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Posts posted by james.d

  1. On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 2:50 PM, Thaidream said:

    This is  sad situation- looking at the marks on the car and the positioning of the motorbike I would venture a guess that the strike was fronal and the bike turned into the car's path of travel. I am in no way exonerating the car driver. He was impaired, possibly driving too fast and it was dark and 2 people are dead.  If he has insurance the insurance will most likely pay off everything including compensation to the family of the deceased. However, he faces a felony charge of driving while intoxicated and causing death. In the West- jail for sure. In Thailand- negotiation .

    The roads in rural areas are dimly lit with motorcycles and all methods of contraptions all over the road and cars drive way too fast for conditions and being impaired raises the odds of an accident exponentially.

    I doubt if he was impaired / drunk the insurance will most likely pay anything out. He will also be gorged by legal representation I am guessing.

  2. 43 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can extend the 90 day entry from the non-o visa for 60 days at immigration to visit your wife. Your wife will need to be with you when you apply. You will also need proof of residence. There is no 30 day extension for non immigrant visas.

    You might want to consider the multiple entry non-o visa that allows unlimited 90 day entries for a year from the date of issue you can get in Savannakhet Laos.

    Sincere apologies Ubonjoe for these questions,, I have messed up and paid for hotel in Vientaine already and made arrangements to take several people to a wedding in Udon already. 

    Could I do the 90 day entry from the non-o visa from Vientaine, then extend for 60 days in BKK immigration Cheang Wattana. Then go as you pointed out to Savannakhet Laos (year long multiple entry non-o visa)?

    Or is this frowned upon by Thai border control?


    Many, many thanks,


  3. 11 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no 2 entry non-o visa available anywhere. Perhaps you are thinking of a 2 entry tourist visas which has not been available for over a year now.

    You could get a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage in Vientiane or a multiple entry non-o in Savannakhet. You would only need your marriage certificate plus a copy, signed copies of your wife's house book registry and ID card.

    Many thanks Ubonjoe, I shall take copies of the above and original wedding certificate. Please confirm if I get a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage for 3 months then can get 1 month extension in BKK?


    Thank you again,


  4. Very detailed helpful report Cweeze.

    Maybe you cannot help with my request, I understand Mr Ubonjoe is an expert.


    I too will be going with my wife to Vientiane to get a double entry Non-Immigrant O visa (can get 7 months as I remember with a border run in the middle). However is been a while since I last had one and seeing all your documents gave me a shock.

     I will have the following having crossed our what you took:


    • British passport with several years validity.
    • 2 copies of ID page of passport
    • Original Thai bank book updated on December 6, 2016
    • Copy of bank book (ID page and pages showing account activity with 800,000 deposit) 
    • Letter of Guarantee from my Bank dated December 6, 2016
    • Copy of my Thai house book
    • Copy of my Thai Wife ID
    • Copy of Marriage Certificate
    • Copy of my latest True mobile phone bill showing my address.
    • Photos with white background as indicated by Sfokevin.


    • Are the above documents enough?
    • Do I need the originals?.. I would prefer not to carry these when travelling.
    • I their an updated correct documentation checklist here?.. I could not find one. 

    Many Thanks.






  5. 2 slices of black pudding between Farmhouse commercial bread (forgive me)  with HP brown sauce... just had one,, just demolished it


    Anyone else care to share a different taste in their favourite sandwiches?


    I shall not go onto plain crisps splattered with Worcestershire sauce nor peas pudding.

  6. As the title says,, I am tired of picking it up then hosing down the area outside my gate and wish to harmlessly stop dogs cr"pping there. I don't know if its a loose dog or an antisocial owner but I want it stopped.

    We have reported this problem to the moo-ban but no action was taken...its still happening. I tried a couple of ideas from google but didn't work.

    Anyone used any spray or such to stop this?





  7. Hello,

    We are planning to visit Chai Watthanaram temple in Ayutthaya, an elderly family member uses a wheelchair (we have one. not looking to rent one there). Could someone be so kind to inform if a wheelchair can get around in this temple?

    I did search online but could not find any info.

    Many thanks in advance,




  8. Firstly, Mods please move this post/request to another forum if necessary.


    My wife and I will be having our 19th Wedding Anniversary on 22nd Nov and I have been racking my brains what to do given the circumstances. We live outskirts of BKK not downtown and mother lives with us who has difficulty  with movement. We can drive, but Mother''s needs a lot of care.

    Therefore, I am just looking for any idea to make this day special for my wife, I thought of sending something via EMS but I may arrive late or early..and what to send?

    I do most cleaning and cooking so a "day off" for my wife is not really enough.

    Thank you for any feedback or Ideas.




  9. On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 2:50 AM, Thechook said:

    What a sickly and horrible looking thing.  Looks so fake, a blow up doll looks more life like.  What is it with thais that they think sickly white skin, plastic nose, boobs and contact lenses makes you pretty.  They look ridiculous.

    I hope your happy with your assessment.."  What a sickly and horrible looking thing"....I guess your a looker.

  10. Hello,


    I have white spots on my LG Led tv, its about 18 months old, on Sunday 13th Nov the colour changed temporarily but is now back to normal...

    Still have 6 white spots  which are pretty uniform in formation.

    Any ideas?


    Thank you

  11. 3 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    apparently before this pretty got rich, she was a overwieght person. she went thru plastic surgery n slim down n started to get a following online cos of her plastic surgery success n slim down process. she got approach by a certain product n brand which wanted to use her face to their product and she agreed on the conditions that this brand has to make her the ceo and market her online as well cos she wants to be famous. 


     after the success of the product n brand in thailand, this pretty started letting all that success n money goes to her head. she started on an ego n power trip abusing her power against the employees and even the real owner of the brand that made her who she is. so of cos the brand fired her from the ceo position n ever since she has been upset n even convinced that its was a conspiracy to get her out once the product started doing well but forgot to check herself. 


    according to those around her she is always on ice, methamphetamine hence her paranoia. According to close sources around her she was high on the drug n havent slept for 8 days prior to the accident.


    i m doing business in the industry too and knows the product n brand well.

    Can you name your sources? A  few mentions of "apparently and according to"

    Also is it "n" or "and"?  I guess they are the same..

    Sorry but you sound as if you cannot wait to gossip.

  12. I would be interested to know if this parking attendant was wearing any sort of uniform.

    The reason I ask is if they wear no uniform and are collecting fees (seen commonly all over Thailand) means they are protected by a local politician / senior police officer / senior military officer but are working in the black economy. They wouldn't be collecting fees if they were not part of a dark influence network.

    If he was wearing a uniform identifying his employer and was demanding money with menaces, I would imagine he felt he was right as these guys are responsible for their actions to their employer.

    And I quote " I would be interested to know if this parking attendant was wearing any sort of uniform"......ooh you devil you

  13. Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

    You should set up a valet parking "system" by the sounds of it...

  14. After living here since the late 1960's I think that most farang so are out of touch with Thailand.

    He will go free like the thousands before him.

    This is not a statement about the Kingdom which is sacred and most wonderful to all ...long live our King.

    It is a matter of commercial life.

    This is apparently difficult for foreigners and farangs to understand because you are not Thai.

    Blessing you well in your journey.

    Remember that this is Thailand. It is not the UK,USA ,France or other ailing countries.

    Quick question.. do you yourself think he should get off free/ or suspended sentence?..you didn't say..

  15. I didn't realise there was a top 20 list of Bangkok schools. And they are using an agency to recruit and paying 32k a month? They sound amazing.

    Get on Ajarn.com, get your CV out and see what's about. Always easier to leave when you have something else lined up.

    Hang on, they have aircon? Screw it, it's only the next 11 months of your life. What's the worst that can happen?

    The last school I worked at had air conditioning. This school has nicer air conditioning though because it's built into the structure like it's done in America.

    But I can't stop thinking about how the base pay is only 32k. There a 2k bonus for not missing days and chances for overtime. However, I'm pretty lazy.

    Though not a teacher, your last 4 words leave something to be desired in my opinion.

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