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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. Like in many things...the UK will will on some sides and loose on the others, on leaving the mafia ridden UE....so no big deal. Bravo however to have clinged on till the end and leave...brave for sure !...now wonder what's gonna happen to the UK$ ?....will investors as usual rush and buy strong, healthy and reliable Swiss Francs (CHF) ?

    • Like 1
  2. What an insult....yesterday it was all waïs-prosternations-garlands and today it's go back from where you came from....well of course it's the right thing to do, but very insulting to the picky sensitive Chinese who will further boycott Thailand once the outbreak is contained. Bootlicking the Chinese in the first place was a wrong move...they should have rather betted on the big spending Indians....and encourage the europeans to come back with special "tourist THB exchange rates"....

  3. Thumbs up....when one see's the crooks selling face masks on Amazon for UK£ 4,98/per pièce !!...full crédit to the gentleman....keep in mind that such viral outbreaks yield millions for many different actors in the pharmaceutical supply area.....mainly facemasks...authorities should stock very large quantities to avoid black market scum taking advantage of such global disasters....

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    You're moving the goal posts now ...... please link to where I posted it was 'normal'?

    Looks that you are removing some wickets from the field.

    It's not a matter of a direct citation, but maybe a supportive form of a subtle suggestion ?


    Thank you for your time, your opinion is important to us as and we aime to serve ultimate customer satisfaction. Have a great evening. ????

  5. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Worst Andy has been accuse of is doing a 17 year old, with her consent, which is completely legal in the UK.

    You're the only one suggesting 'underage sex'.


    You're the only one finding it normal for a 17 year old to have sex with a man of his age.

    You're the only one who seems to ignore that there are different laws besides those in the UK !

    But as he is a poor victim of a global plot to his image, why does he not come out of his tanner and face the law ?

    And why did mummy banish him from the official ba$hes ?

    It's not so much about underage or not....it's the disastrous global uproar that it creates. Nothing to do with my humble opinion.



    • Haha 1
  6. I do not trust giving my cards and letting them out of sight when in the US or even within the EU.....skimmer cheats,  credit card cheats who take commissions on every penny you spend, disgraceful exchange rates....and so on.....not the smartest or the safest, but nowdays when travelling, I just carry cash...(of course "if  I get robbed etc. etc. etc.....)....but still, cash gets me the longest way for the buck.


    Obviously sometimes one cannot go cardless and that is a different story....but I sure my distinguished readers get the point....

  7. 25 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    I was merely pointing out that the charges at this particular hospital, or should I say at two large private hospitals here are very likely to be inflated if you are a farang or paying by insurance.


    Trying to warn folk about being ripped off is also surely a worthwhile cause.


    And I do believe I did spot an honest person here a few years back..............????.

    No misunderstandings please, your post was pertinent and thank you for sharing....absolutely no scarcasm. Have a nice evening.

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