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Posts posted by toast1

  1. I gave specific clear and detailed examples of racism quoting people on this thread. 

    Specifically the idea that the media is controlled by Jews and puts out Zionist propaganda that deceives the country, that Jews deceive the country by pretending they are upset about anti-semitism when they are just trying to protect Israel, that Jews have dual loyalty pretending to me interested in fighting racism while secretly attacking those who criticize Israel and promoting the caricature of the Jew as the evil sinister secretive powerful corrupt group that works behind the scenes against the country. 


    I could not be more specific about the vile racist caricatures expressed by some of the Corbyn supporters on this thread. 


    They insinuate Jews are not honest or decent people but work as a group for deceitful and evil purpose. 


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  2. Same Old Same Old 

    Anyone who opposes the sewer of extreme anti-Israel anti-Jewish hatred currently popular in the British Labour party is IMMEDIATELY branded as making unfounded Anti Semite accusations.

    Keep making these baseless, ignorant remarks and you will not see an increase in freeedom but an increase in racist hatred and fear.

    As the Rabbi said, what starts with the Jews, does not end with the Jews.



  3. >Anyone who opposes what Israel has done, is doing, and will continue to do to the Palestinians is IMMEDIATELY branded an Anti Semite 
    >They could always make "denial" unlawful? or have they already done that! 


    This is an example of the hatred and evil that has become so popular lately.


    Holoocaust denial (which is what the poster means when he uses a stupid code word) is not unlawful, it is only a matter for the police when it promotes racial hatred.


    Israel is and has always been opposed, and people have not been IMMEDIATELY branded an anti Semite. The Labour party has been very critical of Israel without accusations of race hate. This has only been a problem since Mr Corybn took over.





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  4. Here is the usual deluded, Israel hating nonsense. GENOCIDE and extermination.


    Oddly, when non-Jewish countries are mentioned, these people do not get upset. 


    Hundreds of wars have happened, millions killed, in non-Jewish countries, these are barely noticed.


    No one gets upset, no one gets angry no one uses CAPITAL LETTERS or !

    No one leaves comments, no one cares.

    But when something happens in this little Jewish country, they go nuts.



    Odd that.


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  5. >Land grabs is provocation and aggression.



    This is the fallacy of the Western Israel blamer, that its all about land.

    No one in the Middle East thinks its about land, but in the fantasy of the Westerner, living in a fairy tale of multiculti tolerant nonsense, its just some squabbling about where to live.


    Israel's enemies regularly call for all Jews to be slaughtered, the country to be destroyed and for a religious dictatorship to be established on a Taliban model, but in the West its a property dispute brought on by those pesky Israelis who just won't be nice. 





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  6. 'incredibly rich and powerful Lobby'


    The idea that a secret, malicious, sinister hand of the JEW controlling our foreign policy with money and power to do their evil bidding is popular on the left, far Right and among various extreme Jew hating groups. 


    Hitler's believed the secret, sinister, powerful Jew was controlling Germany.

    This is now called an 'incredibly rich and powerful Lobby' but it is the basic antiemetic theory, of the secretly powerful Jew controlling us, controlling our government and foreign policy.


    0.2% of the population, in a sinister Jew plan to control us for their evil Zionist plan.


    Hitler declared that it was the Jews who lost Germany the war and harmed Germany's economy, the 'incredibly rich and powerful lobby'. As do many extreme Islamists, Marxists and Fascists.


    Basic Jew conspiracy garbage, plain and simple. 





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  7. So its better to pay a taxi rental company than the guy who's paying off his own car? It never ceases to amaze me to what kind of twisted arguments the disciples of "anti-tech companies" and the so called anti sharing economy resort.

  8. The 'guy who drives my taxi' probably rents it from a company that takes around 25%.


    So, instead of helping someone pay for the car they have bought you are giving it to a "taxi rental company"




  9. Installed 365, tried it for a few weeks, didn't like it much, uninstalled it, now I can't open 2003 Word files which have passwords.

    Password files get messages 'Word experienced an error opening the file', even though these are old Word files which were only used with 365.


    Can't open 365 files in Word also. 

    I thought it would be compatible.


    Anyone know how to fix this?





  10. Thanks for your help Samsensan and Onemorefarrang

    There are some very unpleasant people on TV sometimes, their argumentative and aggressive posts ruin the friendly and helpful atmosphere.

    I'll pass on the suggestion about the IT guy for my friend, and ignore the annoying person here.


    Where in Fortune can we find your guy? Looks like someone I'd like to know, for the future.




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