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Everything posted by nottin

  1. This new change sucks big time. I did a first time check at CW in March, and was told would be able to to next online. Next date was June. But went on an overseas holiday in May and returned before the next date in June. Have been in the kingdom for 90 days now. Did online but rejected. Get same msg as posted before - For first-time requests of a 90-day notification in each country visit, in-person presentation at the immigration office is required. So what does this mean, if leave and return then must always do in person?
  2. Windsor Windows is worth checking with https://www.windsor.co.th
  3. Thought it might be interesting to read some sections of the revenue code. From the section 42 of the revenue code there are some sources of income which are exempt from income tax calculation. (10) Income derived from an inheritance. (23) Income from sale of investment units in a mutual fund. (24) Income of a mutual fund. Plus, there is no capital gain tax from equity trading in Thailand. So although not mentioned in the code specifically that would be another source exempted. These are cut and pasted from the code here https://www.rd.go.th/english/37749.html
  4. I am not saying I am not a tax resident anywhere. I am a tax resident in another country and cannot get around that. Ok, I do earn some income in Thailand, and pay taxes on it, all 3,500 Baht interest from my bank account. I have never seen or been told that I am a tax resident in Thailand even though I spend 90% of the year here. Just went through this with broker accounts I set up earlier this year in Europe, US & Asia, and their compliance departments were satisfied with my explanation of where my tax jurisdiction is and that I have no tax liability in Thailand even though I consider myself a resident here, which at this time, I believe to be completely true. I did try searching for guidelines of what makes a tax resident, a resident of a country, and as long as I do what I need for my legal tax jurisdiction in another country I am good. If Thailand tries coming after all income earned abroad by a retiree residing in Thailand, yet who is not allowed to work in Thailand, well they cannot even accomplish this with their own citizens.
  5. I think it is safe to say in order to be a tax resident you must have a tax ID. You can be a resident in Thailand because you spend most of the year in Thailand, but that alone doesn't make you a tax resident. How to get a tax ID here, first off you should earn income here. The stipulations of Non-imm OA retirement visa and Thailand Elite, both clearly state you cannot work. So unless they start handing out tax IDs, I am not worried. And then even if they did, sure they might know of one overseas account where you send your money from to support yourself in Thailand, but good luck learning about any other accounts. They will have a hard enough time finding the accounts of the smart Thais who have already taken their Baht out Thailand.
  6. Should be quicker. I submitted my application online directly with Thailand Elite on about 15 August and just today received an approval letter. So less than 6 weeks. Approval letter is valid for a month. As luck would have it, am leaving on an overseas holiday this weekend for a month. So not sure what this means. I think as long as I pay 1 million Baht within the next 30 days I am good and then when come back to Thailand can go to immigration and cancel current non-OA and switch to Thailand Elite at the same time. And that maybe can be done anytime before non-OA expires.
  7. Directly with them online. It is very easy, very quick. Now am waiting for them to verify documents which they say can take up to 3 months.
  8. I have submitted my application for the 20yrs no-frills membership. I have done all of my visits by myself to Cheang Wattana for non-immigration OA extensions, re-entry permits, 90-day checks (before the online site was consistently reliable) for 5+yrs now. Realizing that am not getting any younger and it will get harder and harder to make these trips (even with the new BTS line running down Cheang Wattana Road), my memory more susceptible to forgetting to keep the required funds in the bank on which and which dates, I see merit in a membership. And then when consider the cost and doing a bit of back of the envelop math, I can find a way where it just about pays for itself. The way I calculate this is with the non-imm OA visa we need to have insurance with out-patient coverage. Before this requirement came in a few yrs ago I still had medical insurance, although I had no out-patient and had a 40k deductible for hospitalization. With Thailand Elite I would go back to that coverage. That saves me ~37K. Then also save on the extension 1.9K, two re-entry permits 2K. Now am within 10k of the 50k cost/year on the membership (1mil/20yr). Some might say just get an agent to help. Well, an agent would probably cost most of that 10k and what assurance is there that an agent doesn’t do something correctly or does a flier. At the end of day a non-immigration it still is only a year at a time assurance. A Thailand Elite membership seems to me to give assurance and certainty with less stress. And if my math is correct, pays for itself
  9. Thailand actually has an AML agency, wow, so diligent! I would think just one transaction isn't going to alert the AML, but a series of them with the same characteristics might start to raise attention. If you have a larger amount, let's just say something like USD 200k, coming into your Thai bank account don't be surprised if you are called by the treasury department asking about it. It is not so much about why it is coming, but a sum like that hitting them unannounced puts them at some market risk with the USD after converting to THB for you. Yeah they will ask what the amounts for, but "living expenses" always works cause how to debate that. But if they call it's actually a really good thing cause then you can negotiate a better rate with them while on the call! If it just came straight through then you would get whatever market rate they have. Someone earlier suggested calling the bank before the transfer to alert them it is coming which is a great idea because then you can hopefully negotiate a better rate as well. All that said, if use Wise to convert and wire in THB they seem to have very competitive rates. Just my two cents, but hopefully it makes you a few extra Baht!
  10. Assuming this is for the non-IMM O-A the need to make sure the insurance system has been updated by your insurance provider. Don't know if really necessary to have a hard copy of new policy with the policy dates as they seem to check a system to confirm anyway. Also remember the expiration date of new policy will be expiration date of visa extension, i.e. if policy runs only 6 most the visa extension will only be till that date.
  11. I just saw this post and it reminded me I have 2 trips abroad in the next month and I forgot to get re-entry permits. Too late to schedule an appointment online for Chaeng Wattana Complex for the first trip, so my choices are to go to CWC without an appt or get at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Does anyone know how long it takes to get a re-entry permit at Suvarnabhumi before a 800am flight? Is it a long wait to get at CWC without an appt? Can I get 2 re-entry permits at the same time (2 x 1000 Baht < 3800 Baht for multiple)?
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