Happened to me not so long ago, walking back to apartment late after a bar session, when suddenly the footpath leaped up and struck me in the head, followed by a brick wall getting into the act, dazed and confused and bleeding I stumbled for an hour before finding my abode.
Give her a break, she is part Ukrainian and deserves a fair hearing, taxi driver was trying to rip her off so she stood her ground, good on her, she deserves a medal.
Me too, it is a dump!!, for it to become a world class destination they would have to demolish and start again, and clean up the grotty beaches and air quality.
Run out of Russian's to arrest now targeting the poor ol poles, go on give him a break, maybe he could start a Pierogies restaurant, I would be there in a flash.😀
Fake news, Aussies don't behave like this, it is always other foreigners, the video has been doctored, he got a raw deal paying out more than he received, and if you believe all that you have been having too many Leo's of late 🤪
Bottom line is he has money, probably a lot more than many of the posters on here, doubt he will be going anywhere, money is king in Los, you only got to to look at past experiences of crims getting a slap on the wrist.
Having been to both Moscow and St petersburg just before the war started I can only say that the women are great, but the men do not make you feel welcome, the country itself is wonderful, I did not need a haircut while I was there 😆