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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. Any cetain reason to emphazize "foreign" teacher?
  2. To take her home was stupid, and an offence to the rules anyway, no matter under what circumstances. That's the only "fact", from the article. The mother learned from another teacher...The teacher learned from a "friend" ... "According to the allegation, once in the condo, Keller acted indecently by holding hands and hugging the girl. The schoolteacher, upon receiving the report from the friend, promptly contacted the mother, who then filed an official complaint with the Phetkasem Police Station." Where is the evidence for "holding hands" and "hugging", yet? Facts?
  3. There are too many disgusting "comments" again. The AN mob of left fascist, racist lowlifes, driveling, and jxxking off again. Without knowing any facts at all.
  4. Himmler was untouchable due to his power of the very high position in the hierarchy, and the direct shortcut to Hitler. Not due to knowing some dirt on other dirtbags. So, your "analogy", is not only far-fetched. It witnesses a pathetic political understanding and knowledge of history. By mingling the political situation of two different countries in different centuries and the situation of two individual character in those absolutely different systems. Both are not comparable at all. There are even not any analogies between "Big Joke", in the present TiT political system, and "Himmler", a war criminal in the autocratic Nazi Terror Regime. Stupidity or intention? Anyway. The typical reflex about "Trolls" doesn't make it better in both cases. Go back to school instead of "feeding" the "old, angry trolls" with lectures based on your biased semi-knowledge.
  5. You like him or not. He's a chess player in TiT politics, who plays his long-time ahead planned strategies very well. Relentless, with a very long breath to achieve his targets! Quite underestimated, and for sure, not one of the clowns. Let's see, what happens.
  6. "Analogy"? Lol. "Angry"? Lol. Naive, woke simple minds connect anything, with "Nazi", what's not woke, in their limited horizon. Parrots pretend to be smart. So, a simple question without circumventing about "UK", or "Henry VII": What is the "analogy" between "Big Joke" and "Himmler"?
  7. I know who, and what "Himmler" was. So, why do you connect the atrocious German Nazi regime and this unbelievable creep with "Big Joke"? Deliberated, or just stupid implications?
  8. I don't understand what "like Himmler" is supposed to say, but with the rest, you might be accurate. He was high in the ranks and in several center positions. So, he knows where the coins are rolling to.
  9. Good approach. But, it makes only sense, when the economy is able to provide a sufficent number of jobs. The average low education level, by an ancient education system, the greed of employers, who often "prefer" illegal employees, in low level sectors, like constructions. Btw, where a crisis, let's say in an "optical" way is hard to recognize. To circumvent the already redicoulous low minimum wage. Just two collaborating issues to unemployment.
  10. If they want to hand out cash money to welfare card holders, they'd name as a "social welfare" program. Not an "economy boosting" program. Can the administration afford the budget? That is the other issue. Obviously, it is too difficult to determine? Some recipients, maybe, would stash up the money, and some might "invest" it in Hong Thong, Cigarettes, cell phones, or anything. That's exactly, what would "boost" the economy in some way. But that is criticized! After months of long and winding discussions, at least they've realized their inability to establish the digital wallet system. Unfortunately the dream of the "control freaks", to launch the introduction step of a "Chinese-Master" styled social controlling system is torn. Fortunately (this time), by the often-seen incapability to plan ahead longer than one week.
  11. Only in a very selective manner. If they're interpreting something personally as negative, they have a memory like an Elephant. That's why there is all this fuzz about a dead-born project (promise).
  12. I don't get the fuzz about her. Especially Farangs should care about their own threshold. Concerning the ridiculous, incapable, and left-fascist "monkeys" they've elected into power in their home countries. Lol.
  13. Why you're always talking about "our" Forum, "our" numbers etc.?
  14. Wow, thank you! You're working overtime, for all the copy/paste work. And a a psychoanalyst either? As a "Jack of all trades", you must be on the TAT payroll?!
  15. I didn't bash anyone, except you! You like to bash, at least, "Brits" for whatever reason. It's up to you. But this kind of stereotyped photo-documented post (not the first one) reveals your true face and mindset, camouflaged by long and winding pseudo-scientific, narrative-peddling mental diarrhea. Thank you, you're welcome!
  16. Your description of the real situation in tourist areas, and the concerns of "common sense"- people during the China Virus lockdown aren't eliminating, what some clowns in the wrong position stated. The "smart" boosting of domestic tourism against all scientific advice, resulted, besides a very overseeable amount of THB (for whom"), in a higher contamination of (until then) less affected areas, inciting new lockdowns. Well done! Lol. Where are the posts of TAT? (You're cherry-picking "quotes" out of the (my) context. It's called "Gaslighting".) Again: TAT is the subject, not ANF or UK tourism. (You're "quoting" parts out of my context) Dito to you! Lol! Pulling out the baseball bat "Whataboutism" doesn't help much, from a certain point, and is mostly one of the last resorts, when running out of argumentative fuel. Quoting "BigStar": "I can't be a*sed to look up the old posts for you, but they're all there" Why should I? They're all there. Lol. At least, you're revealing where you're doing your research, and collecting the database for your scientific copy-and-paste analyses. You seem to conflate traffic conclusions with a bustling (tourism) economy, like many other people in TiT. "Round n' round in circles." Nobody is "impressed" anymore. "It's lost all its power to inspire awe owing to overuse, sorry" Correct! Bingo! But you'd change the recipient for your statement. Nobody questioned the entitlement of any aspiration. But if aspirations come down to the inflationary use of empty phrases, like "hub" (of anything?), agreement or disagreement becomes obsolete. Only the joke prevails.
  17. Wow, "BigStars" selected photos again. "Evidence" for what? You'd forget to add some detailed information, at least the nationality of those people.
  18. Whose posts? Yours, or the in-between revised "evidence", due to the China virus, as an "act of nature"? I remember officials bragging at that time, that the fallout of tourism isn't a big concern for the "strong", diverse TIT economy. Let me guess, was it whistling in the woods? Or just blatant incompetence? They're not paid for, and it's not about "negative" predictions. It's about more reliable predictions. A positive surprise would prevent them from ridiculous corrections of "their" pink narratives, and to be a laughing stock. Firstly, the UK is not the subject, here. Sure it's an exaggeration, like their "silly" predictions to positively entertain, incite, and lure the folks to open more obsolete hotels, and restaurants, which are crying for subsidy. Just an example. Who the trolls are, including you (without that license), is obvious. The attribute "precisely" in the context of these continuously out-of-range numbers published, is a joke. Considering the "determinants", I've read, the "High Season" has already been predicted to begin this September! A new achievement since August 2024. The "hub" of high seasons.
  19. Wow, "BigStar", the TAT and TIT economy insider gave another "scientific" milestone analysis. Your long and winding "waterfall" interpretations, with twisted sentences, and lectures for stupid ANF members don't make the "crystal ball" predictions of these buffoons more reliable. Ultimately, most of the "boosting-hub-raining money" outlooks need to be revised, by blaming "acts of nature", or something beyond control. To go into the next round of positive entertaining. That's their obligation.
  20. 60 % is still in the 20th century. 40 % is "boost, boost, hub, hub"
  21. Oops. Another hub "of cards" is falling apart. Maybe a sidewalk using tax for tourists, instead?
  22. Correct. (The ad itself, I commented ealier). The discussion is leading away a little bit from the op. This might depend on the endorsing of this ad by the PM acting, real estate tycoon for his tourism-boosting campaign. Btw, the last one, which was a success, was the "Amazing Thailand" campaign. A long time ago. After this, only failed "big dreamer" campaigns. Targeting Millionaires, VIPs, and 5*-"High-End"-Concrete-Ghetto- Tourism, which ended mostly up in Chinese "Zero-Dollar" tours. Not to forget, your long-winded, (pictured) "Halejulia" analysis, about the actual economical situation, and its handling. At the moment TPTB is more engaged in those never ending "democratic" power games, instead the economy, anyway. So hang on to their lips and bloomy crystal ball predictions.
  23. Calm down, Lol. I wasn't talking about the airport. I mentioned the weekly new announced "hubs", from "energy, manufacturing anything, to "vintage" cars. EVs are already dead. They bragged, and played down their dependency on tourism during Covid, and had to realize, that there isn't much more left. Now, the absolute number is lower, and the individual spending is lower. Export is declining harshly, with no skilled working force, no production. No inventions either, besides quick forgotten "hubs". Onlly a huge import of crap from the "Masters". And that is not to blame on Covid. Even more weed is imported (and cheaper) than the homegrown. The SET is number 1 in losses. Clues? "Boosting" tourism, taxing Lazada peanuts, looking for new cows to milk, and the like.
  24. Tourists from what origin are "much better"? The Chinese, Russians, camouflaged (Ham)asholes, or from where? "Tourism hasn't gone down", Lol. Then, I wonder what the desperation is about. In between, at least, some people might have realized (surely not TAT or the concrete punks) that virtual, empty hubs are not paying taxes or laying any of the needed eggs.
  25. A stupid video, about stupids, full of clichés, made by woke stupids. It's supposed to be funny! But outraging, self-content "idiots" in the center of the world, don't get that. Find the failure.
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