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Posts posted by BangkokTony

  1. Thanks for your replies; I went to Suan phlu yesterday to ask for information regarding the 2 months or three months rule and was told it was three months. I could not get through on their helpline.

    It is a slight problem for me since it will be April the 8th before I can go to Suan Phlu if I go with the 3 month rule(money paid in to meet 400,000 baht was paid in January 8). My deadline is April 11. It is just as well I did not leave the deposit any later!

    Next year I will not leave things to the last minute.

  2. Hi I am the husband involved in the above problem.

    My wife told me this morning that she needed to know how other couples manage going out individually when there are so many distractions in Bangkok.

    I will give you my version of events:-

    I went to the bar in Sukhumvit and ordered a drink at 2-00pm. (a beer for me and then a drink for the lady) She was drinking Thai whisky and I thought being so "early" in the day I would buy a bottle of whisky. I asked how much and they said 800 baht. I thought that was ok because I might usually drink that much in beer anyway.

    I must admit that I drank at least 80% of the bottle in the next few hours. At some time during the afternoon I asked the lady if she wanted to play pool but she said that she did not want to. Ok so I left it at that.

    However two hours later she asked if I would like to play pool upstairs. I said ok and we went upstairs followed by three of her colleagues. I did not notice any drinks in their hands whilst we were playing pool and no one "chok deed" me which as you all know is the first thing they do when you buy a drink. We were playing doubles. Also my bottle of whiskly had finished and I was on the last drink from that bottle.

    After the games finished we went downstairs to settle the bill. I was surprised when they gave me a bill for nearly 3000 baht. I expected a bill for approximately 1300 baht.

    The bill stated there were 14 lady drinks at 130 baht each. All I know I had permitted was the first one when I walked in.

    Looking back I cannot recall being asked for any drinks(or volunteering to buy) for the staff but I did have a lot to drink but I was still in possession of my faculties(disappointingly I was not in posession of enough money to pay the bill)!!

    I had 2000 baht on me and was short by 790 baht. What could I do. The mamasan asked for security but I did not wish to part with my phone. A phone call to my wife followed and she arrived at the bar 30 minutes later.

    As you may imagine she was not happy with the situation:( ..............

    However next day being able to think things more clearly I realized I could not give the whisky away in the afternoon. However when it was nearly empty I found more friends than I needed.

    I wonder if ladies get a commision when a customer buys a bottle of whisky or if it is only when they are bought a ladydrink?

    That is my version of events....I will now be going to the EnglishIrish type bars in future. I know where I stand when I go in those establishments.

  3. Having arrived four weeks ago to live in Bangkok with my Thai wife and two year old daughter I decided it was time to open an account into which I could deposit 400,000 baht.

    I went to the Kasikorn bank on Kho san road but was told that I could not open an account if I did not have work visa or houshold registration. The interest rates were good, 4.5% for 24 month term.

    Which banks will accept me?

    As an alternative am I able to open a JOINT bank account with my wife by which I could show my 400,000 savings. Or does the account have to be in my sole name?



  4. Thanks for your replies..there were some ideas I have not thought of.

    We have a house to got to in Thailand.(my wifes mother paid for a new house for us in Bangkok) so no worry with rent or buying. Only got to furnish it.

    But I would like to make a will before I go to Thailand


  5. Before I go on, may I say that I haven't been able to contribute to this board due to working long hours for the past few years, although I have been reading other people's posts. (I have owned a convenience store in England). However, it has now been sold and I will be moving to Bangkok with my Thai wife and baby, aged 2.

    Now, my problem: I have a daughter by a previous marriage aged 22, who has a good job with a major insurance company.

    My wife, baby and myself are moving to Bangkok in April. I believe it is best if I make a will before I leave for good. (I'm 54 and my wife is 29).

    How should I provide for my daughter aged 22 - I have have a house in England which I will rent out whilst I am in Thailand and I don't have an excessive amount of savings.

    My wife would like to keep possession of the house when I should pass on. She intends to come back to England when my youngest daughter is 18 and goes to university.

    My wife has a master's degree and is trying to get a job in Bangkok right now, but if not we will open a shop.

    What should I do?


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