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Everything posted by kuzmabruk

  1. Hard to go any lower than what is now being produced In Vancouver we had doctors who were close to shops who would write prescriptions for medicinal cannabis. Simple way to operate under medicinal cannabis government regulations
  2. if you were dealing with criminals Anybody foolish enough to jump into the cannabis business should have expected a turnaround by the next government.
  3. Anybody bored and able to do the math? in 2019 (pre-covid) the number of international arrivals in the YEAR was 39 million. 48.95 for 6-months would equate to 97.9 million in the year. That is more than 20%, using my mental calculator. Thailand is now #1 Top 10 Most Visited Countries in the World (All Time) France. France tops the list with 89.4 million arrivals. ... Spain. Spain rose to second place with 83.7 million arrivals. ... United States. ... China. ... Italy. ... Turkey. ... Mexico. ... Thailand.
  4. listening to ill informed people can cause you tremendous pain Hi Mark Here is a link to an article we wrote about the new changes starting from 1 Jan 2024. https://www.hlbthai.com/new-rule-for-taxation-of-foreign-income/ When you file your first Thai tax return in April next year, you are allowed to deduct income taxes paid in Canada on income that is taxable in Thailand, pursuant to the provisions of the Double Tax Agreement between Thailand and Canada. Kind regards Paul <Commercial contact details removed per forum rules> Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
  5. I think you people hate Thaksin because he is a billionaire, not because he built AIS, which you all probably use, ran a successful anti-drug campaign during his time as PM, torn down many, but not all, monopolies, and yes of course probably did a few things that weren’t great. You all sound like you actually understand the Thai political landscape. But I think you all have uneducated opinions of Thaksin and the other things you spout about. You should be focusing more on the only thing important right now, and that is your 2024 Thai tax return, due in March 2025. Thailand joins the USA and Eritrea as the only 3 countries in the world to tax you on your global income. And by the way, if you do not disclose everything, and sign the return, that is perjury. Jail time. Lucky for me my Canadian taxes are higher than Thailand’s rates, so I don’t pay Thailand anything from what is left after Canada takes 56% of my income. But you better get ready because this is real and it effects a lot of you.
  6. This is for the planned F1 hovercraft races. No need for a quality road surface. That’s in phase 42, scheduled for completion in 2424.
  7. Probably sick and wanted free quality medical, which wouldn’t be as free if he stayed in Thailand
  8. Chinese are not needed. Thais are wealthy enough to build a complete copy of Las Vegas or Macau. Some people on this forum don’t understand the wealth that has been accumulated in Thailand, by Thais.
  9. Covid-25 is ready to release. Waiting for President Xi to give the go ahead in tandem with the invasion of Taiwan
  10. Those affected are only business people. Anybody requiring medical cannabis can still get it under the proposed new regulations.
  11. Robot taxis coming soon. Taxi mafia and taxi drivers are all headed back to the farm. Yeah!!!!!!
  12. The information you will give will be to the Thai tax department. Not your bank. you will submit a tax return with your signature at the bottom. If you lie you will have committed perjury. If they audit you. Good luck. Perjury is punishable by prison time.
  13. Read the last paragraph. This is from my accountant Here is a link to an article we wrote about the new changes starting from 1 Jan 2024. https://www.hlbthai.com/new-rule-for-taxation-of-foreign-income/
  14. It is a housing estate. Here being called a village. Using this logic my condo complex is a city. is any of this really news?
  15. I don’t think immigration will be the police force for this , but if they were it’s easy. Remember they do mot need to catch everyone in the first year. at your annual visa renewal they just need ask for a copy of your Thai tax return. They know by their computer systems whether you are 180+ days in country. should they find you didn’t file as required, they could become nasty. Legally you are required to file Thai tax returns for every year in which you are 180+ days in country. Also lying on your tax return is not a good idea. Prisons in Thailand are reputed to be bad.
  16. They are referring to students on school property.
  17. My two year old has the same problem with his digger. Sometimes he goes forward when he wants to go backwards. Machinery is so darn difficult to control.
  18. All countries have some form of statute of limitations. In the US for example: For capital crimes, such as the capital murder, there is no statute of limitations (18 USC 3281). . Terrorism is also not subject to any statute of limitations where the offense caused death or serious bodily injury or harm (18 USC 3286). The difference in Thailand seems to be that even if the accused is charged within the time period, the statute of limitations still applies. Whereas in the US and Canada, the charges must be filed before the limitations expire. Once charged the case can take irs time to reach a courtroom and a decision.
  19. The reason for everyone freaking out is that he is the only one with access to the family’s money.
  20. Luckily they did it in a non-Muslim country or the penalty could be severe. Thais do not display affection in public. If you disagree, move to another country.
  21. you can’t limit the results to only Korat, you must include the rest of the country
  22. Slight change … a doctor's prescription will be required to purchase medical maryjane … little brown envelopes will now change hands between retailers and the world renowned Thai medical professionals
  23. It seems that finally someone hit on the math problem here in Thailand. They are talking about the first three quarters of the year 2023 foreign buyers transferred ownership of 10,703 units valued at 52,259 million baht (US$1.46 million) . 52 thousand million, otherwise known as a billlion … therefore not $1.46 million but billion substantial number
  24. Don’t forget air quality. Almost on par with Lahore, Pakistan
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