship brokering leagues...cargo or leisure cruise ships are far more polluting and ressource consuming then Mr Dick over the street,  driving to the local soapy for a happy end mouthwashed therapy session....


    3) Stop giving out plastic bags - Stop those multiple layer plastic wraps on fruits and vegetables.


    And this will be a fine start.

    • Sad 1
  5. Establish the special "TOURIST - WELCOME YOU AND YOUR MONEY" card scheme, handed over free by immigration on arrival.


    50% unconditionnal discount on every item in every shopping mall all over the country. Jail the pesky mall billionnaires who refuse to comply.


    50% unconditionnal discount given by every escort lady (or not lady) every entertainement hostess, no matter where the venue is. Again, send the army to jail those who do not comply.


    Be nice, mainly to those pesky sour foreigners going to immigration for visa issues.


    And by the end of the season, at the start of the dead season in April, you will all be buying new Mercs (on loan).


    • Sad 1
  6. In Thailand, tourists love to shop, booze and f*3k ok not all, but most..????... who will want to visit a Bangkok mall where brand items cost more then back home ? add a overcharged THB that yields very few per unit of western currency, soapys and hookers tourist guides charging perhaps more then in Europe...c'mon gentlemen...no need to go to Harvard to understand why....

  7. Some of the worst areas, near Black Mountain, away from the facilities in town, infested with snakes, burning garbage quite often and waste land, have been developped into pool villa homes housing developpements and sold to unwary clients. All goes fine on the picture, until the trouble starts either with snakes appearing, no follow up by the developpers, construction defects not handled, bad worksmanship, they just don't care once they get your money.....in Thailand, just as in Hua Hin, extreme caution and dilligence before buying villas or homes on leasehold ... better to rent and leave hasslefree when required.....or maybe the Chinese developpers would offer better that what is currently on the markets ?

    • Thanks 1
  8. As sensible tourists would flee or avoid the area, and wary inhabitants would avoid the Chinese happyend soapys, this could be used as a good excuse to justify drops in tourism numbers ????


    More seriously, very sensible and thumbs up Thailand to hand out the warning cards. Some countries in Europe are foolishy thinking such pandemic only errupt elsewhere, no need to panic... and the usual stupid ideas, until it's too late.

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