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Master Chief

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Posts posted by Master Chief

  1. How to find an avatar for a master chief?

    Found one in HALO, mostly to piss some hardcore dude members off.

    Then you can choose an animated one as this member Here

    Some have their avatar as the "persona online" they present. Angry, sad, careless, moody, old, young, no care, smartass, idiot, total idiot, have no clue, not much to say ect ect.

    Good luck with your avatar, if you are not happy with your first choice, then change it later.


  2. As well as their annoying habit of talking up property market, the local press have habitually played down the drop in tourist numbers, quoting figure like a 20% reduction, when anyone can see it is far worse than that.

    But browsing through the newspapers over the past few days, I notice that even the press is now predicting a dire 2009.

    Some facts recently reported that spring to mind:

    Hotel occupancy in December is usually a MINIMUM of 65%. This December it is 10%

    Hotel occupancy in Phuket is down by 70%.

    Reports from the southern resorts state that the tourist business is in a worse recession than during the aftermath of the Tsunami.

    A report from a hotel booking service that all current visitors booked before the airport closures. There have been nil bookings since for the 2009 season.

    And on a slightly different tack, today's Business Post ran a story that the country's exports will be hit hard in 2009 by the global recession.

    The bubble is about to burst and it could be worse than the last one.

    What say you?


    Quote: Hotel occupancy in December is usually a MINIMUM of 65%. This December it is 10%

    Hotel occupancy in Phuket is down by 70%.


    As I said before on this forum...tourisim is a "honey trap". It seems to be a great solution, but it adds nothing to the real infrastructure of a country and it leaves a local work force dependent on the fickle whim of a foriegn mass of travelers who don't really care about the real economic health of the country they visit. If you don't beleve that, listen to the pathetic defense offered on this forum by the bar boozers who talk about all the "money they put into the Thai economy"...by which they mean what they spent on booze and sex.

    Ask the Greeks, the Spainards, etc. I am living in Crete, a good example of what I'm saying. No real industry, just 6 months of tourists and their money to carry the whole island for a year. I know taxi drivers who are work every tourist season and are laid off by the taxi company as soon as the tourists leave.

    As for Phuket...it is rediculosly overpriced and over run with foriegners anyhow.

    As for exports going down, yes that will happen all over the world. Even China is closing down toy factories, because their orders for toys from the export market are so far down.

    So I will say, once again, the real foundation of any economy is it's workers and factories. That even includes the U.S. and the U.K...but the last 30 years everyone seems to have tried to deny that.

    Thailand will have a economic decline, but it will live on because of it's workforce and it's farmers. They make real things, that have a real value, not a value in inflated make believe currency units.

    Look at Singapore as an example. It has a good non-corrupt government (if you even try to offer money to a cop there you go to jail). It has (and many foriegners miss this point) a mandated government savings program which all workers have to pay into. That gives each Singaporean a gaurenteed savings at retirement. And it also comes with a right to government housing. In 1946, after the end of WWII, Singapore and Thailand were at roughly the same level in quality of life. Why is that different today?

    The two reasons I mentioned above are part of the answer.

    I just say bravo, I have been waiting for this to happen for a long time.

    Hope that people living on tourism in this country will learn something positive from this, but then again they might not as usual.

    Maybe time for all involved for some education in tourism from the government and private companies?


  3. got up

    fed my son

    hubby sick so went to pharmacy for meds

    hoovered & tidied house, made beds & washed floors

    did 4 loads of washing & drying (than god for tumble dryers)

    went shopping for next weeks food with son

    came home, made sons dinner then played for an hour with cars :D

    put son to bed

    Now am having some tv (the box & internet) time & had mama noodles for dinner, first food today :o

    later will do ironing & try to get to bed by 11pm

    Hope hubby is better tomorrow & don't want to ever be a single mum, it's hard doing it all alone

    Does being a single dad make it much better? Nopp.

    Hope your hubby gets better.

    My kids are also running fever


  4. Erm! Ah! So the reason for having a card swipe is that you don't leave fingerprints on your selected 4 digits that can then be highlighted by magic powder and with an undetermined :o amount of combinations open the safe.

    So using the card swipe would be safer :D but what if you wanted to leave your card in the safe? you would then be at the mercy of the magic powder gang :D

    Don't these safes have a master key/number/code that can be used by the management to open in the case of a guest having forgotten his code number of if he used the swipe thing lost his card while he was out.

    Whats to stop some one buying a similar safe and getting the codes to open all the safes in the hotel?

    Can't be that simple but TIT so who knows. :D

    No digital master code is installed, but there is mostly a master key.


  5. Local police have contacted local forum and asked for no more rumours/hearsay to be written as they are dealing with the matter seriously, which is great news.

    Donald is still in hospital in serious condition, has spine and breathing problems requiring 24 hour medical care, hopefully things will improve.

    Please let's keep it civil and respectful to the family members involved.


    So the police went straight to the MODS of this board and asked for no more comments in this matter, well so nice, hope you all bow and shut down your computers.

    have a nice day!

    I hope Mr. Donald recovers well and that he can go on living here safely, take care, man.



  6. Yes, this seemed such a bizarre topic that I tried to ignore it, but it is a slow morning, so here goes...

    I agree with Naam, as usual - why didn't I dream up such a bizarre question? Why do Thais think that ginger smells good? Why do the food stands on main streets extend five meters onto the roadway in Chiang Mai at night? Why does 7-11 think 34 baht is a good price for Spy wine when Tesco-Lotus Express sells it for 25? Why are Thais excessively modest about nudity but have no qualms about flicking nose boogers in public? Why does a 150 bike only go 142 kph top speed? Why.....

    Yes, one can wonder why thais and Thailand do thing opposite to our ways of doing things.

    But this time farangs where questioned to why?

    Maybe it is time for the OP to take a short vacation abroad? :o


  7. Tuesday, November 11, 2008

    Brit arrested on drug charges

    KATHU: The government’s 90-day “war on drugs” that started last week has claimed its first foreign casualty in Phuket: a middle-aged British man was caught in possession of ya Ice (crystal methamphetamine) and other narcotics with intent to sell.

    Kathu Police Superintendent Col Grissak Songmoonnark identified the suspect as UK national Peter Neville, aged 45.

    Mr Neville was arrested at 2:45 am on Saturday after he was caught delivering 38.8 grams of ya Ice and 10.6 grams of cocaine to a Thai woman in a sting operation.

    The sequence of events that led to Mr Neville’s arrest began at 8:10 pm Friday, when a combined Kathu and Tung Tong Police drug suppression unit raided a room on Soi Pailin, off Nanai Rd in Patong.

    Acting on a tip-off from informants, they arrested six Thai people caught smoking ya Ice in the room. The group identified their supplier as a woman nicknamed “Saeng” and led police to her room in the Tulip Apartments, also on Nanai Rd.

    In the room, police found 34-year-old Tanchanok “Saeng” Holm and 32-year-old Somjit Noophad, who was armed with a Thai-style shot gun pistol. They also found two 12-gauge shell casings.

    Police recovered from the room, without incident, 6.06 grams of ya Ice, 3 ya bah (methamphetamine) pills, and drug paraphernalia.

    After her arrest, Mrs Tanchanok identified her supplier as Mr Neville. She placed a call to him for more narcotics and police arrested Mr Neville when he came to deliver 38.8 grams of ya Ice and 10.6 grams of cocaine.

    A subsequent search of Mr Neville’s home on Chao Fah East Rd in Chalong uncovered larger stashes of ya Ice (200 grams) and cocaine (50.89 gram), along with an undisclosed amount of hashish.

    Mr Neville, now being held in a cell at Kathu Police Station, faces multiple charges of illegal possession of narcotics with intent to sell.

    “Peter is not a big drug trafficker. The police will continue to investigate this network and make more arrests,” Col Grissak said.

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    Send Letter to Gazette Editor

    Phuket, Thailand

    16:08 local time (GMT +7)

  8. Olredeyes, it is indeed a frustrating task! There are good and bad Thai police, and good and bad foreign police volunteers. In both groups i'm sure there are corrupt and/or lazy individuals. In an ideal world the rotten apples will be kicked out, since it's unlikely that they will ever become good apples.

    I cannot do anything about the rotten Thai apples. I can try to do something about the rotten farang apples. The complacency, incompetence or downright dishonesty of one rotten apple will always be remembered by a tourist, rather than a small, helpful deed performed by a good apple. That's why it's very important to weed out the rotten apples, to avoid the good uns being tarred with the same brush.

    In Patong, the 'trust' and confidence of the Thai businesses in the foreign police volunteers varies according to which individual volunteer is patrolling on a given night. These bar owners are aware of which volunteers will come to help them or their customers if there is an incident.

    I'm trying (from my humble position), to weed out the rotten apples and to make sure that all the volunteers in my region are all 'singing from the same hymnsheet'.

    But sitting at home with a cold beer or three would be much more relaxing :o


    Hi Simon

    What I can read from your comments here, I think you really want to do the right thing.

    But, as you have stated you also admit to our fear, that there are "rotten apples" among the farang TPV.

    We say, that this should not have started at all, this TPV, but now damage has been done already.

    Falangs should not be in this position, that we (falangs) have to weed rotten apples in a Thai law enforcement, which is already corrupt and full of rotten apples

    The rotten apples and the healty farang apples should have stayed away from it and minded their own business.


  9. Thaiwanderer, that's a pathetic comment. The hotel is 100% owned by my ex-wife. By 'helping', I refer to looking after our website etc, not running the hotel. (Yes, you strictly need a WP to look after a website - I know that..., but I don't know of anyone who has applied for a WP for using their laptop, or indeed been granted a WP to do this)`

    I'm not really sure what value your comments add to this discussion :o

    Maybe one of the problems is that many foreigners living in Thailand mix with, (or have only met), the worst sort of farang who should never be allowed to work as a police volunteer. There are many decent and honest foreigners living here who enjoy helping their fellow man or woman.


    I had applied for a workpermit many years ago, not yet received, one day the labor department officials made a visit to my house where I had registred my company, I was sitting in my chair and answering some emails at the time.

    They asked me to join them to the police station, I got arrested and deported.

    No work permit no work and out you go, was their comment!


  10. I was there. The local school kids were divided up into 4 teams and ran up and down the beach collecting rubbish. Divers from local companies were paired up with each team and retrieved rubbish from offshore. The total amount of rubbish collected came to more than 600kg! The new Governor and local police/VIPs came along to present prizes for the kids etc.

    It poured with rain, but lots of fun!


    Good work, are there any plans for the next Patong beach clean up? :o


  11. Passed the beach Road yesterday and saw that Rock City was being dismantled, anyone with some inside news?


    They opened in a new location at Bangla and 200 Year Rd.

    You're big on Metallica tribute bands eh MC?

    Not big fan, but do enjoy some of the tempo tunes. All styles have their good and bad tunes.

    I know it's hard to be master all the time! :D:D:o


  12. There's another side to this: the guy who owns Paradise Beach is a local and that land has been in his family for generations.

    <deleted> the money, its not about money, the guy did not want a sunbed, why pay for something you dont want.

    Huggy, follow beach rd in patong (south) and just keep going. you will hit Paradise beach

    Gotcha, is that the beach where you actually have to leave the road and take a dirt track to get to it?

    As you come down the hill. the Merlin hotel is on your left, Paradise beach (as some call it) is on the right 100 metres further down.


    Thanks Geoff. Yes I am familiar with that beach and hadn't heard it called such.

    Condom beach is another name for that beach.

    Guess why? :o


  13. Making and registrating a street legal kit car in Thailand is not easy, you end up with a car that is just about legal in the province where it is registrated, and a load of problems driving out from that province.

    Same situation with the homebuild american jeeps running in the tourist areas, they cannot leave the province.

    It is illegal to modify and rebuild a car, truck or motobike.


  14. Manhunt is not an easy task to handle on a forum like TV, this guys has been trough the legal system and has avoided to get prosecuted.

    As always posts are written and ideas are given, but in the end he is still out there, right or wrong he is out.

    So in the eyes of the law he is not guilty, as he has not been sentenced to extend of the law.

    We should just sit back let the game have its turn and watch the outcome.


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