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Posts posted by SportRider

  1. 2 hours ago, bluejets said:

    Brought this up a couple of times previously without any real satisfactory answer.

    How does one go about this when it is a requirement to have a return flight booking within the 30 day period?

    Fine, change the stay options, but then there is the above problem plus any inter-connecting flight/travel bookings that need to be rescheduled.

    Usually at a rather large cost and inconvienience.

    Better all around to get a 60 day visa entry, which, as pointed out before, means Aus passport has to do a minimum "to Sydney and back" round trip also at additional cost.

    In 30 years of coming to Thailand regularly, I have *never once* had to show an onward ticket at arrival immigration.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    That's why I pretty much ignore everybody ... they're all wacked.   I find most people to be total hypocrites anyway.


    Live & let live, just don't mess with me.   

    Everybody is wacked and most are total hypocrites.


    That would be depressing, if true.


    One good thing about the rise of social media is the availability online of smart, thoughtful, respectful debate and discussion about all the nonsense.


    Check out Konstantin Kisin and his YouTube channel Triggernometry. He does great interviews with some really intelligent thinkers.



    Thailand is neutral and a lovely place to come and get away from the world.  One of the great things about Pattaya is so many cultures and nationalities (mostly) getting on and 'live and let live' in this crazy wonderful city.


    To wear something that is deliberately provocative shows complete disregard for the peaceful status quo here, and disregard for Pataya's citizens who want to keep it that way.  Please don't preach about standing up for what you believe in - this is a holiday resort - keep your beliefs outside.


    Come, enjoy, live and let live.  Don't provoke.  It only takes a few lamebrains to start a big snowball effect.  That would be bad.


    Thankyou for understanding.



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    • Haha 1
  4. 22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    And yes.... Add on this site... its getting worse..  having to close the ‘new letter’ pop up and then close pop up adds etc... 


    I need a decent add blocker, but that slows Safari down.. 


    Agree... The site is almost unusable on my phone because the pop-ups are so obtrusive.  I didn't mind it before, but recently they've got so large.


    I switched from Chrome to Firefox with ad-blocker - works fine now.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/23/2023 at 9:10 PM, Lemsta69 said:

    Dude, you can put anything you want on a pizza, there's no law against it. And does anyone really care what they do in Italy anymore? They seem to be stuck in the past so just let 'em get on with their silly traditions and live your own life. 


    For example, if I want a cappuccino with chocolate on top at 6PM, ain't nobody's bidness but my own.

    I second this.   Never understood the snobbery about pineapple on pizza.  If customers want it, why not?  Ignoring demand is not good business.  Personally I like pineapple, together with lots and lots of chillies on Hawaiian... Tastes great.

  6. 6 hours ago, stratocaster said:

    A repeat post I made a while ago. Arrived at BKK and the first immigration hall was very busy. Did the trick of continuing to the next hall which was slightly less crowded. Arriving at the booth I offered my passport and boarding card to be told that this was the wrong immigration hall for this flight and was told to go to the other hall for processing.

    I do this trick a lot, but have never been asked to go back to the other hall.

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