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Posts posted by SportRider

  1. If you want something leading edge and a game changer, check out Pendle (available on crypto.com app).. this protocol tokenises future yield!  Pendle is ranked something like 700th in terms of market cap, but could be huge once it goes main stream (it's not on any of the major exchanges yet)...   It's about $0.44 but would go to $X00.00 if that happens.  A whale-maker...

    Disclaimers - I hold Pendle. This is not financial advice.

  2. 21 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Any data on Sinopharm ??


    Any country reporting its use ?

    Any trials done ?

    Loads and loads of trials... In UAE I joined the phase 3 trial back in August last year along with 30,000 others... 

    Its the default vaccine in the country and is available free to everyone above age of 16.

    Been approved by WHO. It's deactivated virus technique... Anecdotally across all my friends and colleagues (everyone has had the jab) the main side effect is a day or so or tiredness and nothing else. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 12/21/2020 at 7:25 PM, peterpop said:

    I am a UK ex pat thinking about providing a secure income for my Thai wife in the event of my death.  Has anyone explored this subject?  Do UK based annuities work?


    Very briefly

    1. Annuities - at current interest rates (bond yields) these are horrible - you'll pay a huge sum for a very modest income.  And capital is destroyed - nothing to pass on to the next generation.

    2. Property - potentially a better idea, easily understood and managed by your survivor, and rental income likely to rise in lockstep with cost of living over the years ahead.  And something left to pass on.  NB to get a proper legal local Last Will done, and make sure your beneficiaries know of it's existence.

    3. Insurance - payout from a life policy can be useful for providing a lump sum to your beneficiaries, but how to manage the money (and who) for providing income?  Depending on your age this may not be cost effective.

    4. Investments - if you do leave behind a chunk of change, finding a trustworthy professional to manage it on behalf of your survivor can be problematic.  There are good advisors and poor advisors, in all companies, so shop around.  Retired folk should be in a well diversified portfolio of low cost investments (bond funds and equity index trackers), designed for income.



    Four Rules for the Calm Investor (2nd Edition, Aug 2020).pdf

  4. If you search 'Roy Walker Singapore' you will find the guy who was awarded Best Financial Planner in Singapore by the industry body there (in one of the most tightly regulated environments in the world).  Now in Dubai but able to work with residents of most countries, including Thailand.

  5. 14 hours ago, Gonefortea said:

    If Thais call it me I have no truck with it. 


    I read 'have no truck with' here to mean 'I don't mind', but I have never heard it used like this before - usually it means the opposite, or have I misunderstood?


    Farang is a useful word, no need to feel disrespected I think, unless that is the intent of the speaker.. who, if Farang, presumably does not intend insult?



  6. Everybody pays for sex.  Either financially, emotionally or relationship-wise.  They are forms of payment.  Some parts of the world are less understanding about the interchangeable nature of these.  One is not necessarily better or worse than another.


    If somebody says "I never pay for sex" I respond: "What, you only want sex if you can take it for free?  Like a rapist, you mean?"



  7. 5 hours ago, JAG said:

    A friend of my wife is heading  (I reckon) for such a sting. She has "met" a man on Facebook.  He claims that he is a manager in the petroleum business in London and  has lots of money. He is going to come to Thailand, and buy her a house, car and farm. At the moment he is having a problem with getting a visa (?).


    I was shown his Facebook photo - late 30s, well groomed, South Asian or Middle Eastern at a guess.  My wife's friend is in her early 40s, quite attractive but not a stunner.


    I tried to explain my doubts but "you don't understand,  he loves her. .."


    Exactly the same happened to my wife's sister.  I busted the guy in just 10 mins.  I asked my sister in law to send me a photo of the guy.  Then I used one of the photo-matching sites online to search for where that photo originated.  Turns out it was a conference photo of an architect in Russia, and not a British guy at all.  I showed her the website of the architect.  Job done.



  8. Well I'm in UK at the moment and yesterday asked the missus if she needed me to bring anything back for Christmas, but she said nope she had got a tree and all the decorations already.. so I guess it's all available at the places (in Korat) mentioned already...

    Great! Leaves more space in my suitcase for M&S Christmas Puddings :o


  9. Check the calendar and come to Surin during the Muh Lum festival. (My wife calls it Lao hillybilly music). The have a great festival that last for over a week. Tons of village girls around that you might never see other wise.

    In that area we have Thai, Lao, Khmer, and Suwaay people. My wife is from the tribal group the Suwaay (or Kui) people.

    After 4 wives I had to take stock and quick being a trophy hunter, and look at the heart of a person. Worked just fine as we have been married for 10 years now. Hard to beat these people in this region.

    I was beggining to find this whole thread so depressing... as if just a pretty girl is all it takes to make a wife..doh! A couple of posters have it right though. The world is full of pretty girls, but a wife is a soulmate, connecting to you in an unspoken unconscious almost spiritual way. From my own experience, this is very possible with a girl from Isaan. The fact that she may be stunningly beautiful is a lucky bonus.

  10. Anyone, surely there must be people on here living in Korat using there home internet? Just want to know who you isp is and how reliable theyve been since you have been with them

    Hi Jared you can find some info about broadband services in Korat here.

    What a neat trick to lure people to a "competitor's" forum. Why weren't you honest enough to tell the url openly that is the final destination of the link? :o Because the swear word filter of TV does change the name of your forum to "yahoo". You should not trick around for spamming!


    Deception cannot impress, Mr. Sportrider! Disgusting!

    Hello rollercoaster, I am sorry if somehow you are upset by my post. The original poster asked a specific question and I posted a link to specific information he was looking for.

    I dont consider the board as competition in any way to TV. Non-profit-making and only 200 members, we're just a fly on the buffalo hide of TV :D Think of KF as a kind of blog by a group of friends. I deliberately chose that form of link to AVOID being accused of advertising, really sorry to hear I can't please everyone.

    No hard feelings and have a nice day,

    Very best regards


  11. Yeah - and if all in this list can be proven - why do not a DEMOCRACY try to drag him to court in stead of rolling out tanks and guns in the street to elect new leaders...

    / hj

    Presumably the new regime would say that democracy/the system was so broken it could not be relied upon to give a fair and reasonable outcome to a court case indicting Mr T.


  12. I have read many of posters reactions and only ask this...

    Do you relly mean or think, it will be westernized by kicking Mr. Thaksin out?

    Asia will still be the most corrupted part of the world - after Africa, what ever we may think, do or live by.

    Wait, China will open soon, and I fear that it will consume us all...


    Um, were we talking about westernization? I thought we were talking about a different concept, Democracy?

    About Taksin being the 'best thing'... to test any hypothesis you need a 'control'... In case of country leaders, this is impossible because you would need two Thailands. Thailand 1 has Taksin for a leader and Thailand 2 has a leader less motivated by personal gain and more motivated to the improvement of his country's situation. After a few years you take measurements and see which Thailand has performed best. Logic would indicate that Thailand 2 would do better. In reality, given that we cannot conduct this experiment, we can only guess what the situation would be with a different leader in power, and also only guess whether the improvements in Thailand over the last few years are *because* of Taksin or mostly would have happened anyway.


  13. Seems to me that the list demonstrates that so-called democracy was indeed broken.

    Democracy is more than just villagers voting for the man they want, it must imply a system to ensure that power cannot be usurped by an individual for personal benefit. If the list is correct then this has sadly happened; the fact that the man was elected does not prove democracy.

    By highlighting these items the new regime is showing it recognises a much broader scope of factors for healthy democracy and I hope they are flagging that all these factors will be open for examination in the new democracy yet to be constructed.


  14. For me, this topic is closed.

    Feel free to have the last word.


    Thanks, I will.

    Just to clarify something for the hard-of-thinking: KF is a non-profit board with no adverts of any kind. So the purpose of 'adverstising' is What exactly?

    Answer: there is none. Other than these surreal exchanges, my posts on this thread have been to alert readers to the virus outbreak... Given your stated position, I'll assume you don't object to that.


  15. No children died because I would not breach a confidence on a public forum, and for you to suggest so was completely out of order.

    Don't dig an even bigger hole for yourself. Someone has just reported above that 5 more children are now in a coma.

    If someone had shouted sooner maybe just one infection could have been avoided?

    Well I tried to resist it but I can't.

    What a complete PR!CK.


  16. Diddly: 'parochial'? Duh.. that's the whole point!

    When you have shared a beer or a BBQ with the contributors, you don't need to ask for proof what their doctors said about such a serious subject.

    I disagree with the implication that Derek put children's lives at risk. You chose not to take him at his word.



    This is becoming quite ridiculous. I have not had a beer or a BBQ with contributors so your line of argument is trite.

    If you post about trivial matters then fine, it is reasonable to expect only lighthearted banter

    But if you post here with very serious matters (whilst simultaneously advertising a rival website) then expect robust responses demanding substantiation.

    Don't excuse yourselves by saying you were right all along.

    Diddly! I agree! It IS totally ridiculous! I am not making an argument :-) Just an explanation. Let me break it down a bit for you.

    You are correct, KF is parochial - a small board for an only lightly-farang-populated town. A significant proportion of our members know each other, meeting up, sharing a beer and a bbq and a gossip, or groan at the football or whatever. You know, the kind of stuff that happens in a dull town.

    Hence, if Derek says his doctor told him something about a virus, I have no need to question his credibility or ask for proof. I know the guy! ... My 'you' was a rhetorical 'you', perhaps I should have used 'one'... it's obvious you've never met Derek.

    As far as your phrase 'right all along'.. this is a somewhat disingenuous - like any concerned intelligent person I sought information, clarification, and spread the information that I did have to as wide a catchment as I could. I never asserted - just reported.

    > I contacted my childrens school about this last week, they were not aware of it.

    > I email the British Consulate on the subject, and they were not aware of it.

    (In other words, to both of these important recipients *I* was the first person to inform them.)

    Now, from some posters I have noticed that because the authorities didn't know about the outbreak, it probably didn't exist, and the reporters were deemed to be hysterical. Now that the authorities (papers at least) DO seem to be aware of it, suddenly the argument is turned around and it's why-didnt-you-do-more-to-spread-the-news? I lack mpdkorat's command of the one-word sentence, but it certainly seems appropriate in this case.

    Instead of taking Derek's statements at face value you chose to mock him and question his (and others) credibility. Given that some sources had hinted at the possibility of a deliberate restriction of information at one point, Derek certainly cannot be blamed for protecting a professionals job and nb following standard forum procedure not to disclose third party details.

    Returning to the subject of the KF board, you received a hearty and friendly welcome when you joined, and in fact un-joined before the welcomes had died away. Subsequently you made certain comments about those board members here on TV. Explain to me again why you think people are railing against you?


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