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fondue zoo

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About fondue zoo

  • Birthday 04/13/1970

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  1. From a scientific view, they are obviously collectively slowing the earth's rotation, which would be a problem if the earth was round but seeing as that's up for debate then maybe the wind slows down. Turn them around the other way. - sciense
  2. so from the other angle, what has to happen for the farmers to make them fix/stop, without lightening their pockets? access to harvesting equipment?
  3. Oh I see what is wrong, you urged them again. https://aq-tracker-servir.adpc.net/map
  4. What type of tree is that? I like the cut of his jib.
  5. Year after year, they pretend to be surprised wuhhhhh, hand wringing, face holding. All the while they know exactly what needs doing but will not, ever. Are they out and about today, greeting the masses, breathing in all that Thainess/cancer? "but but we adjusted our do nothing carbon policy, problem solved, also, it's everyone else fault, cooking your smoky dishes all the time." you do you Thailand.
  6. Is he going to use his trusty blam blam blam approach again?
  7. Humans, the only native species stupid enough to make it difficult to live on their own planet.
  8. So much money is going to be so much cleaner. You can feel the avarice in the air.
  9. Every week it seems they come up with something new to throw to see if it sticks. Tick Tock House of Shinawatra, there are sharks circling.
  10. Is this one of those things that keeps getting kicked down the road by each state administration? Are their forests mismanaged?
  11. He's just doing what has been done before by many others, say something outlandish so that the follow up suggestions don't seem so. Of course when it's one of the, soon to be most powerful heads of state on the planet, it's a tad concerning I guess. I'm more curious as to who was in his ear originally about Greenland and now the Panama Canal.
  12. Good chance that if the grand poobah had decided to make the trip and or intervene this would have a different spin.

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