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Kalasin Jo

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Everything posted by Kalasin Jo

  1. 555. Not a bit rich, very rich to retire at 50 and never work again!!!
  2. What exactly did he fall for? What reason was he given by the scammer on the phone to make this transfer? And the supposed consequences if he didn't?
  3. Exactly. So if his supporters win a landslide in the House of Representatives and are in government would the King issue Royal Pardons to him and sister. If the King did that they would both be back for sure. But what about The Senate? Packed with conservative military heads and ex military all appointed by the National Council for Peace and Reconciliation. Remember that? Set up by the military following the 2014 coup. The PM is not necessarily the leader of the majority party in the HoR. As I understand it The PM is appointed by a combined session of the newly elected HoR and the Senate under the new constitution. It's a clever provision that critics say will almost always ensure the military has the last word in elections and any government then formed.... without that landslide victory Thaksin calls for which I've read is 376 HoR seats out of the 500 in total.
  4. Read every single document insurers provide before parting with your money. There should always be full terms, conditions and exclusions offered by reputable insurers before you buy. If these are not available before you buy them beware. It's too late if the send you these after payment. Of course insurers are companies with shareholders so want to make a profit to pay dividends ( different with Lloyds of London where a syndicate of individuals back the policy....but they still expect profit). On claims some don't quibble unless suspicious of the claim, some fight tooth and nail to decline a claim. All will decline a claim arising from circumstances which breach the policy terms, conditions and exclusions
  5. Alot for a foreign card. So do a large withdrawal. But then again you might be robbed.
  6. Ticket prices are insane compared to pre COVID But how to change that? How? If one looks at the breakdown of a ticket price a large chunk is for various additional charges and surcharges on the core ticket price. Contrary to what some are suggesting in the normal business world with high demand prices rise and so in the airline business ticket prices rise, low demand they fall. I used to run a holiday let business and busy times with high prices compensated for quiet times with few or no bookings. But that's not happening with airline tickets. Perhaps because it's not just foreign tourists flying in and out of Thailand but Thai tourists flying out and back? Many many more with the money and the inclination to see the world these days. So what is traditionally low season and not very nice weather here is from May to September high season in Europe. Just a thought. A look around your fellow passengers would provide a clear answer. Until the airlines start competing with each other for bums on seats again I don't see this changing. At the moment searches reveal they are all costly, but not always full if you get as far as choosing your seat.
  7. This story has already been covered here hasn't it? Now the sensationalist Daily Mail of UK latches on. Consistent shouty, right wing Tory policy supporting, gaslighter of the British public. Most of the British press is owned by seriously rich non domiciled British citizens or Murdoch and his empire. In the case of the Mail through a Trust company DMGT, itself owned by another company both controlled by Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, member of the House of Lords and with non domiciled UK tax status.
  8. Sad but true of all hidden or little known gems. Publicised as just that and the people will come,and ruin it. Ruining the planet is the human way.
  9. Fantastic. Pretty sure it used to be a requirement but I may be confusing with other Embassies/ Consulates
  10. No. They don't worry about it at the border. I left in the 7 day post due date period and came back in on a re entry permit then did an online 90 day report based on that re entry date. Accepted. No problems, no fine, no comment!
  11. It ended on the date Thailand said it would. No fanfair extension, no reminder that it was about to end either. Possibly because we are in to GE campaigning and a caretaker government so nobody at the wheel to take a decision. I'm sure some were caught out, complacent after the seemingly ever repeating ( always at the 11th hour) Covid extensions, although those cost 1,900 a pop and a fair bit of queueing for many.
  12. Well, they over do it don't they. Just as with alcohol. My wife's brother in law was in and out of hospital, ill through alcohol abuse many, many times until liver failure killed him at 46 years old. A funny, really lovely guy too. Never aggressive even when drunk as a skunk. RIP
  13. A very good bit of advice if you're living any distance from Bangkok. I've thought about getting a yellow house book but local amphur said we need this, amongst other things. to proceed. So I have up on that. A yellow book obviates the need for multiple residency certificates which are only only valid a month for such things as car registration, driving licence application, account opening at some banks and requires the co operation of the blue house book holder.
  14. Some documentary proof of that is clearly needed. You can't just rock up and say I'm back and want too to stay a while!
  15. So far almost all good. I'm 71 now. But who knows what's round the corner? Or actually going on inside me. 2 of my longest friends died quite suddenly in August last year...on the same day. Appeared completely healthy until just a few weeks before. Cancer. One same age as me, the other a year or so older.???? Early last year another. a little younger, died in a car accident.
  16. I believe long absent British Citizens need to re establish habitual residency in the UK at a specific address to access most state benefits there. To access the NHS other than as an emergency you need first to register with a GP near where you are/will be living. Some documentary evidence is required. Google search " returning to live in the UK". UK S1 certificate holders ( the EU system for specific classes of people including pre brexit British EU resident state pensioners whereby the cost of a citizen of one EU country accessing the healthcare and welfare system of another as a resident there is covered by their country of citizenship) can immediately use the NHS. That's no help in this scenario.
  17. Sadly my wife is useless at any admin.. especially this! Last time we had to go together for the farang stay in house notice and ask about current extension requirements the IO started with her in Thai but soon gave up. Turning to me and in English. After a while he said you understand all this better than your wife, then to her : you must take better care of your husband. She was not at all amused, but I certainly was! Close to expiry of my 90 day non O marriage based e-visa obtained out of country I applied for and obtained a retirement extension 1 year. Did this solo. No request to see wife. No photos other than my mug shot, no home visit ( yet!).
  18. Oops, yes. I mean the house master's notice of foreigner staying.at the address Always getting the form numbers mixed up.
  19. The insurers will want to see the first responder and police reports. They will also ask the treating medics whether the injuries are consistent with riding bareheaded or with a helmet. Insurers don't pay unless it's contractually clear they must.
  20. Well it seems there is no proof one way or the other as to whether he wore a helmet. That surprises : none found at the scene I guess, none found at his place of stay either. but the medics should be able to say from the nature of his injuries whether he was or not. Insurers are not in the business of paying out if they can find a way not to.
  21. As I understand it you can do the 90 day report up to 15 days before and 7 days after the due date. I asked a similar question here last November and that was the answer given plus that if exiting Thailand no more than 7 days after the due date there is no need to do the report. So I didn't do a report which would have been my first ever as it happens in 10 years of spending time here) on a non O 1 year retirement extension obtained last October. I then left on the 7th day after the due date and returned approx 3 weeks later on a re entry permit. Stamped in until October. Based on my re entry date in January another 90 day report became due in March. I did the report after registration using the online app and entering the January re entry date. Application acknowledged and a few days later an email confirming acceptance with a downloadable notice containing the next due date. By the way and as I posted on a different thread no TM 47 was done on my return to my home here ( confirmed not necessary unless it's a new visa by local IO back last July when one was done and it was a new visa) although presumably the Suvarnabhumi airport hotel did one for my one night stay there.
  22. Thanks! Excellent! You went with your wife I see. In the past I've gone alone for this. I assume that is still ok but that I will need an invitation letter from my wife. Anyone know for sure?
  23. Not easy for me to apply directly requiring 2 attendances and overnight stays. Paris and all the consulates are about 500km from home. The new e- visa seemed a great improvement. I used the Paris Embassy for a 90 day non O based on marriage e-visa twice last year. 1st time quick response and reasonably easy to do. Invitation letter from wife a bit of an issue as they wanted her address and phone number included but a manuscript letter, which she photographed and sent to me was accepted. The second occasion had me tearing my hair out, no response at all for nearly 3 weeks the system stuck on "awaiting documents check" I emailed them saying my flight was now less than a week away. Got a response, said the invitation letter must be addressed to to the Ambassador, dated, be on A4 paper, be typed not handwritten with dates of my visit, address where we would be staying. I pointed out none of this on previous occasion. Response we do not take note of previous successful applications. So had to bow, scrape and beg and say my wife a simple lady and not at all tech savvy, didn't even have a smartphone as she didn't like them and if necessary I would enter visa exempt and apply for 90 days non O in country then. System application status then changed to referred for approval. ie the jobsworth had decided to refer to a higher up rather than keep blocking at their documents check. I'd given up and was actually at the train station waiting for train to CdG airport when the approval came through. Stressful? Oh yes! Would I use it again? Perhaps not though it requires less banked money, banked in France not Thailand, than an in country non 0.
  24. Much the same for us. Agency is the way to go especially if you are in a hurry. Less than 10k baht back then. Ours was completed in less than 48 hours. I forget now the agency name but not far from the old British Embassy. Everything fine and paid for in that fee apart from getting ourselves to the agent's office on second day. I was accosted at Embassy gate after getting the Freedom (555) certificate to lose my freedom again. What was not included was the reverse translation process ie. Thai to English and the necessary MoFA certification followed by your Embassy verifying the genuineness of the MoFA certification. Only necessary if you want to take your spouse to your country on a spouse rather than tourist visa. If you don't use an agent for that too it's quite a hassle.
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