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Everything posted by spot

  1. Another use of the "radical" "woke" and "left" thing, oh, and combined with "virus", and whatever. Such incisiveness, and so many wide ranging thoughts in this 'debate'.
  2. Hasn't the US been working its way into a mess since Reagan?
  3. It wasn't an inauguration; it was a coronation.
  4. So that's what you mean by lefties. Not sure any of that answers the question. It does explain a lot about you though.
  5. If we want to get technical about it, here's an explanation about the difference, and how and why it's done matters. Before reading (if you can be bothered), remember, you're the one that got pedantic about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute 'The Nazi salute was not invented by Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini, nor is it limited in time to the Second World War or in place to Europe. The salute dates all the way back to the Roman Empire and is properly known as the Roman salute (Saluto Romano). The Roman salute is made by thrusting the right arm forward, palm facing downwards, at an angle of around 45 degrees (Mussolini's version was a bit higher; Hitler's lower)'. Source 1. Lundmark T. Hi, Hitler! arm salutes at various angles. In: Tales of Hi and Bye: Greeting and Parting Rituals Around the World. Cambridge University Press; 2009:18-25. https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/what-is-antisemitism/origins-of-neo-nazi-and-white-supremacist-terms-and-symbols
  6. "you lefties"? Jumping to the conclusion that anyone questioning anything to do with Trump is a "leftie" (whatever that means). Could you explain what you mean by "you lefties", without using words and phrases that have been implanted there by social media or other flimsy sources? Thanks.
  7. Or maybe you've done a (mighty fine) good job of explaining who you are?
  8. Hmm. Seems you're trying to make out that I'm anti-Jewish. You're wrong, and you've misrepresented what I said. The lunatic asylum I was referring to is the Trump camp, and anyone invested in it. But you know that.
  9. I'm disputing what was said. I'm querying why, politically, it was said; what connections this person has within the Trump camp, and why it was posted on this particular news outlet.
  10. No context to this video. Where did you find it?
  11. I was yawing so hard that I nearly snapped my jaw. Hmm, not sure I would trust the words of a campaigner who has a lot invested in the Trump camp. Surely his argument/bias level breaks down completely when he talks about Musk being connected to a concept of "kindness or love". Good one. The news outlet you quoted is also heavily biased. Bloody hell. I thought Musk Trump becoming king president was supposed to herald a golden age of truth, or some vague concept like? Hang on, not sure what to say here, so should I just shout 'woke!' again! Got any more credible 'examples' of support for Musk outside of the inner lunatic asylum?
  12. That word 'woke': now only used by the dumb to point at something they've been told to, but don't really understand.
  13. These examples are just stupid; they are pictures of arms in the process of being raised and out of context. I saw what I saw from Musk. He was trying to wind people up, and it worked. For some people, what he did would be upsetting, and for many on this fun filled, but angry forum, that point would have been missed. The bit that got me is that this childish but rich gibbon is part of arguably the most powerful government in the world. And he purposely set out to cause offence. He's a privileged adolescent dick.
  14. This isn't context. Further proves the point.
  15. It's from the Telegraph: its tabloid tack disguised by a broadsheet presentation and instantly dismissed by anyone who isn't very dumb. The Telegraph is another symptom of the UK's decline in decency.
  16. Point me to a 'commie' policy labour (Starmer and Reeves) have put forward?
  17. So, if there's a 'Two Tier' thing, whose fault is it?
  18. I think you've got me mixed up with the poster. I was actually agreeing with you 😄
  19. Nonsense or truth; doesn't matter when you're happy being ignorant.
  20. Could be so, except that you're a couple of hundred years behind on this one.
  21. That wasn't my question. And how is Reeves a Marxist - example?
  22. I news .."reported that police were 'outnumbered' and 'ran away' from the riot and disorder." The key word here is 'outnumbered' so your original claim didn't have context. The police didn't have the numbers at the time, so backed off. Also, your original claim suggested that the Southport rioters were dealt with harder than the example used in your link. The truth is that people were jailed on both sides, which you didn't mention.
  23. Anti-social personality disorder - good one. Can a forum have it, or just people? https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/
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