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About farangkinok

  • Birthday 10/08/1950

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  1. Zelensky is a talented guy, dontcha know?
  2. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  3. It could be worse. Do you know how much people are paying for a dozen eggs in the USA? My wife just bought 30 jumbo eggs at the local market for about 132 Thai Baht, which works out to about $US 1.57 per dozen.
  4. I'm assuming that "kai ham" means "yarblockos"?
  5. Now, you're supposed to say, "But then, I'm just repeating myself."
  6. Are you kidding? Biden never did anything sensible in his entire career.
  7. Would <deleted> by any chance rhyme with "bucket"? 😆
  8. My (Thai) wife went to the Min Buri tax office this (Friday, February 14th) morning. All of my documents were reviewed. The tax officer consulted with her supervisor, then told my wife that my Thai Tax Identification Number is now registered in their system as the same number that appears on my pink Thai ID card, that I don't need to file a tax return because my only income is my (U.S.) social security retirement benefits, and to just go home and don't worry about it.
  9. Actually, Trump, at 78, is 4 years younger than Biden (82).
  10. Maybe Mitch McConnell should wear a green hat. Lots of people call him "The Turtle."
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