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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Iran has long been Hamas's primary benefactor, with the U.S. putting regular funding from Tehran at roughly $100 million a year. Hamas also has earned income from a global investment portfolio, raised money through charitable organizations, and skimmed off funds from official foreign aid and tax revenues in Gaza link provided to you in other topic
  2. Plenty of those. You need to learn the basics on this war https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-needed-a-new-way-to-get-money-from-iran-it-turned-to-crypto-739619aa Iran has long been Hamas's primary benefactor, with the U.S. putting regular funding from Tehran at roughly $100 million a year. Hamas also has earned income from a global investment portfolio, raised money through charitable organizations, and skimmed off funds from official foreign aid and tax revenues in Gaza
  3. With millions from Iran and millions from its overseas businesses. Have you gone to the Hamas finance topic yet?
  4. You first claimed Hamas would not exist with Netayaho. False you then claimed they would cease to exist without him. Also false no links provided by you to either. you are an off topic time waster
  5. What is that to do with your claim that Hamas would not exist without him. It started without him, it would continue without him. still need a link
  6. Link to that is needed. That Israel facilitated transfers for 14 years. it is a lie. It started in 2018 and finished 2023. there is a seperate topic on Hamas financing. This is not it. Post there, I will not be aiding you disrupt this one only for the posts to then be removed. we all know you’d rather not discuss the genocide vids Hamas took.
  7. Rubbish. Hamas started without him, it would not cease to exist had he not helped Qatar transfer its money for a few years. Iran, Qatar, it’s own money making corrupt extortion and investments made sure it would be here to stay. link to your claim it would not exist without him.
  8. I would try reading up on what the hostages are going through. Your current reading material deserves burning.
  9. Still waiting for that link to the video with thousands chanting Hamas out in July.
  10. No jokes, honest. This is not an isolated case. It's been going on for years. Get your head out the sand. It's also not just the US that has suspended aid money, also Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Canada, Finland and the Netherlands. But you know better of course. If you want to read previous incidents, there are dozens and dozens, then go here. https://unwatch.org/tag/unrwa/
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