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Everything posted by kuzmabruk

  1. This change is primarily designed to tax Thais. Wealthy Thais have kept funds outside Thailand and earned income that is repatriated in the year following the year in which it was earned. This income has been tax free up until now. It seems that many readers here do not understand that it is your duty as a citizen of the world to know where you are a tax resident. Anywhere you spend 180 days between Jan1 and Dec31, you are tax resident. It is now your duty to file tax in that country. Also, if you pay tax on income in Canada, for example, but that income when reported in Thailand is taxed at a higher rate, then you report the tax paid in Canada as a deduction on your tax payable in Thailand, and pay the balance owing to the Thai tax authorities.
  2. People who speak English are not English teachers unless they have been educated in the art of language instruction.
  3. Have to be careful everywhere these days. Last time I was in Vancouver, I was threatened by a homeless crazy guy at 9:30am outside my offices in the downtown financial center of Vancouver. I luckily talked him down and he walked away. Everywhere these days you see a lot of crazy.
  4. What we are missing is the measurement from the floor to the top of the railing. My assumption is that it is far below legal standards. Rather than assuming somebody pushed them.
  5. I thought the bank. But if you only got 5 baht and take off your pants all the time. Then!!! your ear is the best place.
  6. My friend’s 7-year old son is getting straight A’s in napping and pretending to be asleep. He is also doing pretty good in snacking. But he does not know how to count to 100, has no idea what plus and minus are, and cannot write his name in Thai. But since he is rated second highest in his class of 26 other farmer children, by his teacher. My comments are dismissed.
  7. Is this information that was provided to you by the Thai police or are you getting this information from InterPol? Either way I am impressed that you are allowed to share it with us.
  8. You people come from countries that have perfected the art of theft. And you whine about poor Thais stealing a few baht. Good home for god’s sakes. Leave this country and it’s people alone.
  9. Another uneducated comment. I have been involved in teaching English in Japan and the average Japanese high schooler is 100 times more proficient at English than members of this forum. Their issue is solely with pronunciation as they don’t have easy access to English speakers. But after a few weeks of one on one they are amazingly proficient English speakers.
  10. This makes me laugh. It’s like saying … have your cleaning staff explain the origin of man. Way beyond their skillset/knowledge. They reuse dirty water when cleaning floors because they were taught wet is clean.
  11. My wife, who was/is an Isan farmer has convinced me of the simplicity of the Thai system. Kill someone and if you can agree on the compensation with their family, which compensation is so meager, then all is well. The parties go on with life without bothering the police or the courts. I love and live in Thailand.
  12. Yesterday I arrived in Singapore in the morning and went through immigration, not a bad experience and took about 30 minutes. Returned in the afternoon to Suvarnabhumi and after walking 5 minutes from the plane to immigration, I was greeted with no lineups and a smiling friendly immigration office who said “next time you come don’t bother completing the TM6, it is not used anymore”. All in all 5 minutes and I was (without bags as it was a day trip) outside the terminal. Best immigration system in the world. No one compares to the new Thailand.
  13. simple system is to tie/link the ticket system to the road tax system. If all fines are not paid in full, no road tax sticker. Very simple to implement technically and no additional procedural changes required. This is how we operate in BC, Canada.
  14. You are joking. Teachers are way too busy teaching kids how to properly nap. That can leave you exhausted. Leave the well mannered and well meaning teachers out if this. My wife’s first son is now able to nap anywhere anytime. I recently gave his teacher a large tip to thank him for all his efforts to turn Moo into a useless piece of <deleted>.
  15. Known locally as the Land of Stupid. The smile reflex is the result of ignorance. This is according to my Thai wife who tells me her entire family back on the farm, if working together as one, could not change a lightbulb.
  16. Yesterday in Japan A 24-year-old man who was mistakenly paid millions of Japanese yen has already lost the money through online gambling, his lawyer says. The man received 46.3m yen ($357,400; £287,000) in his bank account - money from a Covid relief fund that was supposed to be shared among 463 people.
  17. Not true. In Japan, to save face, I have been involved where senior employees have not been terminated but transferred to a nonexistent position and their pay remains at the current level until retirement.
  18. I dun thinking that removing the pre-flight test allows for the capture and containment of many positive on arrival soles, at fair and only slightly above market price forced accommodations. With the pre-flight test in place these soles would have had to remain at home and would have been unable to share a portion of their bank savings with our local hotel/taxi/hospital operators.
  19. Dogs have 6 senses. And what they sensed from you was fear in all their 6 senses. Frightened people scare people as well as dogs. i have owned a pair of these gorgeous, loving, protective, child-friendly beasts. Always friends to everyone until the end. RIP
  20. 110% better than anywhere else on the list and Indonesia shouldn’t even be on the list as only Bali could qualify as a retirement destination, leaving the rest of Indonesia uninhabitable for retirees.
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