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STD Warehouse

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Everything posted by STD Warehouse

  1. thanks, seems like some schools are over subscribed then and we will certainly get some rejections.
  2. I know what you mean, I know people who had very expensive educations and turn out to do nothing in life and others with much lower cost education that achieve highly in later life. However, as the cost is not an issue, im leaning towards trying to get them into a so called "top" school.
  3. Thanks all seem like good questions to ask
  4. Thanks, so it seems there are different opinions here, that perhaps all wont just hand out an admission. I do worry about this, my daughter is only 6 and although she's British, her written English is very basic and her reading level also low.
  5. yes of course, main objective is to maximize their salaries. I just felt that maybe these schools are over subscribed, hence will not offer admission to a certain percent of applicants.
  6. oh dear, my 6 year old might not do well in the test..... (but both fluent in english, uk citizens) does NIST and ISB really have more Thai and international children
  7. Patana have a waiting list, so not sure if they will al offer admission
  8. If they are desperate, why apply to them all as surely they will all offer a place?
  9. Why do they set an entrance test then? surely a child could score low and fail the entrance test
  10. Looking at international schools in Bangkok. I have two daughters 3 years and 6 years. Ive been researching into the so called top 3 and others like Shrewsbury, etc.., I feel like places are hard to get or tho maybe they just want to give that impression. I'm just wondering is it the norm to apply to multiple schools simultaneously with the reasoning not all will offer an admission, so just applying to one or two is a bit risky, as opposed to applying to say 3-5 schools to increase chances of getting offered at least a place for my daughters at one of the schools. Anyone have any suggestions about this?
  11. Just about to drive 4 hours to Ranong to do a border bounce, probably at Andaman club pier. Border with Myanmar it’s open, right? thankyou…
  12. well, if you lived on Samui or Phangan you would have heard of people paying 30 years upfront, its very common as people don't want to open Thai companies to buy land. They often have renewal clauses for a further 2x30years
  13. yes, thats what im saying, that is what is happening all over Phuket, Samui and Phangan, its very very common for people to do this, lease for 30 years, pay upfront and build a house. If this is a good idea for them or not, is not really my question, I'm just trying to find a solution to my wifes worry about someone cutting down a tree.
  14. it's not possible to transplant this tree, way to big and also because of the way it grows. I don't know why the hang up, but I don't want to make a big issue with my wife, just want to see if a solution exists.
  15. Thank you for a useful answer, will ask a lawyer about writing in that the lessor needs to ask the lessee for permission to make physical changes to the land
  16. because they are in reality buying the land, even if technically they don't own it, they will for the rest of their life have rights to the leased plot.
  17. maybe because they wont be alive in 30 years and have no children to pass it onto
  18. we are not moving, we live next door, theres plenty of room to build a house on the small plot without cutting the tree down.
  19. We have a small land plot, I would like my wife to sell, normally she would also want to sell, but there is a big tree on the small plot. We both know if we sell the land, since its Chanute, the new owner can do whatever they want to the tree. Of course we could find a buyer who might say they love the tree and wont cut it down, but after they buy its up to them, or if they sold to someone else then this new owner could then cut it down. Therefore my wife wants to lease the land on a 30 year lease, the longest lease that is legally possible to register. She thinks if she is still the owner then the lessor cant cut down the tree if we make it a term and condition of the lease contract. Is that even possible? Is that legal? Can a lease contract that is paid in full for 30 years at the start of the lease and registered at the land office contain such a clause and does the lessor have to abide by such a clause? Any ideas about this situation, we really need the cash from selling or leasing the plot, but is it impossible to protect the big tree?
  20. In the Uk when somebody sells a property they own, if they own multiple houses and it’s not their primary residence, then they pay capital gains tax on the difference between what they brought it for and what they are selling it for. In Thailand, is there the same kind of tax? my wife is selling land she brought for 1m six years ago for 2.8m. This is the sales value that will be declared at the land office. Thai’s never seem to file tax returns, well in the village I’m in, I have never heard of a single Thai file a Tax return. About 10 years ago a Thai friend happened to be in the revenue office and they asked her income, she just randomly made up an answer which they accepted with no further questions. But when land is sold, do the Land office withhold income tax? Or do they pass on information on sales price to the revenue department?
  21. thanks, good advice about a 2 pin socket. The "black gloop" is black electrical tape
  22. I have a live and neutral coming out of the wall, which run back to a light switch. Originally I intended to install some wired-in uplight/downlight light fitting. But now I want to install an IKEA children’s wall light, but the wall light is not a wired-in version but has a plug on it. IKEA upplyst light The IKEA plug has only two pins, no earth, and seems to be a AC-DC transformer, and I can’t tell from the plug if its a 220-12v transformer as well. The IKEA website says: “This lighting product has a low voltage and no sharp edges, small parts, hot surfaces, openings or hooks.” I want to install this light into this wall power source so it can be controlled from the room light switches. The cables come out of the wall around 2m above the floor. Next to this wall cable outlet, could I just wire up a socket using the live and neutral wires and forget about the earth? Then just plug the light into that?
  23. I forgot about doing the TM47 by mail, that solves the problem, thank you It might take 3 months to get the 400k in the bank, so might need to do a border bounce after 90 days before I can apply for 1 year extension
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