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Everything posted by Polaky

  1. America is a place where fortunes can be made if you have your bun screwed on correctly, here your savings will quickly diminish especially if you have a thai gf.
  2. A whopping 200 said they want to stay, the rest don't bother posting their views.
  3. I can certainly sympathize with the guy, going into any of their branches is akin to going to a dentist for a root canal job, but to throw rocks and smash equipment is a nono, and the damage bill is outrageous.
  4. I can certainly sympathize with the guy, going into any of their branches is akin to going to a dentist for a root canal job, but to throw rocks and smash equipment is a nono, and the damage bill is outrageous.
  5. The dead giveaway that they failed to publish was the woman forgot to remove the price tags off the jewelry she was wearing ????
  6. At the time of my post it was available, now It is greyed, must have been a bug that they corrected.
  7. Actually you can apply for the TP now for the 1/05, but no later than the 1st, I assume you would need a sha hotel and pcr test booked to go any further.
  8. Jack you do not need to submit a 90 day report when applying for a residency certificate at Jomtien, I got one on a tourist visa, Tm30 receipt from the landlord and fill in the residency form 300 Baht in an hour, after waiting for 5 in the Q.
  9. Eliminating the pre-departure test is silly imho, Half the people on your flight could be infected, In a closed environment such as an aircraft your chances of catching this undeclared luggage would be close to 100%, even if it is only one passenger that has it, your chances of landing without being infected are slim, makes more sense to scrap arrival testing altogether.
  10. I think if i was going to sign up I would request an ak47 or a grenade launcher, not a cocktail, but too old for that now, didn't the west supply enough weapons?.
  11. Not all Russian's support this invasion as can be attested by the protest marches throughout their country in the face of imminent arrest as it is illegal to protest over there, democracy? doesn't exist, to sit idly by and not condemn these actions is simply unethical.
  12. Spent a month in 2019' lay back friendly locals, fantastic beaches, sacred cows wandering the streets, It is a favorite haunt for Russians, cheap food, and a bottle of honey brandy will set you back $5.00, nothing at all like Pattaya, one year visa was very cheap and easy to obtain, you have to experience it at least once and see what you think.
  13. You can try Borax, Yes the stuff that kills ants, don't take my word for it, do a search on YouTube, there are many there that swear by it, not only alleviating pain but also increasing your libido.
  14. This has only just been introduced recently, The covid Insurance requirement is self explanatory, however you also need general Insurance from a Thai Company....... A certificate of health insurance issued by Thai insurance companies covering the entire period of stay in Thailand containing the detail of coverage as follows; In-house patients of not less than THB 400,000/policy year, as for out-patients, not less than THB 40,000/policy year. More information can be found on https://longstay.tgia.org/ A photo of medical insurance policy (in English) which expressly covers treatment and medical expenses in relation to COVID-19, with minimum coverage of 100,000 USD. The insurance must cover the total duration of stay in Thailand. If you follow the link, or make subsequent enquiries to Insurance companies, they all seem to think that you need Insurance for a NON-OA, which is not the case as you only need it for 3 months, appears to be a grey area, Non-O has been available from other countries for some time, was general Insurance a requirement or is this a new addition?, or are you required to take out 12 month Insurance for a 3 month duration of stay?
  15. Big Joke...Respect, This guy gets things done and deserves the praise, he doesn't care who it is, if they are breaking the law they are in his sights, that's why he got demoted, will we see a repeat after he throws a few politicians behind bars?, time will tell, but I think they have the right man on the job, I wonder if we will see press reports at 3.00 am like before.
  16. I was also detected with a stone using the dye method, how soon you want it removed relies on your pain threshold, I had a piercing pain midway up my back which made it difficult to drive semi's, here in oz i was put on the waiting list to get it blasted, wait time was approx 8 months, so persevered with the pain, around 4 months later I felt the pain moving down slowly, over a number of weeks it was in my groin, I was a beer swiller and was unaware what had transpired but woke one morning to find I was painless, must have passed, about 15 months later they contacted me for the blasting!!, a few years later they found a large one in my gall bladder, which I had removed.
  17. With all the donations coming in from the US and zero going the other way, would it not be appropriate for US citizens to get a better deal when it comes to Visa's, Insurance, permanent residency and the right to buy land?.
  18. On a motorbike in theory the virus can spread a great distance, however in a motor vehicle driving solo or with your partner?, that requirement should be abolished.
  19. Exactly what i did, was also worried because the Insurance expired on the same day.
  20. Thats why scams are thriving, because they will pay anything to anybody and encourage them .
  21. what?, you would have to be a dh to pay that.
  22. 1050 baht is a bit steep for one antigen test, mediconsult has it for 500 baht
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