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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. Now he'd already "beaten up" two woman, and was kept from killing. Totally sick assumptions, helping zero about the situation. Just cooking the thing up? Disgusting!
  2. Got hit? So long and winding... Just to end up in an disregarding lecture, and crashing into the same car again, and again. Keep it short, as it's not so enduring.
  3. Your first point is absolutely correct! The second not. Now, let's define the "creeps"?
  4. Expected by whom? "Hard thinking (Hmmmm) Gottfri(e)d"? I'm just adapting, so you're welcome.
  5. Another, wannabe Deputy "Sheriff" with the direct hot wire to the police. This thread is about the published video. Not "victim blaming". There is no physical violence from the foreigner to see. Period! It's also not about any "hot" intel, you pretend to have. So, your statement is irrelavant! Beside a lot of other disregarding crap statements here. I wonder, if you, and some other big mouths here, talking the same way in such situations ("POS, Bag of..., Euthanasie etc.").
  6. Here we go again. Another deliberate "Outrage" about foreigners is launched. The lesson for the filming person might be, creating "outrage" could have a price. I don't see any "punch" in that video! What I see is, that he is on the way to leave, packing his things up. Yelled at, grabbed and touched, despite telling this mob, not very politely though, to stay away from him. This video shows nothing, besides hysterical, agitating yelling. The typical, everyday repeating low life situation, in a low life venue, in the "recommended" High Class Family Resort. The "original", is still vibrant. Quintessentially, not only the "guests" getting worse.
  7. Yes, hard thinking, but no results. Only stereotype, 2 sentenced assumptions. Find the failure, thus give me a breake. Btw, is your avatar a photo of you? That would explain a lot, Lol!
  8. "Mmmmmm..." You're thinking so hardly, but the results are still pathetic.
  9. If you say so... To see "Slang", in whatever language, as "foul language", is your pleasure. To me, it makes sense to take the adequate shortcut, when it's getting annoying. So, I just refer to my earlier post. Lol
  10. Self awareness is the first step, to get better. Good, that you'd hold your self back, at least this time, in this thread. This forum is a real good field, to get aware of the common dumbness of TiT affiliates, and expats bubble. No wonder, that we're the at the bottom of the chain. 😂😂😂
  11. So, your conclusion implements, that a large part of the local society having "mental health" problems? Because, they're killing each other, after a couple of drinks? And "Lao Khao is the culprit. OK! So, ban alcohol, would an anti-alcohol campaigner say. That's would be an easy way to polish the surface, and put the underlying issues under the rug! Despite it's even happening without alcohol. Violent outbursts, Machete, Knive, and other fatal "encounters" are the label, and indicator for ancient -traditions, -custom, -structural-pressure, paired with lack of, and wrong education. If you like it or not, this is the underlying issue. Not "mental health"! Even in Western countries, they use this redicilous label, for all the violent atrocites happening, since recent years. I accept the customs, because I'm a guest. I'm not boozing with locals, I'm not knowing very, very well. If they slaughter each other, it's not my business. Whatever their reason is. That's my way of "respect", for mental issues, or whatever.
  12. Thank you, for the lecture about teenage menstruation, and the expertise about their sex-lives! So, the usual culprits are not -pimp parents -pimp barmanagers -pimp officials -pimp the "average" -and so on No, the little, greedy, teenage sluts, by themselfes, right? Supported by their "pimp" boy/girl friends. Wich venues you're visiting, to get the knowledge, to come to those profound "expert-" analyses? 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Not Lao Khao shows its face, Lao Khao, or Alcohol can show easily another face behind the smiling (by custom) mask. Unable to deal, feeling insulted by any sort of criticism, when sober. Thinskinned, triggered at low levels to rage out, when drunk. Very often with berserk violence, is a daily issue. This is not a problem of "mental health".
  14. I just gave you an answer to your "smart" question. Two sentenced, wannabe terminating, get out of it-reflexes are the usual last resort of libtards. "He easily triggered", lol. Who is "he", and what is the "lost cause"?
  15. Instead of saying somthing, only a wet fart! Ig you've no fantasy, google it, use some dumbhead AI!
  16. Thai venues, no foreigners involved. Everything by the book.
  17. Sources? Every idiot is fabuling about AI! Btw, the current, distributed, easy accessable, "free" AI, to every stupid cellphone, with-, or without agreement, is especially designed to keep, or make the "folks" even more stupid, and extort them anyhow. Not to "help". Instead, make those believe in all this BS, they want to be believed. Otherwise it would not make any sense at all. Or, do you really think, they'll give every dumbhead their tools for free? Just think about the development of the internet, from its beginning until today. Wake up! And the disgusting "Buyden" creep, with his whole fascist libtart entrourage stands for exactly this.
  18. Reality ignoring idiots will always crashing into the "same" car. But complain a lot about it.
  19. Whispering? This retard might be nearly deaf anyway. They might give him e-shocks before every speech. Or positioning children in the audience, better closer to him, holding cards. Attracting him more as a teleprompter.
  20. Biden, and AI in one sentence. That's a good one. AI or teleprompters. What is the real challenge for sleepy Joe? I'd say, to read teleprompters. The scent of "fresh meat", and sniffing on children is a different thing! It's even waking him up, occasionally.
  21. Says a "sophisticated American", who fled his country, for not having the prxxk of Trudeau in his axx?
  22. For that, the result will only be more hurdles and complicated procedures. An administration system inclines to hide its incapability with artificial, sometimes even arbitrary, complications, to keep adminstrating itself. The very "welcomed" side effect (or intention?), besides the already forced reduction of cash flow, is the "ability", to have control over the funds, and every person, who holds a bank account. The repeatedly prespecified "customer protection" is a secondary badge. So nothing else, as a wishful blueprint of the globalist plans in Western countries.
  23. As "Tax" is the new magic word in TiT, it looks very attractive to the BOT, and the Government, to "copy" the efforts of the 1st world countries to control the money flow, and the assets of the individual. The problem is the common incapability, of being overwhelmed by the details to achieve the announced "big time" tasks. Like on so many bandwagons, they jumped on. Who are the "grey mules" in the database? Locals (Nominees) also, or only "foreigners"? What is a "high-risk" account? What is the content of this "circular"? What, and how will the flags be managed "efficiently"? Who legitimizes the freezing of an account? A branch supervisor? Here we are again. More hurdles of "documentation", photocopies, and paper shoveling. From here to here, from there to there. Who (again), determines the limiting of available services of an account? The branch supervisor? "Protect customer transactions" sounds always very good, but it is usually abused to implement transaction -limits, or even locks, and to get control of assets. Good customer protection is a secured, and reliable App. Not to limit the freedom of the user, to command his funds. Btw, the main reasons for online fraud are greediness and bargain hunting of naive people, who are getting scammed. The banks never took, and never will take any responsibility for online fraud. More or less, the common substanceless phrases. At least, the main aim gets clear: Control everybody and everything.
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