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Posts posted by petercool

  1. I have always put this question in the same category as that when Thais ask me and themselves "Have you eaten yet ?" which is just a bit of polite social banter.

    It just expresses interest in what is a far more socially gregarious culture than most of our own. Far more people orientated I feel and one of the reasons why Thais seem to recall names and when you met etc. far more readily than we tend to.

  2. The argumentative tone of posts in this topic has gone on long enough. Two posts removed and if continues more will be.

    Moderators have given enough leeway but now either stay on the topic of one ladyboy assault and arrest or have posts deleted and warnings issued.

  3. There are indeed many Thais who can speak more than one language but apparently they have not volunteered to work for free with the police.

    But I have said all I wish to say on and in this topic.

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