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Posts posted by GLewis

  1. here in Bangkok its done by e_signature on a hand held device. It has the signature, time of day and date plus it is used by only one delivery guy. It should be easy to check up, and hopefully find out who signed and took it. It may well involve the police and cost just a bit of money to speed it along.  The EMS delivery guy is generally not the same as the post as far as I know,

  2. Ray, I may seem a bit harsh but my wife just got her new 10 year visa and told me about the process. I went with her expecting to go in as we had done the previous 20 years, but no, you can no longer enter with your spouse or girlfriend


    To get more specific my wife was in for about an hour and a half, I had no idea how long she was interviewed but it did seem long. When we met up at Starbucks across the street she told me how it goes. 


    You are interviewed in Thai and asked such questions as, How much do you expect to spend each day?,  How much have you budgeted per day. Where will you be visiting? What is your expected date of return.   I seriously doubt she was only asked one question and denied.  So had you discussed the finances of the trip? Had you told her the planned itinerary? What questions had you two discussed together?


    You can google up a sample interview quite easily.   http://www.immihelp.com/visitor-visa/visitors-visa-interview-sample-questions-answers.html


    They asked my wife the purpose and dates of her planned visit.   " I have no plans to go to the USA at this time but I have twins studying in the University of California system and if something comes up there I want to be able to get there quickly".. " Your visa is granted, you can have it mailed by EMS to your house"  Pretty well straight forward.


     Sorry that this happened but there is no appeal. You will have to try again.

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