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Posts posted by petercool

  1. The fact that that the Police hire Thai volunteers at a small fee per shift yet still need foreign language speakers (currently 20 languages between them) for no fee indicates that no jobs are being taken away from Thais - at least no paying jobs.

  2. An Inflammatory off topic post has been removed.

    We keep getting off topic and you have been asked to stay on topic irregardless of how interesting or otherwise these side discussions might be.

    You can always start your own topic if you feel the other stuff is that important. In any event, it does not need to be in this one.

  3. The discussion was allowed to re-appear but I should repeat that the topic is not what about the status of transgenders in society or what percentage of crimes are committed by ladyboys or any thing else other than one aggressive and soliciting "ladyboy" who attacked a foreigner after some pushing and shoving.

    As asked before, please stay on topic and cease the back and forth non relevant (even if indirectly related) arguments. Thank you.

    petercool - moderator team

  4. I will not remove posts yet but please stay on the topic of an arrest for injury of one man by one ladyboy.

    It is clear that too many aggressive and highly visible ladyboys work the area in question and no one is condoning that nor is everyone painting all other ladyboys with the same brush.

    Keep the discussion civil and not personal. Thank you.

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