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Posts posted by petercool

  1. My favourite real story of honesty of a strange kind occurred decades ago in Bangkok where a Soi security guard was paid 100 baht a month by each house as he cycled around at night. One night my house was burgled of the few items I owned at the time. When I complained to the guard the next day he was surprised and when learning of my house number said "Sorry .. wrong house !" and my stuff was returned later that day with a smile !!!

    • Like 1
  2. Yes I do indeed stand corrected in the instance, but I fail to see how a little knowledge of Thai is dangerous.


    But dangerous? where's the danger? The name of the game is making one's best efforts to communicate in the language of one's hosts - sometimes you succeed, and sometimes not, but they always appreciate the effort.

    It is a quote and based on "sip not the cup of knowledge lest you drink deep". Nothing personal but there are Thai words that mixed up can be quite offensive... like those for ring, duty and bastard .... each sounding similar.... ;) Peace.

  3. I hope this is the right place to post this, but every Friday night a jazz trio with a great singer will be playing at JazzPit within PIC Kitchen's Thai-style pavilion restaurant on Beach Rd 5 from 7.30pm till 11pm. No need to order food if you don't wish to. Admittedly drink prices are not beer-bar prices but the ambience and music are far removed from any beer-bar's ! Check it out.

    • Like 1
  4. ^^


    A little knowledge can be dangerous. So many words foreigners think they understand are being confused with other words that may sound the same to them but have very different tones to a Thai ear.

    "Rot bus" does not sound like "Rot Baht" which is anyway a term Thais do not use.

    Baht bus makes more sense here than Dollar bus and probably does trace back to a one baht fare once.

  5. The Embassies will collate data on the numbers as they are routinely informed of any death here of one of their nationals but they are not going to reveal such info to you or anyone else so your guess is as good as anyone's. It might be that they catalogue causes as well but the same non-disclosure will apply.

  6. I have dealt with many jet ski operators and some are very polite and reasonable when damage claims are made for real damage admitted by the renters and even for those that are not, I would not wish drowning as a way to go.

    Sad, and I hope his relatives get closure re: the events leading to his death.

  7. ^^^

    They get an International Driving Permit and that plus their country licence is what is needed.

    Its not hard to check before you go anywhere what is needed for driving or anything else.

    Ignorance of any law in any country is not accepted as an excuse anywhere.

    Would these people drive at home without a licence ?

    • Like 2
  8. Depending on the occasion they can check helmets worn or not, driving licences, registration papers, tax stickers and drugs or weapons under seats. The fines differ .... Highway Police for example fine 200 baht for most offences wheres regular police charge 400 fine.

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  9. I'm sure those mocyc taxi's had the day of their life, beating up a foreigner with the approval of BIB.

    Yeah they would of. Why do those guys always get involved with stuff likes ?!!

    As has been clarified, there was no beating up of anyone by anyone. There is a reciprocal reliance upon each other for many things between police and motorcycle taxis so nothing out of the ordinary there.

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