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Everything posted by Maitdjai

  1. What long-term-stayers are thinking, is getting more and more secondary. You might "invest" half a million Dollars in the Lalaland- "Mickey-Mouse-Casino"-economy. And even then, you're not a "Mr. Important". You can circumvent some inconveniences, even work (Lol) "in paradise", if you choose one of the several, but more or less identical "milking" visa schemes. So, don't worry too much about bad-behaving fellow expats. Some get bitter, some get grumpy, some are super smart, some are going home in their underwear, and some are joining the Pattaya "Flying Club". But always replaceable. Why? Maybe it has something to do with the expat communities itself. Anyway, the momentary "golden calve" is the short-term "tourist", and his wallet. No matter where he comes from. Who is preferred at the moment? China, Russia, India... This is subject to change, here and then, depending on the actual state of mind of the powers to be. They're coming from 14 to x days, spending their money (obviously not enough anymore, so there is a need for more), and leaving. If their bad behavior isn't too serious, sometimes even if it was, any artificial "outrage" calms down, and diminishes quickly. What are "superior" expats doing? They're jumping on the bandwagon, befouling their own nest and those of other nations. The so-deeply "concerned" crying of the OP is pathetic, as the ridiculous, endlessly repeated calls for deportations, banning, or long-term jail sentences in whatever context, by members of the sanctimonious "good guy" expat faction. How do they come to that? By holding a self-issued "Thai Culture" certificate?
  2. Lying is business as usual in politics. That "the liar in chief" didn't have control over his chronic lying, is now the real problem.
  3. You're playing the "xylophone" quite well! "Brand new" photos, nobody has seen before. Lol. Whom, and about what, do you want to convince. By "digging out the old jokes".
  4. The names you've mentioned are a silver stripe on the, already postponed (2028) horizon of the "transformer" sect. I wouldn't underestimate a 4 years term!! It's a lot of time to dig and clean up. Trump was very relaxed and self-controlled in this farce of a debate. No wonder. With a cognitive wreck as an opponent. Trump is a very "emotional" person. I don't think he'd forget what they did to him. Justifiable, or not. He wouldn't make the same tactical and administrative "mistakes" as in his first term. Maybe others instead. Some retaliation is programmed. I doubt that's good for "democracy", as the weaponization of institutions, and the abuse of the term by the Democrats either. The pendulum would move in the opposite direction, maybe even more far. To use the new magic word "fascism", from left-wing fascism to right-wing fascism. A fact to me is, that this administration (whoever is pulling the strings of the two front puppets), as the "leader" of the Western world, has to go. It can't get worse.
  5. That's business as usual in capitalism. Only in communist systems, this isn't happening. Because the administration is the biggest culprit. The Biden administration is showing you, where the train is heading.
  6. Correct! America has been buggered since 2022! Under normal circumstances, the game is over. There is nobody to step in, with a glimpse of a chance of being successful. The demorat party is in the grip of roaming lunatics. Reasonable members left, or were "switched off". Let's see, how the creativity in cheating will work out.
  7. Drop out collection. https://www.facebook.com/100000155920645/videos/365366816218992
  8. "Convicted Felony" That might be the rest, if at all. Besides a lot of "efforts", it still isn't looking too good for the "Transformers". The opposite happens. It's getting worse on a daily basis. When the abused imbecile has to do an average job in public. It's quite late to realise this fact. Popcorn time.
  9. Below zero! "You answered every question...". (Didn't poo into your panties this time?) Cheering! Obviously, at the bottom, there are no limits... What a disgrace!
  10. "Look" (Lol) Absolutely predictable! The "surprise" of the fake MSM is nothing more, as hypocrisy. The Democrats, including the "First Lady", should be charged for elderly abuse. Now they are in panic? Or did they deliberately victimised Joe? To launch the "Cackling Horse", or Michelle Obama? Anybody available? Governors of failed Blue-States? Many questions. The main problem is, how to get rid of the (now official) senile dxrtbag. Being lurking, and lying himself through US politics for so many decades. Btw, without any real achievements at all. Only lining the pockets of the corrupt "Buyden" clan.
  11. A cheap charade by a real estate mogul, acting as an interim "puppet" PM. They just don't know how to handle, all the failed investment, and obsolete concrete pollution. Created by pure, also stupid greed. Shxt happens!
  12. I always must laugh about this redicilous, and inflationary repeated, and abused term "Tourist Safety". For whatever stupid reason! Mostly, the tourists must safe them self! Because, nothing is "safe", or "secure" in TiT. The news confirming it everyday. There was no problem for decades, right? The real problems starting, when incompetent desk jockeys raising the levels in "theory", and wanna take control. About safety, or whatever. Without any clue to achieve anything of the "high" targets (hubs), they're talking about.
  13. Soi 6 is not Udon! TiT pimps are not low? No, they're forced into this "devils" circle by starving. Lol.
  14. "Foreign Tourists"? I'd say "older" expats! Not so many "tourists" gathering in those backyard "Karaoke" Bars, up there. In the middle of nowhere. But, I've heard, those districts are the real "bargain" areas for long time stayers. Everything, not only the amazing culture, is so "authentic". Lol.
  15. No proper license, according to "the act of 1966". I always have to grin about these "license" allegations. License for what? For human trafficing, for sexual extortion? Maybe it was legal in 1966, and the bar pimp just missed to extend a "grandfathered" license from 1966? Fact is, they've slept a long time. Too many foreigners attended the venue? Good occasion, to wash the sins off the hands.
  16. Wow, here is another toplofty comment from the parroting "Good Guy" faction. According to the community standards?! In comparison to this stammering, even Joe Brandon is a rhetoric genius. ,
  17. This government has no clue in nothing. Except in "announcing" hubs, it is better as its predecessor.
  18. Correct. This forum also gives a good overview of the self-righteous, but low-life bottom of the "alien" hierarchy.
  19. "However, the woman who came with the foreigner refused, saying she would only give 3,000 baht and would bring more on another day before a daily record was made." So, the police let the tattoo "animal" go... 10k demanded for her hurt "ankle" (no punching, then?) 8k offered by the "tattoo" bloke (quite generous, bad conscious?) 7k deduction by an accompanying lady? (realistic estimating of the incident?) So, 3k out of 10k ain't so good. The typical "horsetrade" after a deliberately overcooked "misunderstanding", in the "High Class" sanctuary. Next topic!
  20. Wow, that gives some enlightenment. For your "Robin Hood" stand, regarding mob brawls in redlight areas. Your suggestion, regarding UK citizens, is nothing more, and nothing less than a racist, collective punishment. Btw, where are you coming from? I'm just asking for a friend.
  21. It seems you've already got a sufficient number of head penalties!
  22. Because the common advice is, to dress up neatly when entering the country. That's fine. All other suggestions here are pure fascism!
  23. I pointed out, that you're agitating, and cooking the whole story up. As your previous post has shown. Obviously, it is deleted. My quotation is still there. For your convenience, I've attached a screenshot. I guess everybody "understands", what I'm saying, agree, or disagree. So, your grammar lectures are on the sideline, and quite obsolete. You'd "move it". To a forum about English teachers in TiT, in hopes that you aren't an English teacher, indoctrinating children with woke crap. Like it is happening in our degenerating home countries.
  24. And again, one of the wannabe Deputy Deporters. Believing to move up some stairs (from the low end) of the alien hierarchy, by parrotting crap like this. Isn't it cute?
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