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Kalasin Jo

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Everything posted by Kalasin Jo

  1. It's a while back but that's what I did. Being non the wiser at the time. I came in twice showing my current extension of stay and re entry permit in my old passport and offering the new passport for the entry and exit stamps. When renewal of edition time came the IO at Sahkon Nakon did whatever transfer of stamps needed and charged me 2,000 baht. On top of the fee for the new extension..
  2. No doubt because that's also what he always forgot with his home.
  3. I like elephants but it's best to be very wary. Ritual or belief, this is still a crazy thing to do.
  4. At first glance sounds great. But the kicker is that you have to be in the country to apply to Thai Embassy there. And the wait time. I know. I applied at the French Embassy fora 90 day non O by marriage, applying with what I thought was plenty of time, 4 weeks,. Previous applications this way had been approved in days. Not this time although what was supplied by me had not changed.. After doing nothing for nearly 10 working days I was contacted for more information and a rehash of the invitation letter, typed not handwritten ( a new requirement) and with more info. By this time my flight was just days away. I begged, I pleaded, by email as never got through on the phone. The e -visa was finally sent through 6 hours before my flight departure, seemingly after a review by jobs worth's superior. I suppose whilst waiting you could nip home visa exempt stamp but not sure how that would "fit" with the e- visa when that arrives, by email with instructions to print for border entry. Looks to me like this is getting very expensive for those who do border runs.
  5. Well this is the first I've heard of a red box programme! Nor have I ever seen one out here in the sticks.
  6. I had a recent run in with my father in law. He has a car on permanent loan to me, although he occasionally uses it. A small dog ran out from nearside)) in front of me whilst on the move at about 40 kph ( small country road) . I braked but not too hard as neither my wife in the passenger seat not those in the back were belted up. Even so everyone in the car lurched forward. The little dog hit the front bumper on the offside, yelped, rolled a couple of times and ran off. The damage to the car was a small 4 cm crack in the lower half of the bumper. As it is his car, instead of feigning ignorance as to the cause eg: dunno, may be it happened while parked in Big C car park or something, I thought that out of respect and honesty I should show him the crack and explain how it happened. He went ape <deleted> wailing as if it was the end of the world. He then spent the next hour repeatedly and theatrically opening and closing the bonnet loudly, looking underneath, starting and stopping the engine. Finally he stormed off, not looking at me, confiscating the keys so I could not use the car. Finally he calmed down after 3 days, returning the keys without a word. Honesty is never the best policy with a Thai it seems.
  7. Why? The EU countries permit it on application. After 5 years of lawful residence, including as a taxpayer and annual renewals to that point you have proved yourself and your commitment and can apply without further checks for permanent residency which expires only if you leave and don't return to the country that grants it for 5 years. You have to update your residency card if you move address or after 10 years. You are included in that state's healthcare and social security systems, approval to work, never 90 day reports.
  8. First I had to register for the service on their internet banking, not the app. The approval took less than a day., I continued to use the internet banking channel to effect transfers to UK. No problems, they do ask what the money will be used for but did not require any supporting documentation. Same with Dee Money, but registering with them required some documents to be uploaded to them tomorrow ID as I was not an existing client. Each has its own charging structure so it is worth comparing which is most advantageous to you.
  9. I always do that. I've also found it easier to sort out changes directly if I book directly.
  10. Agreed. Isn't it more likely he did this to run away from whoever or whatever he found himself caught up with?
  11. Correct. Only UK government pensions for its former employees are covered. Not UK state , not private pensions. Liz Truss would be fine then as she gets a fat pension from the UK government, I think it's around £135,000 pa for her disastrous 49 days as PM. She also held other government positions for ( slightly) longer which will also pay pensions.
  12. Not so far in my case. I'm assuming you returned on a valid re entry permit and using the passport you left on with that in it. A new passport number triggers an auto rejection by the system, as does a new visa. At what point in the online process did you get this notification? Immediately from the online system in response to your application or later? I ask because the online applications are actually processed if accepted online by your local office Could be different now, the regulations or rather their interpretation, change with the wind direction, office or officer. I am not aware that the regulations have been changed. I left and returned twice last year entering those return dates as entry date without a problem but haven't left again since I returned in August 2023.
  13. So you don't mean footballers then🤔 On politics I've found most farangs I come across are right wing or far right when it comes to their country of origin although not living there may be for decades, left wing about Thai politics
  14. It happens and not just in this country. Some people are just evil. Look forward to hearing what the employers have to say and what charges the police bring.
  15. Thank you for your advice Tod. So far you are the only responder. Out of curiosity I've just followed the link you kindly provided. I've never done that nor paid much attention when my wife did the registration in person at the IO as the whole process was conducted in Thai with her and didn't really concern me. Now I've looked at it in English, isn't it weird? It is predicated on the basis that it is accomodation businesses that need to do this as used to be the case before Immigration decided that all places where foreigners stay including family homes had to be registered even when they have this information from visa and extensions of stay applications AND of course the TM 47 90 days of presence notifications. For accommodation providing businesses that makes some sense especially with visa exempt or tourist visa visitors moving around staying in different places. And the short time limit rather backs that up I think. But for long stayers living for years at the place they call home? Still it is not for us to reason why is it? Just ensure compliance which I am aware some foreigners find difficult if the person with the obligation is not co operative and grossly unfair and discriminatory that they look to the foreign "guest" to pay any fine imposed not the " host" who has the obligation. But we mustn't complain, we won't get the service we need if we were so bold as to do so.
  16. Hi Jimjim1, this bit bothers an overcautious lawyerly me. Some, particularly syndicates, use every and any possible excuse.. Is reduced immunity in your medical records? If so is it expressly and only because of this loss of skin pigmentation affliction and expressly stated that they use the reduced immunity as a sweep up category in the absence of any other specific category?
  17. Very sadly and unexpectedly my wife, the registered bluebook principal occupier, died on 10 July with her cremation on 14 July. There is no problem with me staying on but the blue book registration has already been transferred at the Amphur at Yang Talat to one of her sisters who has always lived with us. Does this change mean that she must now file a new TM 30 stating I continue to live here as I have done with my wife since 2015. The last TM30 was done in person when I returned on a new Thai Embassy visa in 2022 after the borders were reopened and ending of quarantine. I have obtained 2 extensions of stay of 1 year based on retirement from Kalasin IO since then without problems, filing on line the 90 day notices have always been accepted, the next one of those comes up early next month and next extension in early October. If the sister does need to do this how easy is it to do online, actually by me? She is not the brightest button in the box and we live 30 kms out from the IO so may be online would be easiest. If so, links please, is there an Android app for it these days? I do not have a laptop or desk top here Many thanks
  18. Very sad to report my wife's unexpected death on 10th July and cremation on 14th July at our local temple after a prolonged illness with progressive neurological deficit and in consequence increasing physical deficit too. I'm not posting here for sympathy but to ask what effect this has on the substantial allowance against income for a non working wife. Obviously without a wife here it will cease to be available, but when? Can I claim it for the whole of 2024, is it apportioned, or simply not available? Thanks in anticipation.
  19. Drinking an already ice cold beer putting ice in it and with ice in it.....and through a straw😆
  20. Don't all airports / airlines do this the world over? That's my experience. Of course doing this creates a huge bottleneck of frustrated travellers at airports and if things like automated immigration gates and cashless check out terminals at the food and drink outlets, ATMs aren't working either......need I say more?
  21. About right. When I practiced as a defence civil litigation lawyer, acting for the insurers of those being sued, a part of my practice involved detailed study of policy terms and conditions to advise on whether any of said T&C's especially exclusion clauses allowed them to decline cover.
  22. Not convinced the left hand ever knows what the right hand is doing in Thailand. Flip flops, contradictions abound.
  23. Anutin messed up by so rapidly and vaguely decriminalising without adequate regulation to make things watertight especially about recreational use: who, when and where. So many then jumped on the apparently unrestricted free market to grow, supply and sell. What an opportunity to be in at the start whether as grower, middleman or retailer. It's a huge industry already with large and small businesses. Recriminalising will abruptly end legitimate currently legal businesses large and small, ruin the smaller investors, and put those below them out of work and back on the street until arrested for dealing. Recriminalising won't stop it, just drive it back in to the hands of the mafia gangs and black market distribution.
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