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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. Still allowing the Chinese to enter ? This is a suicidal behavior of Thailand, solely motivated by money. But if the virus spreads, and it will, the money will drain out faster and the few tourists and retirees still spending in Thailand will flee like the plague......some may whime that this is over reacting...but that nasty virus is no joke, mainly for the elderly. So beware and stay safe.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    I am 60 grew up in the red light area of Amsterdam, been a bouncer there. What can you contribute to the story?

    What can I contribute ? Well I cannot claim being a bouncer in a strip club, but my brains do tell me that it's the smartest one who stops the argument first on the front door line up.  So with your permission, allow me to put a final point on this senseless exchange. Vaarwel.

  3. Fundamentalist islamic terrorism is a disease that spreds. Just like the Coronavirus from China. 


    But does that justify the current hostility and physical agressions against Chinese in general in Europe and many other nations,  who are being openly insulted, discriminated, sometimes physically assaulted and so on ? .....and this goes for any issue that involves a specific ethnicity or religion.


    Keep cool and remain civil......they are not all bad, not matter who, what or where....and deserve the respect given to regular people in society.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Is it fortunate or unfortunate that similar circumstances regarding live fire have existed on the 'rule book' for a long time. In a certain place it was a firm rule, 70's, that live fire could only be used 'if fired at first'. The rule has been reported in one very well publicised event and still to this day both sides claim different versions. If those following this guy had taken him out on the first sighting of what appeared to be a suicide vest or a knife in his hand, and considering their knowledge of who and what he was the public would have been up in arms against guess who.

    taser?  lasso ? stun gun ? stun grenade ? a knock on the head with a cricket bat telescopic truncheon ? a good dose of mace on the face with a simultaneous tazering ? attack dogs trained in North Korea or in Russia ?

    (relax, got your point just as hope you could get mine)...and I agree with you. Was just wondering what the family of the person still on  LTC in hospital would feel about the issue ?

  5. Trump or no Trump what's he got to do with this ?


    These two musicians BEyoncé et JayZ have plainly displayed a despicable and hateful attitude and have obviously been spoilt by the millions of suckers who treat them as gods.


    In fact the radio stations and music clubs should ban their music to give these 2 rascals a lesson of respect and humility towards a national emblem.....no matter from which country.


    When a national anthem plays, like that country or not, by respect you stand up if it's part of the show or protocol. And the major brands who have named them as ambassadors to their brands should plainly cancel the multi million dollar deals.

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/31/2020 at 7:52 PM, Gweiloman said:

    I didn’t realise that there were European malls in Hua Hin. 

    ?? The post that you are refering to says that in comparison to the european malls (that are physically in Europe)....either I was not clear or you did not understand, or maybe you understood but wanted to pretend you did not ????...whatever...hope it is more clear for you my fellow and do come back if you need more help.

    • Like 1
  7. So the chinese could also boycott all the major global airlines that have suspended all flights to and from China ... (spoilt brats they are...if they made an effort with consumable livestock hygiene, these outbursts could be somewhat avoided. There is also currently an new avian flu outbreak in China, but all the world is focused on the CoronaV).

    • Like 1
  8. A Thai robbed or a farang robbed, no difference. Nobody deserved to get robbed and that too on holiday. (ok perhaps here and there some do deserve it....).


    Robbed in the UK or in Belgium, what's the argument ? Europe, UK, the west has crime all over and a decent bunch of the hard core criminals in Thailand are westeners.


    Maybe our Thai friends reading should be aware that the streets of western nations are not paved with gold, there is scum, crime, poverty, distress, bad people in general and individuals with various pathologies,  that perhaps do not exist that much as in Thailand.


    Stay safe and enjoy your holidays.



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