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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. I didn’t pick that up from his post, surprised you did.
  2. Yes they kinda heard about it seeing as it was the worst massacre, rape, torture of Jews since the holocaust.
  3. I won’t pass that onto my friends. They would probably be quite offended, especially their children
  4. Wishful thinking eh. I bet Hamas hopes so as well despite them never harming anyone in their lives.
  5. I’ve got a few Israeli friends. One of them wore some white socks with sandals and shorts once at the beach. That is the only atrocities they have committed. They are very good people.
  6. For you. I hope you appreciate my link. It’s especially to make you happy. Hamas shares your joy. Hamas leader thanks S. Africa for launching genocide case against Israel at top UN court In a televised address on Tuesday (Jan. 02), the chief of Hamas' political bureau thanked South Africa for launching a case against Israel at the UN's top court. https://www.africanews.com/2024/01/02/hamas-leader-thanks-south-africa-for-launching-genocide-case-against-israel-at-top-un-cour//
  7. Actual starvation is pretty easy to evidence with a few images of all the starving people. Not seen anything like that, just talk by UN agencies who employee plenty of Hamas supporters in Gaza.
  8. Terrorists, their leaders and supporters should never feel safe. They are being hunted down. Well done Israel.
  9. Seeing as your counting I decided to give you a confused emoji too. You now have 6.
  10. Makes a huge difference to the military strategy of any force, air strikes are always carried out first for a reason. That’s why Austin specifically stated that he was not dictating a timeline or terms.
  11. Austin is urging more surgical strikes in the transition to a ground campaign. He did not give a timeline. This has always been Israel’s plan from the start. Nothing new here.
  12. Amazing how a post on funding Hamas and A.J. Goes round in circles to debates already had in these topics. keep it up.
  13. Yea the opposite world where he led 3 powerful military operations against Hamas which killed thousands of terrorists and senior Hamas commanders. Lol
  14. Isn’t it wonderful we all know so much on this. I guess that’s one of those things when it’s been discussed before. I will leave you to it now, been there and done that. You know how it is. "An Israeli official told CNN that any suggestion that Netanyahu wanted to maintain a “moderately weakened” Hamas was “utterly false” and that he had acted to weaken Hamas “significantly.” “He led three powerful military operations against Hamas which killed thousands of terrorists and senior Hamas commanders,” the official said. “Successive Israeli governments before, during and after Netanyahu’s governments enabled money to go to Gaza. Not in order to strengthen Hamas but to prevent a humanitarian crisis by supporting critical infrastructure, including water and sewage systems to prevent the spread of disease and enable daily life.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html
  15. You are spot on, yes of course I know, considering it's been mentioned and discussed dozens of times since the start of this war then it would have been pretty ignorant of me not to know. Did you also know that Qatar had been sending those funds to Hamas long before they asked Israel to help? Or did you know that those funds which the US was aware of and left it up to Israel to decide on only started in 2018, with the actual cash payments finishing in 2021? Qatar is still making these payments after the 7th Oct without Netanyahu's help as it did before 2018.
  16. You of course know that Qatar is one of Hamas largest funders and continues that funding to this day. It also funds your favorite rag. A.J.
  17. You threaten to block him but can’t really do it as you’d have nobody else to talk to as you already blocked them all. Hilarious. 😅
  18. 😴2009 report with a recent opinion piece attached. No citation in the piece to her claims on what the US, UK, and EU believe.
  19. Just had to pinch myself, thought I had inadvertently stumbled on a Hamas telegram post. Nope…………wow
  20. How about me? I would like see see some evidence of all your claims.
  21. You may want to read that article again, past the headline and snippet you provided. It tells a very different account of your misleading claims.
  22. What’s it like making things up about what other posters believe. You could always try starting a new topic in the fiction section.
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