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fondue zoo

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About fondue zoo

  • Birthday 04/13/1970

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  1. I think you can safely double that 17 million figure, maybe even triple it.
  2. Life is a hustle. Now to find some good Okonomiyaki.
  3. I will always wear a cravat and gold buttoned waistcoat when I'm feeling hi-so. It's really hot so that's the entire outfit, just porky piggin' it, doves cry, women and children cry.
  4. It's horrible but it's seems some people just need a sound beating, they raise their head to say something, down you go again. Learn dummy learn, be a better human.
  5. I've started prepping.. so far three cans of Ayam beans, one is English recipe for those special occasions underground.
  6. Therapy for the trauma. Can you grow a native plant in your yard or condo balcony, and send us reports of that to offset the other? Give it a name?
  7. Human great apes be crazy, fly to the moon and back, but will cut out your liver and eat it in front of you if you don't "believe" the same things.
  8. Ratings, and nothing more, his podcast has some competition of late. note from producer Needs to be Louder with more Swears!
  9. I'm not saying anything about anything, enough feisty in here as it is, but do you reckon the NSA is listening in on everything inside the USA and communications coming and going? How high do they go? Prez, Senators, everybody adjacent etc? Dam it, now I'm on the list again. Sorry NSA
  10. Attention seeking old man, with unlimited hair dye money, trying to stay in front of any camera as long as he can. You can find this type all around the world.
  11. In the age of social media the trumpets need blowing from time to time, so people know the trumpets are being blown.
  12. I don't know what they call them here, but no trench box?
  13. The policy of not naming the entities involved here, when it comes to data breaches, is not going to work long term. I know they don't like it, and probably won't handle it rationally, but it will all come unstuck if a bigger player's database is compromised at some point... and the clock is ticking. But I'm sure those major banks still using pirate copies of XP for their atm's are safe and secure. * in fairness to them, the ones I've seen in Bangkok all had XP Service Pack 2 applied... so we're golden.
  14. Were the existing tariffs applied without a review process? They did "appear" to be applied straight out of the gate.

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