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Everything posted by Polaky

  1. That is a nice tidy sum the agent is pocketing off some non o seeking sucker, 30,000 baht, 1000 to the i/o, supplement the 800k, very nice, driving around in benz's, is there anyone honest over here?, Perhaps that lawyer, don't like his chances though.
  2. Managed to get through, they said they are open 24/7, however I could not get a straight answer if a certificate is issued which would be accepted by airlines, at first she said no, they do not issue certificates, but then later said she was not sure, in broken English, jumbo can you confirm?.
  3. That was through ANS, the one under current conversation is open, have been trying to call and find out their operating hours, but they are not answering.
  4. Because there is a q at immigration doesn't mean the the place is busy, i just left there to head north and can concur that the place is dead as a door nail, depressingly so, Tourist's appear to be avoiding patts and only expats as evident by the q at the incompetent IO, It will take years to get back to its glory days, meanwhile tourists are right to choose phuket and surrounds, beach road was once littered by luscious females displaying their goods, now all you see are very unfit farangs exercising.
  5. It is a lawless society, there are really no laws, as an example jump on a bike with no helmet, thongs and singlet, ride on the the footpath or the wrong way on a one way Street, and you will see no one cares what you do, if police are there they won't even glance in your direction ,and yet hard working small business operators are targeted for the most ridiculous laws of any country that they actually enforce, if you watch thai rath channel 32, you will see a horror movie everyday, those crimes justify police action, but an honest small business owner?
  6. Grey Goose definitely but pricy, beats the rusky's hands down, drink it straight, don't ruin it by mixing, it also acts as a testosterone Booster, so your gf might get a surprise ????
  7. Ms Meeke has a point, why should she research a country to travel to, it should all be documented in the procedures to enter, but they have left that part out, imagine if they were upfront about incarcerating your butt if you test positive, then no one at all would come.
  8. I would not be in a hurry to thank them for anything, they will most probably cancel your next flight.
  9. Recently did a transaction through wise and got a popup asking if it was funding a retirement visa in thailand, I clicked no, but why would they ask?, perhaps knowing that it needs to be marked as coming from another country they would mark it as such, the transaction was done in Oz.
  10. I asked the same question with tipinsure, they said no, however they said you can renew, You choose select Thailand ( Renewal only) and choose date of coverage https://www.tipinsure.com/TipCovidRegional/step_1 your insurer might be different
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