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Posts posted by toast1

  1. We can't stop the water, it appears to be an underground stream, we are just trying to let the water evaporate, as it builds up behind the exterior wall, then leaks into the cellar.


    If we tank the wall, then even more will build up, and leak into the cellar behind.



  2. Krabi is the arm pit of Thailand, you could not pay me to live there.

    Rude and unfriendly locals

    I could not get out of there fast enough.


    Why does the OP not know this?

    Why is such a sensitive soul living there?


    There are plenty of friendly places to live in Thailand.





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  3. In the Uk, a 10' x 10' brick wall below the pavement leading to a basement is very wet. There is water leaking from an underground stream, that builds up in the earth behind and comes into the cellar.

    The bricks and mortar are soaking wet, from all the water that builds up behind it, I assume.


    The wall has a lot of paint on it, which makes a waterproof layer.


    My question is - should I strip this water off, to reveal the bricks, would this let the water evaporate. Moisture in the bricks is higher than the outside air, even in an English winter.


    Would this make much difference? 


    I was thinking of stripping off the paint then putting on a breathable layer of paint, in the hope that water might evaporate, and reduce water leaking into the cellar, which is behind the wall.

    Because of this we have to have a dehumidifier going 24/7.


    Any opinions?


  4. On my Huawei P20 I can't get my photos to upload to Google,

    When I go to Google Photos I get the message 'Can't connect You need an internet connection to use Google Photos'


    When I scroll up a photo, instead of seeing all the photos below for me to scroll through, there is the message 'No related information'#


    Any cues on how to fix this? 

    I don't see photos in the sync section of settings.








  5. OK 


    Will do


    I think in the old days the filter used to get really dirty, as cars used to belch out a lot of soot.

    But with modern cars and trucks being so efficient and filtered, even though there are far more of them, the filter stays clean.


  6. Far right, nationalist, white nationalist, white supremacist, fascist, Zionist, extremist etc.

    Do these words mean anything anymore? Practically anyone not on the Left who expresses some pride in their nation and desire to preserve their culture is likely to be called on of these names.



    There would be no free Poland without Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John II. History has largely been rewritten, Soviet style, to airbrush these out of events which they created. It is sad to see how easily and quickly a PC version of history has been created.


    No Lech Walesa could not have achieved anything without the courage of these three, who stood by him and gave the Polish people support to rise up against Socialism.





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