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Posts posted by orchidfan

  1. 2 hours ago, Liquorice said:

    2 banks now, to my knowledge, they dropped the TMB bank.

    If you use BKK and the transfer is made from Wise's BKK account, it will be coded international.
    The same cannot be said if you have a Kasikorn account and the transfer is made from Wise's Kasikorn account, as @DrJack54 has pointed out.
    In this case, you need to request a credit advice receipt.

    Strangely, I have used Wise for years to transfer funds deposited  by my (Oz) Commonwealth Super Fund into my Oz bank (their rules require them to pay out ONLY into an Oz bank account in my name only).


    I checked the passbook (BBL) and the deposits are coded as "Transfer from another bank".


    I'm on Marriage Extensions using "money...400k..in the bank" method, so do not need these to show as "overseas/international transfers".


    I've always selected "monthly living expenses " BUT this option has also disappeared, leaving only "personal expenses".

    So, for last Wise transfer, done yesterday, I selected this and it was there within a minute or so.


    Also it shows as just "Transfer from Another bank"


    I don't know if this has any beneficial implications on the proposed future tax.....not showing as an international remittance, but a local bank to bank transfer ??

  2. 5 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    Many many very poor people in those countries would disagree with you.

    In Brunei there aren't many, if any, "very poor people ".

    The Sultan ensures that with generous cash handouts, housing and free public services.

    The people love him.


    Taxis don't even have meters. You pay what the driver says. They don't cheat. No need to, they're well off. Not like here!


    Have you ever been there ?

  3. 15 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    I think the best solution will be an election, avoiding having an appointed PM who's not elected by the people of Thailand.

    How many times does it need to be stated that under the "Westminster" system, prime ministers /premiers are not "elected" by the thai people but appointed by their party.


    This is a (supposedly ) Democracy   not a Republic .


    Give it a break

    • Confused 1
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  4. 10 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Could just be that your old School/ class didn't invite you to School reunions ?

    A decade ago now, I flew home (~5000nm) to a year 7, 50th year class reunion...ie 2013 (no wives or gfs allowed ).


    It was a long haul from Hong Kong back then but was forceably talked into it.


    So we were all, that night 63 years old.


    Thank goodness for name tags, but as other have commented, apart from being a bit grayer,balding and/or slightly overweight (me only graying ) I could recognize most of the (remaining....a few MIA) guys, but the "girls" were a bit more challenging !


    One or two of those, we, as 12yo boys, had lusted over back then had degraded to the 3/10 category, and one or two who had been quiet and sheepishly, reserved were now raging.

    Quite a shock and an eye opener


    But overall a great experience and well worth the journey.


    It'll probably never happen again as we are all now in our seventies, but glad it did for we baby boomers back in 2013

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Gobbler said:

    Now read a legal dictionary and you see that expression amplified. 



    I am aware that in the USA both License and Licence are interchangeable in usage...as a noun.


    However you were bluntly (and incorrectly) trying to correct another poster's reference to his pilot's LICENCE /LICENSE.

    I think you need to take off the US blinkers !


    BTW, I'm curious,...  to drive your car there do you have a Driver's license or Driver's Certificate ?

    Similarly,  does one have a License or Certificate to own and carry a gun ?


    Just curious !

    • Haha 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Gobbler said:

    It's not just words. A license is a permission from government to do something that would be otherwise illegal without the license. 


    We in the USA are certificated pilots.

    We English speakers use the noun "Licence", meaning...

    "permission, a permit, a document that states you are qualified or allowed to do something"


    That Licence is then endorsed with the  various

    ratings which you have passed..

    Aircraft types/categories, ratings (IFR, Multiengine

    Land /sea etc).


    So don't bluntly correct someone's writings

    based only on  what you know /do in the USA!

    • Haha 1
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  7. 31 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



    Not too sure the 'democracy demonstrators' would agree?

    I agree Will, but they were attempting a hopeless (though noble) cause.

    And yes,  there were mainland "law enforcement officers " involved in those skirmishes.


    I've not bothered with local politics (although I'm entitled to register and vote)......again, a predetermined and hopeless cause.


    Compared to Thailand, the cops here are efficient, virtually incorruptible, and provide a truly safe feeling day and night.


    You could have a 15yo daughter go out alone or with friends and have NO fear for their safety and wellbeing.



  8. HK cops are some of the best I've ever seen (over 25yrs here...HK...working and now 40/60 with living in TH).


    They are polite, respectful, helpful,non~intrusive and multi lingual.


    Originally trained by the British, and still maintain those standards.

    Majority are born raised and educated in HK......NOT sent down from the mainland by the CCP!!


    There are no "bath busses" in HK (only excellent bus,train ferry and taxi services.)

    So, it no doubt was this policeman's own fault, but he had probably never experienced anything like it before.



    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, WorriedNoodle said:

    You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Look at @renaissanc above thinks he's been renewing his marriage visa for 40 years 🙂

    At Pathum Thani Imm...ALL  Imm officers refer to the (marriage) extension as "the or your VISA".

    After over a dozen of them, I've never heard them call or refer to it as an "extension "


    When I  call up near the 30 day "under consideration " period, they (she) always says "yes Sir your VISA is approved " !


    So it is confusing !

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, Sighto said:

    Just copy-paste the Hong Kong or Singapore playbook for businesses, taxes and banking.

    Agreed. I live in HK about half of the year and previously worked here over 20 years.

    A real,functioning Financial center !


    After cut and pasting your above playbooks, they could try copying the HK assistance/stimulation programs instigated during (and after) Covid.


    HKD10,000 handed out to HK residents followed by further cash handout, then (what they called) "Consumer Vouchers"#....worth thousands.

    #These were the ONLY handouts with spending requirements.


    All Conducted  seamlessly, quickly and efficiently.....not like the convoluted B10,000, vote buying fiasco. (IF it ever actually happens !)in Thailand.


    But then HK has the brains, education and the money to execute these.

  11. 6 hours ago, bobbin said:

    Citizenship for farang? Pull the other one..


    I'd settle for a residency card after 22 years of year to year renewals..  🤥

    Yes. Agree,

    Hong Kong, where I am at the moment, it's 7 years, 5 minute "interview ",  sign 1 piece of paper and then Permanent Resident forever (providing 1 'touch and go' at least every 3 years.)

    And, being over 70, $2 fares (9THB) virtually anywhere on buses,trains and ferries etc.

    No concerns regarding money in the bank, property ownership or being able to speak and read Cantonese !

  12. Good luck to those here who have stated that they (presumably wife,kids etc) "will simply up and move 'elsewhere ".


    My Thai wife of 20+ years will most CERTAINLY NOT "up and move" to Burma, Cambodia or Vietnam as she cannot communicate in their language(s).


    So that leaves very few options....back to Countries where English is spoken.


    In our case (birth country ) Oz or Hong Kong*, *where we have permanent Residence status.

    But both can be very expensive to live in, and accommodation is tiny (compared to our current 4br,3bath ,house on a large plot of land) and/ or extremely difficult to get.


    So will tackle this "possible " tax change, IF it even applies to me (70yrs young), by possibly making my Wise transfers (modest pre-taxed pension) to one of my wife's Thai banks (a couple of which I have the atm cards for) so it wont show as me earning overseas "income" and see how that works out.


    But "up and moving elsewhere" is NOT really an option.


    Same applies to many other AN forum members here I am sure.

    • Thanks 1
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  13. On 6/3/2024 at 3:44 PM, AhFarangJa said:

    Now that is fresh news, it has not happened yet.

    All discussions to take place in 5 star hotels, all expenses paid, and will take at least two weeks. Upon which a committee will be appointed to look at all the facts, before another visit in a month or so to finalise decisions and dish out contracts. 

    "Yes Minister" (Sir Humphrey Appleby)😄

    • Haha 1
  14. On 5/30/2024 at 10:13 PM, Chivas said:

    Strangely enough there have been multiple accounts today of monies sent via Wise but not landing in Thai accounts

    Wise made it clear they have been sent as well to everyone who wanted clarafication


    Almost certainly a coincidence I acknowledge but nonetheless


    Sterling as well which normally below £1000 equivalent lands instrantly

    My last Wise transfer in AUD to my BBL account, done on Wed 29th May has only arrived late this evening, May 31st.


    Many identical transfers done fortnightly through Wise have taken 2~3 minutes max from "sending " to received.


    So this is a first!

    Wonder what BBL are doing?


    Wise can offer no reason (and I have their transfer receipt ) other than checking the account details and stating that it can take "up to 4 days" for the transfer to be processed by the receiving bank.


    But at least it finally arrived !

  15. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    When prospective buyers know of such information, I wonder how many would avoid Honda based on this thread. 


    I also wonder, how the management would handle such a response...    Do they expect you to pay in cash ?

    Or request a bank-transfer ?


    That said - If they wont accept a debit card payment, is it not the same to simply may a prompt pay transfer ?


    In the vast majority of cases - the only reason we (Wife and I) use our (Thai) CreditCard as much as possible is becase we build points which we can then use for flights (albeit with a bit of hassle and long term planning with TG).



    Some years ago I used my (Hong Kong) Dah Sing bank Platinum credit card to BUY a new Isuzu MU7 at an Isuzu dealer's display at the local Future Park shopping mall.


    It took them a little while to sort it out

    ( ~THB 1 mill), but they finally did the deal.

    Good bonus for the salesman,  AND many,many  Asia Miles bonus for me (I flew Cathay a lot back then).


    At that time I had no easy alternative way to pay, so it was either the foreign Dah Sing CC or no sale!

  16. Dr Jack54, just as an aside, I recently made one of my trips to HKG, and decided, again, to do the re~entry permit at the airport (BKK) prior to departure.


    After passing security check,  I went down to Immigration, only to see near empty lines there. But I was, by then, in the "re~entry permit line".


    Lo and behold there were 13+people in line (including kids and babies) in front of me being slowly processed by one lone lady filling out their forms and taking photos, changing money etc.


    I thought "this is going to take forever" when unexpectedly the lady IO actually issueing the permits, walks out of her "office", visually reviews the situation, and walks up to me (grey haired old farang).

    She asked...."you have your form already filled out with photo? Have passport and cash fee ready?

    "Ok, wait over there".

    She took my things and came back in 5 minutes with everything processed.and stamped !!


    I was most appreciative (and unexpected ) and told her so.


    Nice gesture on her part.

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